Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012

Day 45: Compromise is always All-Inclusive

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that compromise is all-inclusive; and that whenever I compromise myself as life, I compromise all life equally.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever I am following automatic reactions, I am in fact compromising myself as life, as I give authority to the conditioned consciousness system to drive me and make my decisions - instead of me being the directive principle in my life as the one determining who I am and how I live, making decisions that are always best for all.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever I submit to and accept the limitations of the conditioned mind consciousness as what automatically comes-up within me: I am compromising myself as life and not allowing myself to expand beyond the bounds of the accepted limitations and live the courage to direct myself in self-honesty.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever I compromise life within and as myself, I am giving permission for the same compromise in everything and everyone else.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand how we are in every breath, with every step and every decision in fact determining and manifesting this world, the future, humanity - and that this is either done in unawareness through our acceptances and allowances OR in self-honesty and self-awareness as life through directive principled living.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we are creating this world in our image and likeness - and that instead of blaming and pointing fingers and whining about how the world is and has become: we should start practically changing our image and likeness, who we are and how we participate in our world - so that we may manifest the change we want to see in the world, starting with ourselves.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand what compromise means and entails: namely that we compromise life as who we really are in the name of love, profit, god and all kinds of mental constructs and concepts that serve only the preservation of our fears and desires as self-interest.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that fears and desires constitute the basic bipolar design that drives us:
fear and desire being the driving-forces we are 'educated' and controlled with from the very beginning - resulting into human beings existing only in definitions of 'superiority'-'inferiority', in constant competition and comparison, in survival-mode, in fear of each-other, in fear of life/living, each one caged in separate bubbles of the mental, dressed up in different personality-suits presenting fake faces and following fake 'values' –
in spite of the evidence within and without that this polarity system is not supporting life, is not supporting anyone; in spite of the evidence that our bipolar experience as human beings is conditioned which means that it can be changed.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in this world consciousness system, both polarities ('superiority'-'inferiority', desire-fear, love-hate etc) are designed to serve self-interest only; and that self-interest is always compromising life, as it only regards the conditioned wants, needs and desires of a programmed consciousness, and not the interest of life as common sense which would be what is best for all that is here, including the planet.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that polarity designs as we live them are in fact a trap, as we can see not only in history repeating in the bigger picture, but also in the individual patterns we are subjected to within ourselves: it’s always cycles of the same ups and downs, we are always cycling, spiralling deeper and deeper into dependency, delusion, separation from who we really are.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that although we identify ourselves with self-interest as what comes-up within our mind as wants, needs and desires: those wants, needs and desires are not in fact in our best interest, they only serve the system and the preservation of the system by making sure we remain limited and hooked in addiction within and dependency without, perpetuating the system so that we can 'survive' - instead of changing the system so that we can LIVE.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand how we accept fear to be our driving force - yet we refuse to acknowledge that we do so, because we have trained ourselves in denial, to only see the 'positive' in an attempt to 'feel good' about ourselves; and because fear is 'negative' we will cover it up with pretty pictures and positive thinking and all kinds of excuses and justifications to not have to face it - to not have to face ourselves.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that self-compromise is in fact self-sabotage, wherein we not only follow the conditioned patterns of the mind as they come up, but also 'evolve' our 'fuzzy logic' of excuses, justifications and reasons as to 'why' we're accepting and allowing what we're accepting and allowing, 'why' we are not daring to live self-honesty, 'why' it's seemingly okay to continue with our existence as we know it - refusing to see that we are sabotaging our own power as life by abdicating it to the mind consciousness systems of polarity that are essentially based in fear and self-interest.

I commit myself to investigating all points wherein I compromise myself as life - so that I may stop all acceptances and allowances that sabotage my power as life and compromise life as that which is best for all.

I commit myself to investigating any and all fears and desires conditioned within my mind that I have allowed to drive and determine who I am - so that I may be/become the directive force of me, no longer subject to mind-control.

I commit myself to demonstrating how we've been existing from the starting-point of fears and desires, rooted in self-interest, and how we are living our lives in self-defence and all kinds of 'protection-mechanisms' while we limit and compromise ourselves as life and all life equally.

I commit myself to demonstrating that just like we compromise life when we exist in self-compromise: we can bring forth solutions that will be best for all life when we live what is best for all.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that compromise exist where we follow our fears and desires; that compromise exists where there is inequality; and that therefore to stop all compromise and stop compromising life, we require to self-realize, live and apply the principle of life: equality and oneness.

I commit myself to sharing the realization that whenever I accept me as less than who I really am as life - I am accepting less than what life really is/can be for all.

I commit myself to sharing the realization that equality and oneness is the directive principle of existence, meaning that what we create is always equal to and one with who we are as the starting-point of our creation, as creators; and who we are is always equal to and one with what we accept and allow within ourselves and our world.

Therefore I commit myself to investigating and purifying all my acceptances and allowances - so that I as who I am may stand equal to and one with LIFE.

And I commit myself to sharing the common sense understanding that we have been creating our reality through our acceptances and allowances, thus in denial, thus in self-dishonesty; and that we require to get to self-honesty and stop the denial - so that we may start seeing the cause and effect of our existence and take responsibility for who we are and how we participate in our world, in the realization that who we are and how we participate, what we accept and allow: manifests this world, this existence.

I commit myself to bringing forth a world, an existence, where we no longer exist in denial, suppression, self-interest - but stand in full awareness and expression in the interest of life as who we really are.

I commit myself to bringing forth a new economic system that will assist mankind in exactly this process of stopping the accepted enslavement both within and without, stopping the compromise of ourselves as life, and embarking on a journey to actual evolution, in self-awareness as self-willed equals of LIFE.

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