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ART by Kelly Posey |
Within investigating how we use words, what is obvious is that we tend to individually interpret and use words the way it suits our self-interest.
For instance, people say "love yourself" –
but what does that mean? How is this lived? Do I go and buy the next trendy shoes every month "because I love myself"? Do I indulge in eating sweets "because I love myself"? Do I 'treat' myself with happy pills, drinks and drugs "because I love myself"? Do I get myself new clothes every week "because I love myself"? Do I exploit everyone and everything around me "because I love myself"?
The system 'serves' us with all kinds of things to 'love' - but is it really the system serving us, or is it conditioning us into robots that serve the system? Are we really serving ourselves with the 'treats' of consumerism? Or are we actually allowing ourselves to develop all kinds of wants, needs and desires that are not even our own?
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the self-interest we develop as we grow up is not in fact the interest of Self as Life, but the interest of the system.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as we form the self-consciousness we become in this world system, the self-interest we develop is the interest of the system; the self-consciousness being but a puppet on a string, responding with predictable reactions triggered and stimulated by the systems of the world in the name of profit.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the self-interest we develop is not in the interest of who we are as life, it is in the interest of who we become as a system.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the love of the system is not the love of life.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the love of self-interest is not the love of who I am as life.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the love of self-interest is conditioned and formed through polarity-'education' based on 'reward' and 'punishment' - and yet we call that 'love'.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the love of self-interest is exclusive - exclusiveness being sold to us by the system as something 'special' ..."because you are so special" - while in fact the love of life is all inclusive.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we love ‘special’ things and we love to be ‘special’ as the system sells us ‘uniqueness’ – yet we refuse to see that we have lost our uniqueness as an expression of life and have merely become a clone of the system, desperately trying to ‘find’ self-expression at all cost.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the love of self-interest is a conditioned addiction and does not include the best interest of life.
People love porn, some people love to rape, some people love to drink, some people love to molest children, some people love to see others suffer, some people love to exploit, some people love to win.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that who we are as consciousness systems of this world: love to WIN;
in fact NEED to ‘win’, are addicted to ‘winning’, because without the sensation of ‘winning’ we are taught to believe that we have no worth, no value in this world – yet we refuse to see that we have abdicated our value as life, and in our quest to gain ‘value’, we disregard the value of life in atrocious ways.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we are 'educated' through 'reward' and 'punishment' into constant competition and comparison, with the sole purpose to be a 'winner' (even if only in our minds), because through us existing in constant competition and comparison we buy into consumerism and the system ensures its self-preservation.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the current system of polarity with 'winners' and 'losers', 'Haves' and "have-Nots', with Money as God, is a creation of mankind - and thus it can be CHANGED.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that there are in fact no real 'winners' in this system, because even those that 'win' a life of wealth and abundance are in fact betraying life and thus betraying themselves as life.
And in the end, the only 'winner' in this game is the system itself, the God of Money, which is a phantom of the self-interest of man: Money as the externalization of Energy as that which we compete for, that which we race for, refusing to see that the human race is actually inhumane.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that those we blame for the current condition of the world, like the elite, also practice the same kind of 'love' that everyone practice:
the 'love' for your Own, the 'love' of Mine, the 'love' of Money, the 'love' of Winning - the 'love' of self-interest.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that what is Profit in the world, is Self-Interest in the individual.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that what is the Elite in the world, is the Ego in the individual.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand the Polarity TRAP of Energy:
with Money as Debt in the world with the Haves and Have-Nots to the extent of Starvation; and with Love as Fear in the individual with its ideas of Having and Not-Having, winning and losing, and always wanting more, better, higher.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that both in the world and in the individual, 'love' is OWNERSHIP.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as long as we are seeking for, addicted to, obsessive about or dependent on OWENERSHIP: we are in fact OWNED by the system - and are not life.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that both in the world and in the individual: 'love' is POSSESSION.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as long as we want, need or desire to POSSESS: we are possessed by our mind desires - and are not life.
I commit myself to showing that 'love' is blindness as we refuse to SEE who we are and what we have become – in spite of the evidence that it is due to our addictions that we do not stand-up for life, that we do not stand-up for ourselves as life.
I commit myself to showing that real love is to give - while the 'love' of self-interest is to take.
I commit myself to show that real love as Giving starts with ourselves - where we literally have to give ourselves the right to life, we have to give ourselves back the power we have abdicated to the 'love' of self-interest, we have to give ourselves back to ourselves:
by firstly investigating how we have defined 'love' and why, and how we 'justify' our 'love' to defend our addictions;
by acknowledging that our 'love' has not in fact been love for life, because if it had, we would stop our blindness, remove the veils of the systems from our 'I', and see that 21000 children DIE daily while we are preoccupied with what we 'love';
by letting go of our limitation and allowing ourselves to SEE in self-honesty;
by re-defining love to be practically lived in the interest of LIFE.
I commit myself to showing the real love is to assist and support ourselves and each-other in setting ourselves free from all addictions we have accepted and allowed ourselves to develop through buying into the system; and setting ourselves free through self-honesty, self-forgiveness, self-corrective application and self-realization as life.
I commit myself to showing that self-realization as life entails to see, realize and understand that our existence is not in the interest of life as long as we exist in self-interest, as long as we exist in fear, as long as we exist in competition, comparison and greed.
I commit myself to show that self-realization as life entails to acknowledge that we have not in fact been or become life, we have only become systems in a greater system of survival, where our choices, decisions and inclinations are formed by the system to serve the system and not who we really are as life.
Within this I commit myself to showing that once we acknowledge that we are enslaved through our acceptances and allowances and that we ourselves create what we call 'human nature' by buying into the accepted ‘ways of the world’ as if there were no other way to live and coexist –
once we acknowledge this: it is possible to take self-responsibility and re-birth ourselves as life; it is possible to take directive and find within us self-determination as life; it is possible to re-create ourselves and our world as life = in a way that ALL LIFE including ourselves can exist in dignity and freedom.
I commit myself to showing that a new system for our world is possible, where instead of placing 'value' in profit as self-interest, we acknowledge the value of life as the highest value in this existence - and thus GIVE the value of life to ourselves and all equally.
I commit myself to showing that this will take a process of self-realization, wherein we require to re-educate ourselves in self-honesty and practical common-sense, let go of our addictions and ideas of ownership/possession, and explore what it means to live and express as life in this physical reality we all share.
I commit myself to showing that only in a system of equality that will give equal power, equal access, equal rights to ALL LIFE: will life be in fact free –
and we'll be able to exist without fear, and have the means and the time to focus on what really matters: eliminating starvation, stopping the exploitation of life in all ways, and transforming human nature as ourselves into an expression that is equal to life, and not equal to systems of 'inferiority' and 'superiority' as promulgated in the current world system of consumerism and profit.
I commit myself to showing that real profit and progress would be that which will benefit ALL LIFE and will allow us to expand beyond the limitations and restrictions of the current consciousness system.
I commit myself to stop all competition and comparison within myself, and to accept myself as life - so that I may walk in self-worth and self-acceptance as life.
I commit myself to showing that real love for ourselves entails doing what it takes to set ourselves free from the chains of consciousness as we have accepted it within and without,
such as writing: to reveal to ourselves how we have conditioned our mind to function; self-forgiveness: to let go of the abusive patterns and limitations we have accepted; self-corrective application: to live the change we want to see in the world and become a living example of what life can be.
I commit myself to showing that real love for ourselves as life entails pushing through the resistances that come up inside us when we make the decision to take responsibility for ourselves as life and to change in the interest of life;
and that we have to realize that the system we have become as self-consciousness exists in fear, protection-mechanisms, power-games and manipulation-tactics, and thus resistance is an automated response that will come up automatically every time the system is ‘threatened’.
I commit myself to showing that currently the only group on earth that is walking such process and living such change is the Desteni group - where we realize that if we want to change the world and ourselves, we have to understand in every detail how the world and ourselves function;
and that if we want a change in the world that will benefit ALL LIFE, we must INCLUDE all life in all our considerations, and that implies that we align every thought, word and deed in every moment to what is best for all life.
I commit myself to showing that the Ego will resist change and will seek ways to preserve its self-interest, in the image and likeness of the system.
Therefore it is imperative that each one investigate exactly HOW one is existing in the image and likeness of the system.
That would be real love in action - as that would be the 'path' that lead to discovering who we are as life: who we are beyond fear, beyond comparison, beyond self-interest and the limitations we impose onto ourselves through holding on to our addictions in the mind.
I commit myself to show that this process of self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self-responsibility is in fact the WAY and the LIGHT to move ourselves beyond the blinding lights of the ‘treats’ of consciousness as consumerism within and without.
I commit myself to demonstrating how all systems of this world, including parenting, religion, spirituality: exist as consumerism and within the polarity-construct of 'love', operating through 'reward' and 'punishment' while disempowering the individual from its real power as life.
I commit myself to exposing the deception of the systems of our world - and the deception of 'human nature' of which the world systems are an externalized manifestation of.
I commit myself to bringing forth a new system of actual life-support that will empower life through real education in self-empowerment, self-responsibility, self-honesty, self-forgiveness - so that we may produce accountable individuals that can be trusted with life in all possible ways.
And this each one must walk for self, within, and all of us together, in the world – with One common interest: LIFE.
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ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo |
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