Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012

Day 24: Images & Ideals in a Men’s World System

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to get irritated every time a man looks at a woman's ass when she passes by.

I forgive myself for justifying my irritation by thinking that a woman is within that diminished to an 'ass' in the eyes of men and becomes a sex-object only.

I forgive myself for justifying my irritation by thinking that it is men's fault that women go into competition with other women.

I forgive myself for justifying my irritation by thinking that it is men's fault that women try to fit the picture of a 'perfect body' as sex-object as presented in the media and porn industry.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to judge men as mind-controlled through pictures of 'perfect bodies'.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to judge myself based on pictures presented in this world of the 'perfect female body'.

I forgive myself for thinking and believing a man is not worth keeping because he always looks at a women's ass, diminishing every woman to an ass, and determining the ‘worth’ of a woman according to his idea(l)s of a ‘perfect ass’.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to go into competition with pictures of 'perfect bodies' and to diminish myself to a picture based on my own self-judgment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to expect from a man to 'accept' me and my body when I haven't yet allowed myself to accept myself and my body beyond comparison.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that ‘what men do’ and my own irritation as reaction to that: is showing me my own self-judgment and my own points of comparison/competition.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that men are useless.

Within this I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to take this point back to self and see that I’ve accepted myself as ‘useless’ through comparing myself to the ‘images’ of this world and allowing the fake ‘values’ of the system to determine my worth.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that every man is rotten and corrupted and an abuser.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to take this point back to self and see that I have been abusing and corrupting myself and my body by ‘measuring’ myself against the ‘images’ and ‘ideals’ that are presented to us by the system and by accepting the system to determine my ‘worth’ and ‘value’ based on my picture-presentation and ‘image’.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think and believe men never respect a woman but only treat women as a servant of their desires.

Within this I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to take this point back to self and realize that I have not respected myself but have accepted and allowed myself to serve the desires of a men-driven system and its fake ‘values’ that diminish living beings and their worth to only ‘images’; and that within this, I have allowed myself to become equal to and one with this very system of abuse and disrespect for life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be ‘angry’ at men or to ‘hate’ men - instead of realizing what this experience of ‘anger’ and 'hate' is showing me: namely that I've accepted and allowed myself to submit to this men-ruled society where women are merely seen as sex-objects and subject themselves to the system, allowing the system and its ‘images’/’ideals’ to determine their ‘worth’;
and that I am in fact angry with myself when seeing and realizing that I've accepted and allowed myself to be influenced by and to define myself through the fake 'values' of this world and to have my self-worth be determined by how women are seen in this world; angry with myself for accepting and allowing myself to like all women exist in comparison and competition trying to 'fit' the ‘images’ imposed on to us by the system, society, the media, the porn industry, trying to ‘fit’ the ‘idea(l)s’ presented to us by this men's world of how a woman apparently should look like to be 'worthy' and 'liked'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as long as I have a reaction within me towards men and how ‘they treat women’, I am in fact still treating myself the way men treat women, I am in fact still defining myself through the eyes of men and the system - instead of accepting myself as life and acknowledging the value of life within and as me.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to blame men, other women or the system for my experience of myself – instead of realizing that any reaction is merely showing me what exists within me through acceptance and allowance and that my experience of myself and my actual worth/value is in fact my own point of self-responsibility.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to free myself from the mind-control of this picture-world, in the realization that as long as we follow, serve and define ourselves by the ‘images’ the system is feeding us, and as long as we go into comparison and competition with each-other based on such fake ‘values’: we are not in fact equal as life; because we define ourselves per implication as unworthy and thus we actually make ourselves unworthy by the very fact that we are allowing ourselves to be defined and valued based on the 'measurements' of ‘images’ and ‘idea(l)s’ imposed onto us by the system, society, media, the porn industry.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to fear competition and comparison - and to desire to be seen as 'the best' and beyond competition or comparison.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to stand equal to and one with this point of comparison and competition, to from this point of self-honesty Stop the ‘inferiority’ I have accepted in that context, Stop attempting to be /be seen as ‘superior’; and Stop the system of comparison and competition within and as myself so that I may live free in acceptance of myself as life in self-equality and oneness.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to expect from others to Stop and eliminate competition and comparison from my world - instead of me being the one to Stop competition and comparison within myself to begin with.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that judgement of others is always revealing self-judgment.

Therefore I commit myself to always take any point of judgment that comes-up within me back to self: to investigate and reveal to myself where and how I judge myself; where and how I make myself subject to my own judgments; where and how I am expecting something from others when I have not yet given it to myself.

I commit myself to stopping any and all points of comparison and competition within myself - so that I may accept myself as life, stand equal to and one with the value of life as who I really am, and live in self-acceptance and self-equality; and so be a living example that we are indeed able to free ourselves from the mind-control, the fears and desires imposed onto us through the ‘images’ and ‘ideals’ of this world system, society, the media and the porn industry, and start getting to know ourselves and each-other as LIFE, valuing ourselves and each-other as LIFE, wherein we stop seeing ourselves and each-other as only pictures, stop diminishing ourselves to pictures in a picture-world, so that we may finally Get Real and give ourselves the opportunity to discover and explore what is REAL.

I commit myself to exposing and demonstrating how we have all become mind-controlled by the ‘images’ and ‘ideals’ presented to us by the world-system, society, the media, the porn industry; and how we all constantly participate in comparison and competition trying to ‘fit’ some 'ideals', not realizing that such 'ideals' are based on ‘ideas’ fed to us by a photoshopped system where people are reduced to servants of the system to keep us existing as slaves to the mind and the mental realm of ‘images’ and ‘ideals’, to keep us existing as happy-trigger robots while the system determines and controls the triggers of our desires and fears and then makes us buy into the products and images that will apparently satisfy our desires and take away our fears.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world, a society, where we've made sex into a mental-projection, where we each have a secret alternate-reality in the mind and have lost our ability to honor and express the physical through getting to know ourselves and each-other as the physical living bodies that we are - to such an extent that we have no clue how we as physical bodies in fact function and operate, what physical pleasure and fun can be, because we have approached ourselves and our bodies from the mind as a mental image and have within this separated ourselves from our physical bodies to such an extent that we cannot find pleasure without the projection of the mental images we have conditioned ourselves to be stimulated by.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that all aspects of our fears and desires are meticulously designed by the system to trap us by our ‘weaknesses’ and hit us where it ‘hurts’ – the Ego -, while it uses all media of the world (education, advertising, science and technology, the porn industry and all other industry giants) to feed us with the ‘remedy’: that which will apparently add-up to our ‘worth’ so that we may meet our desires of the perfect ‘image’, the ‘ideals’ of this mind-fucked world –
so that we remain slaves to the system, trapped by our own acceptances and allowances, preoccupied with issues of ‘value’ and ‘image’, so that we may never self-realize the value of life and break free from the chains of mind-control, as that would be the biggest threat to the system since it exists only through our labour and devoted worship.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world, a society, where we deceive ourselves claiming that we are apparently not the human physical body but a divine soul or an eternal being - yet at the same time we fail to see the not-divine nature we entertain in our secret minds and how we use and abuse the physical body to determine 'power' and 'control' in our personal realities toward other people.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that through accepting ourselves to determine 'power' through the use/abuse of our physical bodies as 'image' and 'value' in this world, we are allowing the 'control' of ourselves and our world through such 'images' and 'values' and are thus creating and manifesting a world-system of fake values and ideal-images of the mental that disregards the value of life.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see that the world system constantly fuels competition to have its robots/slaves preoccupied mining for 'power' and 'control' while racing against each-other, so that we do not stand-up within ourselves, so that we do not self-realize the value of life and stand together, because then we may once and for all free ourselves and our world from the control we are under – the control of FAKE values as images of 'power', 'beauty', 'worth', ‘dominion’ which we have accepted and allowed and have in fact become equal to and one with.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that our worth is in essence determined by us, by ourselves: and it will be what we make it to be, it will be what we place ourselves equal to and one with: Either the value of life as equals OR the value of fake images and idea(l)s of 'power' and 'control' as presented to us by the current system.

I commit myself to assisting myself and my world to see and realize that mind-control works from the inside out, and that we are always doing it to ourselves – we are always equal to and one with what we accept and allow within ourselves.

I commit myself to investigating and exposing all fake ‘values’ we have come to accept in the name of ‘power’ and ‘control’, showing that the ‘power’ and ‘control’ as defined and played-out in this world are not real, but are mental images and ideals used and abused to determine and define the ‘masters’ and the ‘slaves’ in a system of inequality and exploitation of life, while in fact all are equally trapped in a picture-world of sick consciousness-systems racing for ‘profit’, ‘power’ and ‘control’ through self-satisfaction, self-worship, self-interest; a world where we don’t get to get to know, explore and work with that which is REAL, because everything of this world is based on and is a product of: the human (literal) race for ‘profit’, ‘power’ and ‘control’.

I commit myself to investigating and exposing how we have allowed the mental to impose itself onto the physical by accepting the mental ‘images’ and ‘ideals’ presented to us by the system as if it were real, and so we have lost touch with the actual reality of ourselves as physical living-being on a living-planet; Instead, we have made a picture-world out of reality, imposing the mental onto the physical and even allowing mental ideas of ‘value’ as Money to determine the fate of the physical –
as money/the mental has become the god in this existence that decides the fates of beings/the physical and dictates who live and who dies, who has value and who has no value, who gets access to earth’s resources and who gets no access.

I commit myself to investigating and exposing how we human-beings have in fact become equal to and one with the mental only, while we ignore, suppress and abuse the physical – and that even within the mental we are not equal, we are in fact 'less than' the mental because we do not dare to see, face and confront the entirety of our mental reality but instead we hide from ourselves within ourselves and allow parts of ourselves to be unconscious and to drive us from the darkest corners of our mind, while we refuse to investigate ourselves and take responsibility for who we are and what is going on within ourselves:
thus accepting and allowing mind-control, which, as can be seen here, works from the inside-out; as we end-up existing as the output of the input we’ve been programmed with, in unawareness, unwilling to investigate what drives us from the inside and how we have come to accept and allow all that which lurks in the darkest corners of ourselves set out to lead us where it hopes to find ‘validation’ of its ‘value’ through ‘power’ and ‘control’ based on the ‘images’ and ‘ideals’ of this world-system that raised and in-formed us...

I commit myself to investigating and exposing how we human-beings have in fact become equal to and one with the mental only, while we ignore, suppress and abuse the physical – and how we as the mental consume ourselves and each-other as the physical, and manifest only more and more suffering, death and starvation in this world which is a reflection of ourselves – as within so without; as above so below.

I commit myself to exposing the lie we have called ‘li(F)e’ and demonstrating that there is nothing to be won out of the current system, there is nothing to be won out of playing the game as ‘human race’, there is nothing to be won out of mental projections and utopias that can only exist in the mind, there is nothing to be won for LIFE. The only actual ‘winner’ is the system itself. People die and are forgotten, but the system prevails. The question is legitimate: What is actually 'alive' – the human being or the system?

I commit myself to demonstrating that it is possible to create and manifest a win-win situation for our world – and that to get there, there is no other way but to acknowledge LIFE as the actual value, the only real value worthy of honouring – a value that is equal in all – and to construct a system that will support and honor the value of life in all possible ways; a system that will nurture life instead of feeding off of life; a system that will support all life equally.

Obviously, to get there, we cannot deny that we have to change our ‘evil ways’ and stop consumer ourselves and each-other, stop feeding off of life, and start nurturing ourselves and each-other in self-realization of life as the actual value we all share.


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