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ART by Ann Van Den Broeck |
For context please read:
Stepping out of Character
Creating a Character
Character Role Play in Power-Games
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the creation of characters as what we exist as in consciousness: is based in energy.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that energy exists as polarity - and the creation of characters is designed to ensure 'positive energy' for the self-consciousness;
but what is not understood within this, is that for 'positive' energy to exist: the 'negative' energy must exist.
Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand the trap of the bipolar thoughts within the backchat of the 'secret mind' or the bipolar interplay of 'feelings' and 'emotions': all of which is but a product of consciousness - a consciousness that emerged from fear and self-interest and has evolved to more and more separation and abuse, seen in the manifestation of consumerism which has invaded all aspects of life to feed on - consumerism has in fact become what we are; we are the embodiments of consumerism.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we exist like characters in a movie - the movie taking place in the mind and thus each-one exists in an alternate reality bubble in separation from life as a whole;
and that within that movie, each one is the super-hero set out to 'win' the biggest possible quantity of 'positive' energy as the 'feeling' of winning / attaining / gaining / getting somewhere / becoming something;
and within that, all quality of life is lost, as energy exists within and as the polarity of 'more than'/'less than', and through the constant comparison that has become our shadow everywhere we go, there always seems to be a 'more' to get, to find, to attain -
and so we exist literally within a (human?) race for more, more, more; while we are in fact consuming ourselves, the earth, each-other, just for the momentary 'satisfaction' of the character in the mind, around which everything seems to revolve.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that even within the teachings and paths of 'spirituality', the spirit of life is in duality -
and that what one is in fact doing is giving up certain characters that one has deemed as 'bad' or 'impure' and creating new characters which one perceives as 'good' or 'divine' - not realizing that those too are but characters, designed to 'satisfy' the main character as ego through the 'positive' energy that one gets through thinking and believing that one is somehow 'better'.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that every thought-pattern, every emotion-/feeling-pattern: inevitably creates a character to act upon it to validate it as 'real' - when in fact all thought of consciousness, all energetic experience: is preprogrammed through our 'education' within this world consciousness system from parents, school, media, world-systems - all based on one and the same thing: fear and control.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a child born into this world has no concept of fear, nor has it got personalities and characters to act out - and that these concepts are passed onto the child by its environment, the child having no other option but to submit to the world consciousness because the expression of the child is not being understood, seen or acknowledged in this world in any way whatsoever -
thus the child is forced to 'learn' the 'language' of this world - a language that, regardless of culture, ethnicity, country, religion, is in fact 'universal': it is the language of polarity, self-deception, manipulation, fear and control; evident within the very first consciousness construct a child is confronted with: 'reward' and 'punishment', which the adult world calls 'love'.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever a want / need / desire arises in the mind: it is the self-interest of the character trying to 'validate' its self-definition, its self-image, its existence.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a child throwing tantrums is training its character in how to manipulate to get the energy it requires to sustain itself: energy generated through the cycles of thoughts, feelings, emotions which in turn fuel a certain personality/character even more -
and the more the child believes in and follows the thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up: the more it will embody the character as personality -
and so we end up possessed within the mind through characters, personalities, personas, self-images, in a constant comparison and competition for survival - friending and liking and loving only those in our world that somehow 'validate' our character/ego/personality through their character/ego/personality -
and so within what we call 'love' we actually keep each-other enslaved in a virtual reality where we are but characters acting out made-up roles that apparently give us 'value', when in fact we have long abdicated our value as life: in the name of LOVE as self-interest, which is in fact FEAR.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the body is born into this world in equality and oneness - yet instead of embodying ourselves as who we really are as life, we end up embodying concepts, ideas, images, personalities, characters: based on the fake 'values' we are presented with in this world consciousness.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that it will take courage and humbleness to give up the characters self has become - and be 'nothing'.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that to get real and get to substance as what is substantial within who we are and what this reality is about: one will have to give up and let go of all fakeness, all self-delusion, all concepts and 'knowledge' one has accumulated about 'who one is' and what the world is -
and that within giving up everything, one will realize that nothing is lost, because everything was just lie to begin with.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that within giving-up everything for nothing, one can in fact be anything yet not be defined by it;
when one is 'something' however, one is limited by that 'something' AS that 'something', and one will do everything to 'defend' and 'protect' that something out of fear of loss, thinking and believing that "if I am not that, I am not worthy" or "if I am not that, I do not exist" or "these thoughts just come up, it must be my nature".
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that such thoughts come up 'automatically' through/from the automated character we have authorized as our auto-pilot to drive us, to guide us - while we refuse to see that we have given up our authority to a consciousness system that we didn't even create in awareness, but only in fear:
because a child inevitably comes to a point where it gives-up trying to be understood, trying to express and communicate itself;
it gets to a point where the child realizes it has to submit to the ways of the world, and within that, a point of 'inferiority' is implicitly accepted -
an inferiority that will inevitably push the child to take on the ways of the world and copy the polarity mechanisms of consciousness in an attempt to also become 'superior', because it sees everybody else around it acting as if they were 'superior'.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where we exist as characters driven by the energy of an accepted bipolar consciousness that is rooted in fear, thus spending a lifetime trying to find that 'value' we have lost, yet instead of acknowledging and accepting our value as life, we try and find 'value' through the mind, through comparison, competition, and power-games of 'inferiority'/'superiority' - hence the self-interest, because the ego as consciousness will always try to be a 'winner' of some kind, even if it is through 'negative' ways like self-victimization, self-sabotage, self-abuse; the ego is only interested in one thing: getting its energetic validation through a ‘MORE’ of its self-definition, whatever that may be.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to energize different characters within me through following different set of thought-patterns and emotional-/feeling-patterns, within his feeding the mind and the illusion of the mind that is manifesting the atrocity on earth we call ‘life’ –
instead of accepting myself as life, as equal in self-worth, so that I may stop the power-games within and without and support the emergence of actual LIFE on Earth, as who we all really are behind and beyond the layers as systems we have created to hide behind.
...to be continued
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ART by Matti Freeman |
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