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ART by Matti Freeman |
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that where there is a fear, there is also a point of desire:
wherein fear exists towards something that self has defined as ‘superior’ and thereby self as ‘inferior’ – and the desire being the projection of the opposite polarity with self somehow in the future-projection ‘controlling’ that point of fear to thus feel ‘superior’.
Within that I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that that which I feel or see myself as ‘superior’ to, I am in fact ‘inferior’ to, because if I was equal and one with the point then I would not have to manifest any relationship of ‘superiority’/’inferiority’ towards it; yet the fact that I do, tells me I am not equal and one with the point, thus I am in fact ‘inferior’ to the point, only trying to be/seem/feel ‘superior.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to submit to the consciousness system of the world that tells me that the solution to ‘inferiority’ is ‘superiority’ – when in fact the two exist as two sides of the same coin: the con of consciousness as EGO –
Within this I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the only actual solution to our existence as LIFE is the solution of oneness and equality – as that not only mathematically takes abuse, deception, exploitation, harm out of the equation; it implies also that ALL have equal awareness of the One collective existence we share and thus ALL realize equal responsibility for this One LIFE as our existence to be honoured and supported as one would like to be honoured and supported as life.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within my self-delusion and self-deception as consciousness in the polarity of ‘superior’/’inferior’ or ‘desire’/’fear’: I have manifested the world consciousness system as we know it where you cannot have peace without war, love without hate, joy without suffering; an existence based in and looping through polarities:
love - hate
war - peace
superior - inferior
master - slave
god - follower
rich - power
desire - fear
win - lose
Haves - Have-nots
abuser - abused
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have take the ‘positive’ side of each polarity and have created magnificent and profound ideas, ideologies, and concepts around it: love, peace, freedom, light, wealth, power –
we have however refused to see that that part we have ‘deified’ and ‘glorified’ and based our entire mental, emotional and consumerism systems on: is but the other side of all the atrocity we accept and allow within ourselves and our world, existing within the same prison-box, as the same energy-game of WIN and LOSE and each one as EGO playing for their OWN benefit, their own perceived POSSESSIONS.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world, a society, a human existence, where we hide from ourselves and each-other and deny the ‘negative’ of our creation, as we cover it up with layers and layers of ‘positive’ delusion, thus never taking actual responsibility for our creation that is ourselves, but only ever running, rushing, jumping to the next ‘high’, always seeking ‘more’, while 2/3 of the world population plus animals and nature deteriorate and deplete as we feed off the substance of life due to our addiction to energy.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that both ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ are manifestations of energy –
they are energetic movements of the mind consciousness system ‘activated’ through symbols, words, situations, pictures and other ‘triggers’ in our environment or even ‘triggers’ within the mind as we THINK – yet without us actually being aware of how, why, and to what extent such movements as experienced reactions and value-judgments, energetically charged in ‘shades’ of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’, have been conceived and programmed in the first place, to then be integrated into our physical behaviour and ‘who we are’.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have existed in unawareness of cause and effect as ‘who we are’ and how we exist through conscious, subconscious and unconscious dimensions – yet have within that ‘managed’ to create a conscious alternate reality : Consciousness – a conscious interpretation/belief/idea of existence that we have believed in so badly that we have become it ourselves, and thus we are our own VEIL that blinds us from the entirety of our existence, from ourselves and our creation.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see the similarity of the words VEIL and EVIL – and to realize that FEAR as what we have made energy into essential with greed/want/desire/self-interest is ‘the other side of the COiN’:
is the actual EVIL of ourselves that has manifested separation, inequality, abuse and exploitation through deception; and that all deception is always in fact self-deception, as we have deceived ourselves as life and there is no way out but to face ourselves and what we have accepted and allowed to be become of our existence, individually and collectively – and this is the process and it is equal for all.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have become this consciousness in separation from ourselves as life basically out of fear/accepted inferiority and equally the desire for ‘superiority’/‘more’, projected in separation from ourselves;
and we have believed these ideas of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ to be real to such an extent, that we make wars today based on these ideas AT THE COST OF LIFE.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the whole CONSUMERISM system is based on and (ab)uses the accepted ‘human nature’ of ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ to create more fears and more desires to within that create the friction as energy required to make PROFIT for those that are Pro in deception, exploitation and greed while the masses are lured and distracted with energetic experiences in their quest for ‘MORE’.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to consider that the actual value of LIFE is LIFE and thus equality, and that a Oneness without equality can only inevitably end up in abuse, manipulation, deception, exploitation, while profit in self-interest is placed before the interest of life as a whole.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that to manifest our Oneness within and as equality as LIFE, we not only have to change the systems of our world to ensure equal support for all living beings;
we also require to self-realize that equality as ourselves, as life, as who we all really are beyond all these power-games and kindergarten moods of energy that we have become so addicted to that we become self-righteous about, defending in essence our own limitation.
I commit myself to investigate, forgive and direct any and all points of ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ so that I may set myself free from the unconscious controls I had accepted and allowed, and ensure that I am the directive principle of me in self-honesty and practical common sense, in regard of myself as life and thus all life as equal and one.
I commit myself to get myself to a practical understanding of how this reality and myself function, to understand cause and effect and thus assist and support myself to walk through the manifested consequences of existence and face myself in self-forgiveness, to let go of everything that was not supportive of me as life, as all as one as equals, and re-align myself practically with LIFE as the actual value of all that is here.
I commit myself to exposing the whole CONSUMERISM system that is based on and (ab)uses the accepted ‘human nature’ of ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ to create more fears and more desires to within that create the friction as energy required to make PROFIT for those that are Pro in deception, exploitation and greed while the masses are lured and distracted with energetic experiences in their quest for ‘MORE’; as they secretly hope that by playing the game they may too get a chance to win the jackpot and live THE DREAM!
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that how we exist and what we exist as in the smaller scale/within: manifests the world we see without, in the bigger scale, with all its systems and all its evil ways;
and that it is the entire ‘human nature’ as consciousness that we require to transcend – in order to transform the consciousness of our world into something that will truly be worthy of LIFE.
I commit myself to bring forth a new system of support for all life that will no longer accept or allow inequality, abuse, separation, exploitation and deception in any way whatsoever;
a system of equality where working together in mutual support for the benefit of all life as ONE is placed as the principle of actual evolution as life, as equals;
a system that will allow us to get to know ourselves and our world and live to our utmost expression individually, yet all together as one, as equals of life.
Relevant Read-Up:Humanity is ONE Body, One LIFE
Read up on the MIND and CREATION:
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