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ART by Adam Closs |
Do you ever find yourself looking at the time go by? Seeing literally cycles of weeks, months, years, your life, go by?
But where are You? Where is Life?
Why does time seem like something apparently out of our control, out of our influence – where we seem to be subject to the influence of time –
What IS time? Why is time?
Well, what do we know for sure to begin with? We are here.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that time is like a test of equality, wherein we are test whether we are equal to life or not.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in time we each prove to ourselves whether we are equal to time as the physical reality here.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that time is like a gift to be cherished, because wasting time is equal to wasting breath –
Time is our here, for now, that we know for sure, as we breathe; time is our breath, breath is our here – therefore our time is here.
Where are we? What do we do in our here, in every moment; who are we in every breath that is here, what defines us?
I realize that in looking at time as eternity, in looking at self within and as eternity – the answer to the question ‘who am I’ is answered with great clarity in every breath. And time shows who we are / have become / accepted and allowed ourselves to be/become.
So it should be obvious common sense that what we should be busy with in the context of the evolution of mankind, humanity, human nature – is: understanding what defines us and investigating why ‘who we are’ is defined seemingly ‘beyond our power’ – where IS our power, and why and how do we give our power away? How have we defined power to begin with? What acceptances and allowances have we written in our history book that led to the manifested consequences we face today, both individually and collectively?
I commit myself to walking every moment from the starting-point of eternity – I place myself at the end of time facing all of existence and ask myself: Who am I in the face of existence? How can I do what is best for existence as life, as oneness and equality?
I want to live without regret, without shame, without creating further consequence. I want to create a sequence that accumulates into real life / real living, into something that exists free and in dignity with all that is here – nature, the animals, every single manifestation that is here.
Therefore I commit myself to training myself, practicing self equality in self-awareness as life in every moment.
I commit myself to slowing myself down to one breath at a time, here, living the realization that ‘I am Here’ and accepting that self-responsibility is the way to actual self-determination, and self-power as life, as creation / creator / created.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to fear wasting time, instead of realizing that by accepting/creating the 'fear of wasting time' within and as the mind, I am then prone to manifest it.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in our accepted way of life within the accepted system, inner and outer, which we call ‘life’/’living’: we are in fact wasting breath, wasting time –
in Spite of the manifested consequences as the developments within nature and the world, and the ‘evolution’ of ‘human nature’, of the human psyche.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that fearing to waste time implies that I am not yet equal to and one with time as every breath here in this physical reality – and that I in fact deep down in self-honesty know that I am actually wasting time, wasting breath, wasting life –
because within my acceptance of the inequality-system within and without: I am not standing up for life, for who I really am, instead I am simply following – time, other people, ideas, dreams, thoughts, feelings, emotions, whatever the system serves me with through the filter of its self-interested ‘logic’ –
a ‘logic’ that is not common sense, a ‘logic’ that is conditioned for survival and thus self-interest, a ‘logic’ that is not in the interest of life because it is in constant competition, trapped between concepts of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ in a system of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’, both within (the human psyche) and without (the world system).
Therefore I commit myself to practicing and realizing self equality, in self-honesty and common sense.
I commit myself to equalizing my time here as breath.
I commit myself to equalizing myself to time as breath.
I commit myself to equalizing myself to breath/breathing here as time – realizing that my time is here, and practically living this realization in every breath, here.
I commit myself to supporting the equalizing of the world system through equal money.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to waste my breath on the mind, in the mind, as a mind - within this in fact wasting time that could be utilized to practically apply myself in real-time in this physical reality, breath by breath, step by step, accumulating myself as a physical being that walks this earth as an equal, doing/living what is best for all in all possible ways.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to see myself as victim to time - instead of realizing that time is what I make out of, and thus it is my responsibility to structure my time in a way that supports me as life, in a way that I can walk my life/time breath by breath, making out of breath the best it can be as best for all.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to see myself as victim to time and to within this, per implication, define myself as 'inferior' to time - instead of standing equal to and one with time as breath here in every moment, walking in real-time, step by step, as a physical being on this earth.
I realize that time in this physical reality here is the framework within which self accumulates who self is and what self creates.
Therefore I commit myself to breath-by-breath accumulating myself into and as a physical being that walks what is best for life, placing the interest of life (= self–expansion into and as life in oneness and equality) before self-interest
(self-interest being equal to self-diminishment and degradation of life).
I realize that self-interest is formed through all those moments gathered as memories that define and determine the bipolar construct of fears and desires according to which self forms characters/personalities of self-interest as a response to this world-system;
and that it is through such characters/personalities that self then interacts with the world, with ‘others’.
I realize that self-interest is formed through the gathered memories of self as a character defined and determined through the bipolar system/construct of fears and desires, according to which self as the characters/the MIND walks its time on earth trying to 'win' and be a ‘cool character’ in this staged role game we call ‘life’ –
disregarding completely that in the current accepted world system a 'good life' is only available to those with money, and that implies that more than 2/3 of the world are not in a position to have a 'good life' in this world, let alone a life that is bearable.
Therefore I commit myself to accumulating breath by breath practical-living solutions for the transformation of human nature to be aligned to What is Best for Life - as well as practical-living solutions for the transformation of the world systems to be equally aligned to be What is Best for Life, instead of what is best for profit.
I commit myself to living and sharing the realization that we can only bring forth CHANGE by LIVING the change into BEINGNESS.
I commit myself to showing how the concept of 'winning' can only exist when 'others' are 'losing' - because in this closed system of limited resources, the exploitation of life for a select few to 'win' and have a 'good life' implies and entails that the many will 'lose' and will not get a chance to actually have a life in dignity.
Within this I commit myself to sharing the common sense that inequality in always abuse –
and therefore I commit myself to stopping all inequality and separation within myself, as I realize that as long as I am divided within myself through multiple characters/personalities (thoughts and starting-points/intentions) trapped in energetic reactions (emotions/negative and feelings/positive) I cannot be the directive power of myself in self-awareness as life, but am instead subject to the system to direct and control me.
I commit myself to understanding the system of inequality within and as myself, to within this understand myself as a system and take the responsibility to change and transform myself into equality and oneness of BEING –
and thus by LIVING the change into BEINGNESS to realize myself as life in equality and oneness.
I commit myself to within this assist and support myself and others as me to live this ‘example’ for Life so that all may self realize life IN TIME –
before it’s too late for humanity/mankind/the human being.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that even those with money do not really in fact Live, but deep-down exist in the same fear as everyone else; they simply function as 'happiness machines' based on fake "values" defined within 'power', 'glory', 'dominion' –
refusing to see that for such 'power' to exist, others must be enslaved to slave for the system to keep running so that those with money can continue accumulating “value” as wealth, power and dominion on this earth, exploiting life for their OWN ‘good life’.
I commit myself to showing that the same principle applies within the individual mind - where one exists in inner inequality and conflict, and is in constant competition/comparison busy 'keeping score' and developing methods to manipulate one's reality for self to be the 'winner' in the ultimate dream developed in the mind, where self is the main character like a super-hero around which the rest of the world revolves –
within this having no regard and no consideration for the consequences of one's thoughts, words and deeds on this ONE reality we all share here on EARTH.
I commit myself to walking my process / my time / my life in self-responsibility from the starting-point of LIFE as equality and oneness –
so that I and all that walk in the interest of LIFE may bring forth a new human nature in self-realization as life, and a new system of equality that will be of actual life support for ALL LIFE EQUALLY in all possible ways.
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ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo |
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* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation
* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
Visit my Blog sites:
@ eqafe for FREE:
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation
* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
For further context to this Blog post see:
Day 141: A New Starting-Point for Life | 21 Days of Practicing Self Equality
Day 142: 2 of 21 Days of Practicing Self Equality | In Spite of the Routine
Day 143: 3 of 21 Days of Practicing Self Equality | It's a Living, Not a Doing
Day 144: 4 of 21 Days of Practicing Self Equality | I've been standing in my way
Day 145: 5 of 21 Days of Practicing Self Equality | Self Forgiveness and Commitment
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