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ART by Terhas White |
I am continuing from my previous Blog post:
I realize that
emotions and feelings are conditioned response-patterns to external stimuli,
and that these patterns are preprogrammed throughout our formative years through
the polarity of fear and love / reward and punishment –
therefore I commit
myself to investigating and freeing myself from any and all patterns I have
accepted and allowed to define me, so that I may stand as life, as
directive-principle, in self-honesty and common sense as best for all.
Within this I commit
myself to investigate and recognize any and all personality suits that I may
have adopted / applied / accepted myself to exist in – so that I may step by
step, breath by breath, un-cover myself by destroying the fake masks and fake
values, and stand-up within myself as LIFE, as equal, as one, to dis-cover
myself as LIVING, in fact.
I commit myself to
stop taking feelings or emotions for granted – as I realize that feelings and
emotions indicate the activation of a pattern / a personality / a character
role, which is not real, but only a system through which we conditioned
ourselves to ‘function’ within what we call ‘life’.
I commit myself to
assist and support myself in getting to know myself for real, beyond the
control of feelings and emotions and the energetics of the mind consciousness
that keep us limited, in fear, in a pursuit of ‘personal happiness’ only, as I
realize that who we are as LIFE is a common sense beyond personal judgment,
personal preference, or personal interest, let alone the personal consciousness
we come to identify with.
I commit myself to
sharing the common sense that a new born child has NO emotions or feelings – it
communicates with its environment equal and one and expresses itself directly,
without value judgment;
and that feelings and
emotions emerge once the child starts adopting / forming / developing
personalities / character roles, which are like masks with which to ´cope´ in this
fake world –
thus slowly but
surely the child covers itself up with layers of personality traits and
suppresses itself as life, because in the accepted consciousness system of the
world, LIFE is not given equal opportunity to express and expand, it is only
given a box to exist in, with the result that life gets suppressed and what is
formed are personality systems as coping mechanisms: organic robots to fit into
the system.
I commit myself to
stopping myself from being a slave to feelings and emotions, as I realize that
feelings and emotions are preprogrammed responses based on conditioned
equations in the mind, based in self-interest and self-definitions that have
nothing to do with who we are as LIFE.
I commit myself to
stop abdicating my directive-power to the conditioned mind as thoughts,
feelings and emotions, and to instead practice directing myself in self-honesty
in every moment – no polarity, no inequality, no submission.
I realize that
emotions and feelings imply value-judgment – where ´positive´ judgment as
attributed value will charge the energy of a feeling, while ´negative´ judgment
as attributed value will charge the energy of an emotion;
and that these value
judgments are mental equations of Inequality, conditioned through the world consciousness
system wherein self-honesty and common sense are suppressed.
Therefore I commit
myself to will myself in every moment to stop following feelings and emotions,
and to instead live and apply self-honesty and practical common sense as what
is Best for Life in oneness and equality.
I commit myself to
no longer accept /allow feelings and emotions to define me, as I realize that
within that, I am giving up the point of self-determination away to the system.
I commit myself to
investigate and see all ways in which I submit to the system – the SYSTEM being
the accepted and conditioned ways of the world consciousness throughout our
existence –
so that I may stop
the submission of myself, and instead stand-up in self equality and oneness and
take absolute self-responsibility.
I realize that
within following feelings and emotions, we in fact follow a preordained system
and allow the rules of that system to define self – instead of self realizing
Therefore I commit
myself to sharing and living the realization that through our acceptance and
allowance of an energetic polarity system as feelings/emotions: we abdicate our
directive authority to the system to define us and to determine the experience
of ourselves – instead of us being the directive principle of ourselves in
self-realization as life.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense
that in a world where each only seek out the ´positive´ for themselves, we are
bound to manifest and have an existence of conflict, war, abuse, exploitation
of life – we thus through our personal pursuit of the ‘positive’ in
self-interest in fact manifest the ‘negative’ in the world as we know it,
because we fail to consider what would as a matter of fact be positive for ALL
LIFE EQUALLY here in the physical.
I commit myself to sharing and living the
realization that the pursuit of self-interest is not in the interest of LIFE,
it is not even in the interest of the individual even though this illusion may
exist in the mind; because the pursuit of self-interest is only in the interest
of the system, aimed at keeping people distracted, ‘happy’ or ‘wanting’, so
that people keep serving the system so that the system can preserve itself and ‘make
the world go round’ –
in spite of the fact that the world goes
round in cycles of abuse as we see within history repeating, where we fight
against each-other in the name of profit and personal/national/religious/etc.
INTEREST in separation from LIFE AS A WHOLE.
I commit myself to
sharing and living the simplicity of common sense as What is Best for All;
as we are all beings
of the earth that share the same requirements for our survival on this earth,
where the physical experiences of comfort/discomfort, pleasure/pain, fulfilment/lack
are the same for all as Earthlings –
and yet we create
mental concepts of ´comfort´, ´pleasure´, and ´fulfilment´ that only regard our
OWN self-interest, in spite of the obvious fact that the pursuit of a CAUSE
such as ´personal happiness´ has an EFFECT of actual discomfort, pain and lack
for others in the world.
Within this, I commit myself to showing and
recognizing the extent of our separation from life, where we exist in disregard
of the discomfort, lack and suffering that OUR self-interest and pursuit of ‘happiness’
has on our world –
as within self-interest, our participation in
the world will be that of acceptance and allowance, because through our mere
participation in the pursuit of ‘personal happiness’ in this world, we are
tacitly implying our acceptance and allowance of the entire world system – and
that includes the abuse, the deception, the exploitation of life that we all
are aware of is taking place day in day out, in this world where a child dies
every couple of seconds from preventable causes.
I commit myself to
showing how the world system supports and perpetuates self-interest only, and
exploits life in the name of profit;
and that in fact the
world system reflects our own nature, as we literally exploit ourselves and each-other,
our physical bodies and the body of the earth, in the name of PROFIT = SELF-INTEREST.
I commit myself to
showing that the nature of emotions and feelings is reflected in the world
system of CONSUMERISM;
and that the SYSTEM
controls us through emotions and feelings – a fact that is understood by those
that govern the world in the name of ‘personal power’/profit.
I commit myself to sharing and living the
common sense realization that as long as I accept myself to place my faith and
the definition of myself on emotions and feelings: the SYSTEM can control me.
Within this I commit myself to sharing the
common sense that MIND CONTROL works from the inside out: through what we accept
and allow within ourselves – thus we are always self responsible based on our
OWN acceptances and allowances.
I commit myself to showing
how within our acceptance and allowance of this bipolar system as feelings/emotions
we abdicate our directive-power and give the SYSTEM the authority to define and
determine us and our experience –
and that within
that, the system can control us because we have per implication accepted that
we are powerless towards the inner system of feelings and emotions.
I commit myself to showing how we implicate
ourselves in our own doom by giving our power away to feelings and emotions –
instead of realizing the common sense that
when we experience feelings and emotions, we are in fact experiencing the
conditioned patterns of the past, through the mind, and not the actuality of
I commit myself to sharing and living the
common sense realization that life is not memory, and living is not in the
I commit myself to
showing that our existence as ‘human race’ is so DUMB, that in spite of the obvious
common sense that feelings and emotions function through preprogrammed patterns
of stimuli-response, we do not even for a moment STOP to look at what it is we
are doing / following / pursuing and the consequences thereof;
and we use
´justifications´ such as that everybody is doing this, this is just human
nature, that´s how this reality functions, it´s the world we live in etc.,
refusing however to
consider that this reality is what it is because we are what we are – because of
what we accept and allow ourselves to be.
I commit myself to showing how history keeps
repeating with wars and bloodshed and a RACE for survival in the SAME way our
emotional/feeling patterns keep repeating within ourselves through our
submission, acceptance, and allowance, while we exist in constant inner
conflict and struggle, racing after self-interest;
and all we do is blame ´others´, or seek
revenge, or seek justice – refusing however to see, realize and understand that
in a system of inequality and separation there can be no justice; and that blame
and revenge lead no-where but into the patterns repeating and life being
abused, exploited and CONSUMED in the name of profit = self-interest.
I commit myself to
sharing and living the common sense realization that feelings and emotions are
an indication of self-interest, because feelings and emotions are the
´expressions´ of the personalities we have created ourselves as, in separation
from LIFE.
I commit myself to
showing how personalities develop and follow certain wants, needs and desires,
and are ready to literally FIGHT for their wants, needs and desires regardless
at what cost, regardless whether others will suffer for one to have one´s OWN
wants, needs and desires met, regardless the fact that these wants, needs and
desires are products of the world CONSUMERISM system within which we are all
but organic robots programmed to keep the system running.
Within this I commit
myself to recognizing and stopping within myself the control of the mind consciousness
system through personalities – which practically implies to in fact stop myself
from existing as personalities and following the conditioned wants, needs and
desires that come-up within me as the mind consciousness system.
I commit myself to continue
walking my process of getting to know, see and understand the detail of How I
created myself through acceptance and allowance to be what I am today – in the
realization that who each one is accumulates into and manifests what this world
therefore it is our responsibility to sort out ourselves into and as
oneness and equality of life, to within that transform our existence in this
world from inequality and abuse to Life in equality and oneness.
I commit myself to
stop self-interest, and to align myself with the interest of LIFE, as what is
best for all, which includes me;
as I realize that
within self-interest we only limit ourselves and keep ourselves within our ‘comfort
zones’, seemingly ‘in control’ yet in fact in-fear/’inferior’, never really
expanding, never really discovering ourselves as life to our fullest potential.
I commit myself to
bringing forth a new system of actual life support, based on the actual value
of life as LIFE, as oneness and equality – so that the world becomes a place
that in fact supports our process of self-realizing life as oneness and
equality, stopping the accepted limitations, and expanding to our fullest potentials,
in self-dignity and mutual respect, within the context of What’s Best for All
as LIFE.
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ART by Arvydas Platakis |
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@ eqafe for FREE:
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation
* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
For further context to this Blog post see:
Day 151: 11 of 21 Days Practicing Self Equality | Who am I as my Thoughts - part2
Day 152: 12 of 21 Days Practicing Self Equality | Up&Down, Round&Round, the Car_U_Sell of Life?
Day 153: 13 of 21 Days Practicing Self Equality | Stopping the Ups & Downs
Day 154: 14 of 21 Days Practicing Self Equality | Feelings & Emotions Inequality
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