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ART by Kelly Posey |
Looking at what life is, one thing is clear: Life is not polarity. Why is that? Simple: Life is not ego - and ego is polarity. In the following I look into the 'how' of ego as polarity, and the 'how' of walking out of ego - into and as life:
For further context see my blogs:
Reaction Energetics Mind the Mine
Puppets on the Strings of Energy | Stop the Game
Puppets on Strings | The Automation of Consciousness as Energy
Puppets on Strings | The Clones of Consciousness
Puppets on Strings of Energy | InnerG - The inner God
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever I see myself and/or others as 'inferior' or 'superior': I am in fact looking through the eyes of ego and thus placing myself equal to ego - and less than life.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that ego is not only that which sees itself as 'more'/'superior' - ego is equally that which sees itself as 'less'/'inferior', because even within that, the ego's attention is on the "me", attempting to get attention, and thus energy, through others 'validating' and 'confirming' its own self-definition.
Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that ego feeds on energy like a vampire on blood - and when the energy runs out, the ego will generate energy through friction, regardless of the cost and the consequences for self and others.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that just as much as it is an expression of ego to brag and boast - it is equally an expression of ego to pity itself, play the victim and make others responsible: because within that, the ego is getting the attention and thus the energy it requires for its self-preservation - it's all about "me".
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that when I am equal to life, no definition of "me" exists which I'd have to defend or boast with.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that when I stand as life as one and equal, my participation is never about "me", but about life and the support of life within all and everyone as equals.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that ego is not life - evident within the manifestation of our society as 'human nature' where we exist in separation from ourselves and each-other and no expression of this world in fact supports Life in all ways.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the accepted human nature that manifests in its image and likeness the system in the world as we know it: is not equal to life, but equal to ego - as ego only exists in self-interest based in conditioned and accepted fear, not in the interest of life based in self-directive evolution.
I commit myself to showing that ego is based in fear, as all self-interest is based in fear; and that in a world without fear, there would exist no 'inferiority' and thus no 'superiority' - no separation, and thus no self-interest, but only the interest of Life as equals in a world where All is One.
I commit myself to showing that ego always exists in fear of loss, just like self-interest is always equal to fear of loss - and that we have abdicated our right to life by abdicating our value as life and pursuing fake 'values' in an attempt to make ourselves 'more' and 'superior', when even our accepted 'inferiority' was not real in the first place.
I commit myself to showing that as long as we are preoccupied with "what about me" in the pursuit of self-interest, seeking the experience of "More" out of accepted 'inferiority', instead of acknowledging our value as life and standing-up for life as equals: we are abdicating our right to life and by our own acceptance and allowance exist as less than life, manifesting a world that in our image and likeness is less than life and operates at the cost of life - yet we do not care, as long as it is not OUR life that's at stake.
I commit myself to showing that the accepted 'human nature' as ego is the root of all evil in the world - the world being the reflection of our image and likeness, the truth of ourselves that we refuse to see and take responsibility for.
I commit myself to showing that the only way out of the hell we have created on earth: is to self-realize life and thus take responsibility for life, which would entail taking responsibility for ourselves as life, correcting who and what we have become as ego and redeeming ourselves as life.
I commit myself to showing that this redemption of life as life: each one will have to walk for oneself in self-honesty and self-forgiveness, through one's own decision in self-will -
Yet we walk together because we all walk the same process: out of self-consciousness as ego as polarity and into self-awareness as life as oneness and equality.
I commit myself to showing that the process humanity is facing is the process of walking ourselves out of self-consciousness as ego which is based in fear and other polarity constructs, and walking ourselves into self-awareness as life based in the value of life as oneness and equality, where fear and polarity have no place - and thus hierarchy, control and exploitation have no place either.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense of walking together and assisting each-other, as within that we mirror each-other to support with self-honesty and practical common sense, to make sure that all is seen and nothing is left uncovered, until the reflection of ourselves is crystal clear, transparent and dignified - which must be seen in the external reality that we manifest on earth; and all our relationships and any systems we construct must be the reflection of our purified nature and aligned to support all life equally in all possible ways.
I commit myself to showing that the process of purifying our nature will take time and self-commitment, and cannot be applied in the mental; It has to be walked and applied in the physical, in actuality: through writing, self-forgiveness and self-honest self-corrective living -
as any real change requires to be lived into beingness and cross-referenced in the context of the one reality we all share, to make sure that what we are creating and manifesting as ourselves is in fact what is best for ALL LIFE.
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ART by Matti Freeman |
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