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ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo |
This blog post is a continuation of:
Day 111: The Hand that Rocks the Cradle - Fear & Desire
Day 112: Fear & Desire - The Hand that Rocks the Cradle | Self Commitment Statements
Day 113: Reprogramming Your Mind - Is Mind Control possible?
Day 114: Reprogramming Your Mind - Positive Thinking is for Cowards
For further context see also:
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that meditation is the creation of an alternate reality bubble charged with 'positive' feelings and thoughts, where I can hide for a moment from the actuality of reality - the actuality of myself;
wherein I attempt to deny and suppress whatever I fear or judge within myself as 'negative' - and thus to cover-up the 'negative' I create 'positive' thoughts and feelings so that I for a moment can 'feel good', feel that I am 'better' or 'more than' or 'higher than' who I am in fact.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to BUY INTO the promulgated 'medication' of new-age/ spirituality/ religion that SELL 'meditation' as a way to 'happiness' and 'enlightenment' - instead of realizing that such 'medication' is but a band-aid so-called 'solution' that works through make-belief and the creation of illusions to for a moment 'feel better' about oneself.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider the fact that throughout the now more than 2000 years of meditation/ spirituality/ religion: Humanity has made no substantial progress within WHO WE ARE –
and that no spiritual leader, guru or group have ever QUESTIONED the entirety of the system we exist within and as and the exploitation, abuse and atrocity that is being allowed to exist in this world (poverty, starvation, famine, war, inequality); yet no spiritual leader, guru or group has ever suggested a universal solution for the transformation of OUR existence, because the matter of fact is that meditation/ spirituality/ religion has always promoted the path of self-interested enlightenment that has no regard for LIFE as a whole.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that meditation has been but yet another band-aid so-called 'solution' the CONSUMERISM system SELLS for people to BUY INTO as a concept of 'happiness' - because that 'happiness' is what makes people COMFORTABLY NUMB and unable to question the ways of the world, question the system, question themselves and what they accept and allow based on the beliefs, hopes, fears and desires that they adopt and that are equally based on the accepted system/consciousness of this world as we know it.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to ever fall for religion/ spirituality/ meditation in the HOPE to become 'more', 'better', a 'higher being', without questioning the suppression and denial of the actuality of myself that it took in order to 'make space' for all those 'good thoughts' and 'good feelings' - in spite of the obvious evidence that such 'thoughts' and 'feelings' were never REAL, but only make-belief ingredients in my quest for 'personal happiness' on my path of escaping myself/my responsibility.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the quest of 'personal happiness' is how the CONSUMERISM system promotes self-interest - because as long as we exist in self-interest: we will exist in competition and thus conflict and war and the SYSTEM will be able to continue making PROFIT and preserving itself while we the people keep the system running.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exist within 'escapism' - wherein I'd do anything to avoid taking responsibility for myself and my inner experience.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to go into a reaction towards parts of me which I fear or judge - and to then look for ways to suppress, deny and avoid those parts of me which I've judged or created fear/inferiority towards; to not have to take responsibility for the entirety of myself.
Within this I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create and accept separation within myself - wherein I'd only want to see and experience and accept that which I've judged as 'positive', and deny /suppress /avoid all that which I've judged as 'negative'.
Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider and ask myself: Who is going to take responsibility for all that which I've judged as 'negative' within myself, if I don't?
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that all that which I judge as 'negative' within my world or which I fear within my world: in fact exists within myself in one way or another – yet we hide behind judgment and blame to not have to acknowledge how we ourselves participate in the patterns of existence that manifest the world as we know it.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that if I would only investigate How such 'negative' points exist within me and How I through judgment and separation refuse to take responsibility for such 'negative' points within myself:
I would be making a great contribution to this world and to the process of transforming our existence to no longer accept or allow abuse, deception, manipulation and exploitation of life.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that I can escape myself or deny the consequences of my existence by meditating or following 'spiritual' paths -
instead of realizing that I am Here and what I exist as in thought, word and deed is also here as the consequences of my existence, and that consequences don’t just go away by us not looking at them.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to run away from myself and try to hide from myself and the consequences of my existence through meditation or other 'spiritual' paths -
and within this I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exist in fear of myself, accepting myself tacitly as 'inferior' and from this starting-point: trying to super-impose an apparently 'superior' state of mind through meditation or other 'spiritual' paths.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the SPIRIT of LIFE is equal in all as we all breathe the same air and share a common origin and a common end -
and that it is therefore ludicrous to claim a 'higher spirit' and trying to reach/attain such 'higher spirit' through meditation in denial of our responsibility for What Is Here as ourselves and this world as our creation!
I commit myself to showing how all religions, spiritual movements and methods promulgated in this world USE and ABUSE the consumerism system for their OWN profit - and that NO religion, spiritual movement or method has ever actually questioned or challenged the system and the abuse, deception and exploitation it allows for --
and that THIS is evidence that even institutions like religion, spirituality, spiritual movements and methods: in fact exist from a starting-point of fear, separation, and self-interest; and in NO WAY make any effort to come-together and work together in the interest of LIFE as a whole.
I commit myself to showing that those existing in the utmost fear and judgment and thus in the utmost separation: are the most likely to follow spirituality/religion and apply methods like meditation to cover-up reality with delusions of 'grandeur' while they sit and wait hoping some 'god' or 'holy spirit' will save them or enlighten them.
I commit myself to showing that real meditation is self-awareness as life, as Breath Here in every moment; it encompasses all that is here and initiates common sense considerations related to the actuality of reality, in self-realization of LIFE as a Whole that is interconnected and interdependent.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that meditation should be equal to Breath/Breathing - not a secluded practice done in the four walls of a room within the chambers of one's secret mind with sole purpose the enhancement of one's OWN self-experience.
I commit myself to showing that needing, wanting or desiring 'meditation' or the promised results thereof: is in fact equal to running away and hiding from the actuality of self; it is equal to the want, need and desire to suppress and deny the actuality of reality - for an ILLUSION of 'happiness', 'enlightenment' and the like.
I commit myself to showing that BUYING INTO meditation/spirituality is easy because one feels 'overpowered' and 'overwhelmed' and thus 'less than' and 'inferior' to what is really going on within oneself and the actuality of reality –
and that when spirituality/religion offers the promise of 'an easy way out' through meditation (which is nothing but projections of 'divinity', 'superiority', 'higher self' and other DELUSIONS of GRANDEUR) : people BUY INTO it out of fear, inferiority and accepted powerlessness, in spite of the obvious self separation such application supports.
I commit myself to showing how meditation is but yet another band-aid so-called 'solution' the CONSUMERISM system SELLS for people to BUY INTO as a way to 'happiness' - because that 'happiness' is what makes people COMFORTABLY NUMB and unable to question the ways of the world, to question the system, to question themselves and what they accept and allow based on the beliefs, hopes, fears and desires that they adopt/accept/allow and that are equally based on the accepted consciousness system of this world as we know it.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the quest of 'personal happiness' is how the CONSUMERISM system promotes self-interest - because as long as we exist in self-interest: we will exist in competition and thus conflict and war and the SYSTEM will be able to continue making PROFIT and exploting life to preserve itself while we the people keep the system running.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the SPIRIT of LIFE is equal in all –
as we all breathe the same air, share the same water, and return to the same dust;
and that it is therefore ludicrous to claim a 'higher spirit' and trying to reach/attain such 'higher spirit' through meditating ourselves into a separate bubble-reality in denial of our responsibility for What Is Here as ourselves and this world as our creation!
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by Sylvie Jacobs |
When we need to remember where we are and who we are, we are Lost.
When we are HERE, we will be Aware that we Have created HERE as what it is now
and we have no excuse but to direct HERE to what is best for All.
To be LOST is not real, it is only a television series. Memories are Always the Past.
Memories are Never HERE as LIFE. Stop listening to the LOST that say you must Remember yourself. They are LOST in the ILLUSION of self created 'Light and Love' Memories.
~ Bernard Poolman
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