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ART by Matti Freeman |
For context see my previous blog posts:
Day 109: The Hand that Rocks the Cradle - Parenting Begins with Ourselves
Day 110: The Hand that Rocks the Cradle - The Consciousness that Drives Us
Day 111: The Hand that Rocks the Cradle - Fear & Desire
Day 112: Fear & Desire - The Hand that Rocks the Cradle | Self Commitment Statements
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that any methods promulgated in this world for mind control or the reprogramming of patterns: FAIL because the point is approached from the perspective of CONTROL =
with the starting-point of gaining /reaching /attaining ‘superiority’ over the mind, to which one perceive and accept oneself as ‘inferior’ –
failing to consider, question and investigate the very starting-point of ‘inferiority’, and trying to ‘solve’ it through its opposite-polarity – ‘superiority’ – without understanding the design of polarity as such and the trap it is:
with the result that the self-separation and the gap between ‘being self’ and ‘directing self’ increases even more, because within and through the very approach of attempting to gain / reach / attain a ‘superior’ state, one is tacitly implying the acceptance of ‘inferiority’ as reality.
And thus, that ‘superiority’ remains always an illusion, a projection, a hope, a desire, that in the best case becomes a make-belief state of mind – without the individual establishing any substantial self-control or self-direction, because the approach perpetuates the self-separation, and the basic understanding about how one exists and functions as a mind consciousness system is literally missing.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to refuse to consider and understand that unless we realize HOW we came to exist through and as a programmed consciousness: it is impossible to program or create anything new, let alone change what we call ‘human nature’ into actual evolution.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that any approach of ‘mind control’ is bound to FAIL due to missing the holistic equal and one participation of the individual as the one seeing into, realizing and taking directive principle of the program that one has become.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that any polarity approach will be limited to and confined within the very polarity-design it attempts to ‘fight’.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that it is ludicrous to continue ‘fighting’ against ourselves, human-nature, or the world; and that we can only change our existence through actually and truly understanding ourselves, human-nature and the world and how it came to be what it is today: an existence of polarity, exploitation, deception, manipulate and abuse where we exist AGAINST each-other in competition, conflict and war, in FEAR of each-other, in FEAR of ourselves, of living, of actually and truly taking self-responsibility for What Is Here.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to come to the simple common sense that the only way to change ‘something’ – anything – is to change it within and as ourselves;
Not from the starting-point of ‘fighting’ it, judging it, trying to ‘overcome’ it or to ‘win’ over it – but rather from the starting-point of understanding it with no judgment but common sense, understanding it through becoming it, through investigating how the point we’re dealing with exists within and as ourselves, and seeing it for what it is.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that any attempt to ‘fight’ the mind/ourselves or to ‘win’ over the mind/ourselves: creates merely more separation, and manifests an additional entity/personality within the mind as ‘opponent’ that is instructed to dominate as ‘superior’ over the ‘inferior’/‘bad’/’wrong’ parts of ourselves towards which we remain in judgment and thus in separation, causing more denial and more suppression –
Instead of simply acknowledging the point by standing equal to and one with it and seeing it for what it is, with all its interconnections, equations and outflows / consequences.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that to effectively face and deal with what we want to change of ourselves: we require to acknowledge the consequences of our participation and recognize the mechanisms through which we trap ourselves into such participation in spite of knowing that such participation does not support ourselves as life.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that changing our nature will take much more than ‘mind control’ – because the patterns we have adopted and become are ingrained within and as the physical through accumulation of patterns: it is in our behaviour, it is in our unconscious/subconscious drives, it is in our body language, it is in our gestures, our facial expression, the words we use, the reaction we allow ourselves to act out.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that it is in the practical living application of ourselves in every moment that we have to imprint, apply and live the change into beingness: as who we are, as ourselves, as the entirety of our participation in the actuality of our reality.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that to be and become the self-willed individuals that will stand for life and stop the accepted and allowed mind control and brainwashing that has become the very system of our world:
we require to investigate, acknowledge and understand How we came to be brainwashed and mind controlled into beings driven by motives apparently ‘unknown’ to them, coming from depths unimagined, apparently out of nowhere –
Does this not beg the question whether the whole matrix of consciousness is programmed into the physical throughout time, following apparently its own agenda since the conscious being claims to have no control and no responsibility for its own outbursts and the mis-takes and harm that is being allowed?
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that no one alone can see and realize how one is driven from within the unconscious and subconscious mind – because due to our suppression, denial and self-abdication the mind has become like a separate entity with its own agenda of preserving its ‘self-image’, its ego, its self-interest; and due to the mind’s starting-point of FEAR, it will always attempt to ‘win’ by leading the being to its preprogrammed desires that will apparently give it POWER and CONTROL.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the ‘power’ and ‘control’ of the mind are based on a PERCEPTUAL reality and are revealed as the Illusions that they are in moments where the actual beingness, presence, directive of the being is required: in conflict, in disease, in matters of life or death.
With all the evolution of ‘spirituality’, ‘psychology’, ‘science’, how is it that no one ever considered: if we were REALLY able to change reality through the mind, how come no one was ever able to program themselves to live forever? Why is death inevitable when the mind apparently has the power to give instructions based on the premise ‘mind over matter’? How come the mind does not survive death? Could it be that consciousness requires the physical in order to exist? Could it be that this consciousness we have created /manifested /allowed is in fact possessing the physical, sucking it dry until there is no life substance left to ‘drink’ from?
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to consider that it is imperative to understand what FUELS the mind and how, to see and recognize that the mind is a program directed by a consciousness that exists in separation from life in self-interest;
to then ask ourselves if that is REALLY who we are and what LIFE is supposed to be!
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand the obvious common sense answer coming for the observation that the physical is subject to more than just the conscious mind:
Namely that the physical is the answer and that any systematic approach to reprogram, adjust, or transform the mind must not only incorporate the understanding of its object, but in the realization that both the ‘scientist’ and the ‘individual’ IS in fact the object one is observing, to allow the object – as the mind, as the individual – to become the subject that instructs and initiates the change, the new instructions, in self-honesty, self-responsibility and common sense as life. This/such change must be physically understood and applied in all the dimensions of actual practical living.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand the simplicity of observing and acknowledging who we are in our practical living application –
and that this, seen for what it is in self-honesty, is the key to ‘man know thyself’;
and self-forgiveness, which implies the recognition of self-responsibility for What Is Here as self and the self-realization of life as oneness and equality, is the key to releasing and letting go of that which one acknowledges as not equal to and one with LIFE /as not supportive of life;
self-corrective writing and living is then the act of taking the self-responsibility to script the change/correction and become the living-solution through self-willed change in one’s self-application within participation in this physical reality.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand the application of oneness and equality versus the approach of ‘control’ and ‘superiority’ –
in spite of the fact through my own experiences in childhood I know that that is what I always wished for myself and my world in relation to parents, children and ‘growing up’ in this world.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand the importance of parenting and that if we want to change society, ergo ‘human-nature’, ergo the world: we have to redefine parenting and realize that parenting begins with ourselves.
I commit myself to redefining Parenting through living a relationship with myself just like I would like to receive it from a parent that understands and respects me and treats me as an equal of life.
I commit myself to investigating and re-aligning all aspects of my relationship to myself where I have within myself taken a judgmental or ‘superior’/‘inferior’ position, where I have created separation and inner conflict –
and to with the tools of self-honesty, self-forgiveness, self-corrective writing and living: assist and support myself in bringing the points ‘back to self’; embracing every point as me and allowing every point to tell me ‘its story’ that is the story of "me" so that I may understand and acknowledge How the "me" I exist as was formed; and forgiving the separation, projection, judgement and conflict I have allowed, to then set myself free to redefine and recreate myself in oneness and equality as life.
I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself and my world through the desteni I process where we take apart the patterns of our existence to transform the conflicts and polarities into LIVING oneness and equality in absolute self-responsibility, self-equality and self-respect –
within this establishing a new starting-point for what we call ‘human-nature’, a new starting-point for what we call ‘life’/’living’ = the acknowledgement of LIFE as the only actual value and thus the practical application of dignity, respect, and support for ALL LIFE EQUALLY, in the realization that ‘united we stand, divided we fall’.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that this realization –‘united we stand, divided we fall’ – does not only refer to us as humanity, the world, but also refers to the individual:
We have to live this realization into and as ourselves to stand as an individual in unity, in integrity, as ONE and EQUAL, as the absolute authority of self in integrity = self equality and oneness.
I commit myself to showing that an equal money system will assist and support humanity in our process of redefining our ‘human nature’, our money-system, democracy, the media, science, technology, and all aspects of ‘life’ and ‘living’ into a practical approach that will respect and support all life equally –
and that within that we will give ourselves the time, the freedom and the support to live ourselves into a new way of life, a new practical approach to reality, a new ‘human-nature’, a new world consciousness that will enable actual evolution, actual learning and understanding, actual science, actual creation and self mastery.
Read up on the MIND and CREATION:
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* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation
* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
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ART by Arvydas Platakis |
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