Freitag, 20. Juli 2012

Day 90: Opinionated Characters

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world where each one claim their own opinion – in spite of the fact that we all share one world, one reality, and the same basic needs in terms of survival on this planet.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world, a society, where opinion is a matter of personality and even becomes reason for conflict and war.
Within this I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world where we exist in conflict of opinions – be it religions, belief systems, political parties, groupings of any kind – instead of standing together as mankind and bringing forth what is best for humanity and life on earth.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that opinion is something formed and  created by the system, and that while the system presents us with different opinions in the form of religions, belief systems, political ideas etc., all such opinions in fact merely perpetuate the status quo in the world and keep the system running, as the system is dependent on the friction of different opinions because as long as people are divided and fight against each other for irrelevant shit: the system can prevail and those in power can remain in power.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that opinion is a matter of upbringing and conditioning, often utilized to ‘justify’ why we do not stand together and work together for what is best for all.
I commit myself to showing that what is here does not require opinion but only common sense to be directed in a way that is best for all.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that opinion is something formed by humans as characters in mental realities and used in self-interest as ego for self-importance and self-validation – all the while 2/3 of the world population is suffering in the physical reality.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that it requires no opinion to see the truth of this world and face ourselves as what is here – and that opinion is often utilized to abdicate responsibility and to avoid facing and dealing with what we have manifested as mankind on earth.

I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself and my world in stopping the delusion of our opinionated existence – so that we may get to the common sense and self-honesty required to remove the veils of the matrix we are trapped in and see things for what they are, to finally take responsibility for our existence and direct ourselves and our world in dignity and respect for life, as all as one as equals.

Relevant Blog post: Matter of Opinion

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