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ART by Anna Brix Thomsen |
For context read my previous blog
One Universe | The Only Real Thing is Consciousness?
and the series:
Stopping the Mind in the Flesh - Part 1
Stopping the Mind in the Flesh - Part 2
Stopping the Mind in the Flesh - Part 3
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that believing in consciousness as something profound is but another belief, yet another projection through which I separate myself from myself and keep myself seeking, hoping, waiting – lost in delusions of ´grandeur´ while in my actual living-application I do not take the responsibility to change the patterns of my existence that manifest the world as we know it.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that consciousness is the only real thing – not realizing that the reason I would follow such belief is the want / need / desire to ‘make real’ my own self-interest and my delusions of grandeur.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to deify consciousness, not considering the obvious fact that we fail to understand consciousness because we fail to self-honestly look at our existence and take self-responsibility.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see and acknowledge that the accepted world consciousness which we have manifested in our image and likeness through who we are as consciousness: has only brought forth devastation and destruction.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that consciousness as what we exist as: is based in fear and thus only promotes self-interest and the separation of life in the name of self-interest.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that if consciousness was life, it would function and act in ways that support life.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand the obvious common sense that consciousness is programmable and that through understanding the program/pattern within and as ourselves and our world, we can in fact re-program our existence to be something that will actually support life.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that consciousness has been used by the big brothers in the world to support our delusion and to impose control – out of fear; and that fear has further been used to justify control and to make sure that everything is driven by fear and human beings are kept within the conflict of polarities, within and without, never questioning the system, never questioning the acceptances and allowances of self, never questioning the filters of perception used to define the world and the laws we make to govern us.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe and follow the delusions of grandeur presented to me on a golden platter by religions, spirituality, science, the media – because I wanted to have ‘hope’ and ´feel positive´.
Within this I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to abdicate my responsibility to systems of this world to guide me – in spite of the evidence in the world that our systems are not guiding us to the benefit of life, but only to the benefit of profit, and that that is a characteristic of our consciousness as we have accepted and allowed it.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that consciousness functions on stimuli-response patterns and that the more a pattern is repeated, the stronger it gets until it evolves its own consciousness – which is why we have no self-willed human beings in this world but only puppets on strings acting-out conditioned patterns in self-righteousness, which is what consciousness is.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to deify consciousness, not realizing I am only doing so to not have to look within myself and see what I have accepted and allowed of consciousness as me to become – and what the consequences are for existence as a whole.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that in a world of self-righteous singularities: we are only heading to self-destruction, creating more and more friction, abuse, exploitation, and more deception tactics to cover it all up with.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that before we make up concepts and beliefs about what consciousness is – concepts and beliefs designed to ‘make everything seem okay’ through promises and ´hope´ while we sit and wait for the ´miracle´ –
we should rather get to know what consciousness is through self-honest observation of our inner and outer reality, investigate cause and effect and debunk the patterns we exist as, within and without, so that we may understand how we came to be what we are today and thus how to change our patterns to such that will actually support life, as all as one as equals.
I commit myself to showing that consciousness as what we exist as and what this world exists as: is based in fear and self-righteousness, hence the consequences of exploitation, abuse and deception in the name of profit as self-interest.
I commit myself to showing that we as consciousness exist in separation from the actuality of reality, otherwise we would in self-will direct ourselves in ways that would dignify our reality to the benefit of life.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that consciousness is not life, seen not only in the fact that consciousness does not act in the interest of life, but also in the fact that at death the body amalgamates with the physical and is not ‘lost’, while all concepts, ideas, memories, self-definitions as consciousness are ‘lost’ -
and yet we leave behind the legacy of our acceptances and allowances, our denials and delusions, that are passed on from generation to generation, and thus our ´evil ways´ continue to exist within and as a system which, as we can see, is an atrocity.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that consciousness in fact consists of the veils behind which we hide to not have to face the actuality of reality, face ourselves, and take responsibility for life.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that regardless what we believe, the actuality of reality is not influenced by belief – and if the human would vanish from the face of the earth, the physical universe would not only continue existing, it would in fact restore its equilibrium and flourish.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the only thing standing in the way of manifesting an existence in equilibrium: is the consciousness we have accepted and allowed ourselves and our world to be subject to – the consciousness through which we have come to more and more separation, more and more fear, more and more abuse in the name of self-interest.
I commit myself to exposing the deception of the world’s systems such as religions, spirituality, education, the money-system, media – and that the only reason the world systems are able to deceive and control the human being, is because the human being is gullible to promises of ´hope´ and ´grandeur´ and willing to buy into anything that allows it to for a moment forget about its fear.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the only ‘ascension’ possible in the actuality of reality is for the human being to stop its fear, stop its delusions, stop the consciousness of self-interest, and stand equal to life, taking self-responsibility to reprogram itself and reform its existence into dignity as life.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the only principle that will ensure equilibrium as harmony and dignity for all life: is the principle of equality and oneness, based on the value of life;
as anything else would require polarity, thus hierachies, thus fear and control, thus inequality and exploitation, abuse and deception - as we ca clearly see throughout the history of mankind.
I commit myself to showing that we are at a point in our ´evolution´ where we are able, if we WILL, to take the course of matters in our hands, and re-direct our existence from self-destruction and devolution into actual evolution as life in dignity and actual freedom - and that the equal money system and the re-education processes we present at desteni are the first steps towards such re-creation in self-honesty and self-responsibility.
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ART by Matti Freeman |
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