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ART By Terhas Tree White |
This is continuing from
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world, a society, where we do not even agree on the meaning of the words we use – for instance the word LOVE.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to question Why, in spite of even growing up in the same cultural background with the same language education, we end up having individual definitions of words –
and to investigate the IMPLICATION of this fact from the perspectives of: what does this reveal about human nature and what is the impact on and within human communication.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand how the evolution of human nature within one lifetime, from birth to death of a person: shows a process of self-alienation, self-seclusion, self-struggle – all of which is directly connected to and a result of the REACTIONS towards Others/the world that an individual copies, adopts and accumulates.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand how REACTIONS in fact indicate and represent: separation.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see that within an individual evolution process from birth to death, a human being gradually ‘evolves’ towards and through separating self from oneself and one’s world and into a mental bubble that becomes one’s consciousness and the filter through which one individually looks at the world.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within an individual evolution process from birth to death, a human being gradually separates self from its absolute equality with everything that is here as one and from its authentic organic self expression and movement;
and into a patterned reaction mechanism which in time constitutes and constructs an automated consciousness system patch-worked through IMPRESSION of symbols / definitions / memories that are activated through particular triggers / entry-points / stimuli forming then particular reactions that are aligned with one’s accepted self-definitions.
What is fascinating within that is to notice that all self-definitions are formed based on ‘feedback’ from ‘others’ –
which implies that we are all enslaved by each-other and within accepting this, we allow the future to be enslaved by the past and formed from the past;
in essence we are thus merely recreating history = recreating the patterns of this world consciousness, both in the micro and macro perspective.
This also implies that the world/parents/society – the system – forms every next generation into a copy/mutation of itself called ‘evolution’ when it can’t be actual evolution, because the world isn’t yet even understanding itself – therefore our development process within and as consciousness is rather to be looked at as mutation, considering the atrocity that the accepted ‘human nature’ is capable of and allows for.
We are only beginning to understand ourselves, how we function, how we create, how we become, how we manifest this existence. This is being looked into, studied, discussed, and walked at Desteni which is still only a relatively small group of people that is waking up to the delusion of consciousness and the fact that we hide behind our own beliefs, ‘reason’ and justifications to not have to stand-up, face ourselves and take self-responsibility for life, in spite of the fact that we, if we look at our existence through common sense reasoning, can simplistically deduce common sense realizations that would explain how we function, how we create, how we become, how we manifest this existence.
Do we want to SEE? Do we want to FACE ourselves in the context of existence as a whole?
We don’t. We are programmed not to.
Because within this power-game we call ‘life’, the POWER of those would be threatened that found ways to abuse and manipulate in order to fulfil their OWN self-interest and hold power and control over the many, over the resources, over the movement of energy through a hierarchic world order of which they are at the TOP – would be threatened.
The Show Must Go On. Save the Queen. Save the System. The System Prevails.
Hmm... The system prevails at the cost of LIFE.
Why is this allowed? Why are we accepting our powerlessness as ‘status quo’? Why do we not challenge the system effectively? Because we ARE the system, and we’d have to challenge ourselves, we’d have to admit we’ve been screwed, we’ve been wrong, we’ve done wrong unto others and we’ve been existing in self-interest manipulating reality to our OWN interest in secret, out of FEAR of standing up, fear of change, fear of responsibility, fear of the destruction that is required before one can construct a new creation.
Now this ‘destruction’ I am talking about is not an act of violence, it is not an aggressive attitude towards or a fight against things. That would only be a fight against ourselves.
I should rather use the word DECONSTRUCTION – the process of de-conning ourselves, the process of de-constructing the fake faces and fake values and abusive systems that we hide behind and abdicate our responsibility to.
I am sure most of us can see the destructive nature of what we have become and call ‘human nature’, of what we have manifested as life on earth; the destructive nature of what we have accepted and allowed to become of ourselves and our existence; the destructive nature of this automated system within and without.
Now – in order to destroy, to deconstruct, to STOP this automated system, we must first understand it, which entails to understand ourselves in the context of human existence as a whole, how we function individually as systems and how our individual existence impacts the world just like our individual existence was impacted into beingness in the first place.
So it’s like phoenix rising from the ashes.
Living the realization as CHANGE into BEINGNESS.
An actual transcendence is required, a transcendence of who we are, individually and collectively, a transformation of our living patterns into an existence that is truly dignified, free, realized.
And this opportunity, this ticket to life, SELF must give to SELF through an actual decision and through Living the decision; and the same opportunity, the same ticket to life must be given to ALL equally, as One, as Life, through a new system based on the value of life that will support all life equally in all possible ways (look into the equal money system proposal here) and will allow the re-education of the human towards MAN KNOW THYSELF, understanding ourselves and within that enabling ourselves to be/become the directive principle of ourselves in self-responsibility as life.
So the actual question is: What are you gonna do when you see, realize and understand what the fuck is going on – what we are creating, what we exist as, what we manifest through our acceptance and allowance, how we limit and enslave ourselves and each-other and how we hide behind fear while pursuing the desires the system imprinted onto us, which becomes our self-interest, seeking the easiest way to be ‘comfortably numb’, like a king on a throne ---
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as an automated mind consciousness patterned system acting out as various personalities preprogrammed according to IMPRESSED stimuli-response codes;
and that I have accepted and allowed these IMPRESSIONS as ‘valid framework’ for me to exist within, as a DEFINITION.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to question my existence as a DEFINITION.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to exist as a mind only, never even questioning my apparent ‘dominion’ over the physical, when in fact it is the physical body and the breath of life that sustains the “me” I identify with as consciousness.
And while this physical existence as my breath may stop at any given moment, putting an end to ‘my existence’ as consciousness, as defined personalities, as memories, reaction-patterns and self-definitions – I do the best to hide from my suppressed fear of death, failing to make the best out of life, FOR LIFE, in every breath.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to consider that definition is not EXPRESSION – rather: it is IMPRESSION, it is input.
And the output we act-out is equal to and one with the input we have programmed into ourselves and/or accepted and allowed in unawareness;
therefore there exists no actual SELF EXPRESSION yet in this world.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within and as consciousness: I AM definitions ‘made real’ through value-judgments and belief.
We are what we live, and we live our DEFINITIONS of our WORDS in absolute blindness to the origin of those definitions;
let alone to the power and control we have abdicated to the mind consciousness by allowing it to be our autopilot within.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within allowing the conditioned mind consciousness to be the autopilot within: we are per implication accepting the entire system without – the world as we know it.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed DEFINITIONS of WORDS to define me, to determine what I can do/be and what not, to dictate what I fear and what I desire.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand the power of words and to question Why I have abdicated my self-determination and self-definition to words and definitions of this world, allowing ‘them’ / consciousness / the mind to define who I am –
in spite of the fact that I was born without a conditioned mind and without reaction patterns, without judgment and without fear, without a concept of separation and self-interest.
To Be Continued.
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ART by Matti Freeman |
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