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"When Life is the Capital - Human Innovation is Set Free"
Is currently life the capital - or is currently death the capital in this world?
From what I see in our world, the "freedom to become wealthier" is equal to the "freedom to abuse".
This is the case within the current system, where wealth is defined as the ‘power’ that gives one the luxury to not care about what others must endure so that I can have my ‘wealth’ and have my ‘power’.
In an equal money system, everyone would in fact have the freedom to be/become wealthier as one explore one's potentials. Wealth can be defined as for instance richness in opportunities, in experiences, in education or career or path of interest, in talents and abilities, research and collaborations, you name it, or even becoming a successful businessman/businesswoman. Wealth would be defined in the context of self-expression, self-development, self-expansion to one's utmost potential as life, and obviously within a system that works-together each one would be in their expression a real contribution to the ‘system’, to 'all', to society, to the world and the future of the world.
Wouldn’t for instance open knowledge for all be true wealth for humanity? Wouldn’t food and shelter and all the basic requirements for a life in dignity met be true wealth for humanity?
So it’s not that ‘wealth’ is ‘bad’, but it’s to re-evaluate how we define and express wealth in the current system/way of life and at what cost.
Wouldn't equal wealth and abundance - the best of everything for all - be real fun?
A comment I received on this entry on Quora:
<<That's probably why so many people on Quora are alarmed by what the EMS group is trying to achieve.
It's not that any of us support abuse (if I may be so pretentious as to speak for others), it's that we tend to see wealth as something that you only get when you've made your customers happy. That's the opposite of abuse.
There are of course people who use wealth to facilitate abuse, and we can all agree that it's a problem, but EMS wants to throw the baby out with the bath-water.>>
My response:
(Note: The reason “so many people on Quora are alarmed by what the EMS group is trying to achieve” is not the equal money movement, it is the deliberate slandering, lies and misleading questions spread on Quora by Anonymous users (mainly one anonymous user) after which, fascinatingly enough, the phenomenon was witnessed that most of the ‘educated folk’ on Quora did not go do the research at source, did not visit our websites and forums, but simply reacted in fear and followed the anonymous conspiracy theories, forming a mob.
On this phenomenon, please see the analyses done such as
Noam Chomsky Quote Experiment on Quora with Anonymous
When Anonymous Acted like Hitler on Quora
as well as my previous blog posts
325 | The Quora Experiment & The Desteni of Equality
323 | Walking the Equal Money Movement & the Desteni of Humanity
324 | Walking the Equal Money Movement & the Desteni of Humanity – part2 )
It's interesting that anyone would be alarmed by some people working towards eliminating abuse/exploitation/inequality and stopping the fraud that is the very money-system.
Why is no one alarmed about the world system trying to achieve more and more control over the people, for instance through biometric data? Why is no one alarmed about banks making debt and expecting the people to pay for it?
<<There are of course people who use wealth to facilitate abuse, and we can all agree that it's a problem, but EMS wants to throw the baby out with the bath-water.>>
- There is an assumption being made here, I'd suggest to visit
Equal Money Capitalism and check out what has been discussed thus far - and please remember: Nothing is set in stone; We are discussing and laying out ways to get there (= to equality as life-quality with Life as the value/foundation/principle of a system that in fact cares for and supports Life) - but we are not yet even a political party.
The equal money system is different to all past/existent systems because it implies the end of hierarchies and the end of power-abuse through inequality. The ems is scripted from the starting-point of oneness as equality – meaning: equal rights, equal access, equal power, equal responsibility, equal freedom for all – as equal parts of life, which is our oneness, as a whole.
The equal money system is different also in that it, by its very definition placement, gives the human a purpose that goes beyond an existence of merely functioning within the accepted 'ways of life' that serve no other purpose but to preserve a system of profit that allows the exploitation of life for profit and the dominion of a ‘select few’ at the cost of many;
on the contrary, the equal money system will give everyone the ability, the time and the freedom to express and expand self to one's utmost potential.
I’d suggest to visit our websites and join the forums, we’ve been developing this for more than five years now and the material is accordingly vast. Anyone can join - this is about the PEOPLE working together as equals realizing one common interest: Life.
I received a comment to this entry:
<<You will be surprised how many past systems were based on "the end of hierarchies." There’s a word for that - anarchy - means "without a ruler." Anarchy has come to be associated with lawlessness and chaos, but many anarchists really sought to bring about a better world through equality, just like EMS adherents.>>
My response:
Hi, thanks for your comment. In terms of anarchy movements, what I find must be asked is: What was missed? Why was no proposal/alternative thus far able to be applied as a solution to the world system and work for all? What will it take to get to such change and equal rights for all people?
<<I think the primary difficulty with anarchy is that there will always be someone who sees it as an opportunity to use violence to acquire power and wealth.
If the world consisted only of people who behave in accordance with the golden rule, then anarchy would work just fine. (I'd be happy to live there.) But if it was human nature to behave in accordance with the golden rule, we wouldn't need EMS to make people follow the golden rule.
Far as I can tell, EMS boils down to "everyone would follow the golden rule, if everyone would follow the golden rule." Which is true, but...
And the EMS roadmap from here to there involves a centrally planned economy. Those inevitably create far worse problems than they attempt to solve.>>
My response:
<<I think the primary difficulty with anarchy is that there will always be someone who sees it as an opportunity to use violence to acquire power and wealth.
If the world consisted only of people who behave in accordance with the golden rule, then anarchy would work just fine. (I'd be happy to live there.) But if it was human nature to behave in accordance with the golden rule, we wouldn't need EMS to make people follow the golden rule.>>
- Agreed.
It’s interesting though to look at this ‘golden rule’. In essence, this golden rule is about common sense – about doing unto others what you’d like to have done unto you, and giving as you would like to receive, and loving your neighbor as yourself, and investigating all things to keep only the good.
What is preventing the human being from living this ‘golden rule’ / ‘best for all’ is: Fear – as well as the desire for power/superiority – which is something that’s been nicely indoctrinated into human nature ever since the beginning of social engineering.
Watch the Documentaries The Trap, The Century of the Self and Psywar for perspective.
<<Far as I can tell, EMS boils down to "everyone would follow the golden rule, if everyone would follow the golden rule." Which is true, but...>>
- What we are saying – in short – is that the current system educates the human-being into such a selfish prick and at the same time such a fearful slave-robot, that it’s gonna take a process of actual education/awareness to get to common sense and self-responsibility and thus enable/manifest dignity in the context of life/living. And this could be done with a new system of eg. equal money to support us humans to actually get over ourselves/our ego, transcend fear, and dare explore what it means to give as you would like to receive, what it means to live and express without fear, what it means to learn and expand, what it means to move through self-will in actual understanding instead of following the carrot that is being used in the system by the system to drive humanity to keep the system running – at the cost of life.
(I find we are witnessing a process of mass destruction self-inflicted in the history of mankind that is spiraling and revolving around: money / energy / polarity. It is crucial to reevaluate our value-system as humanity.
It is, with common sense, easy to see the simplicity of equality as solution to the bipolar value-system of 'superior' and 'inferior', of 'masters' and (actual) slaves, of Haves and Have-Nots, of Indulgence and Starvation - which are all polarity systems perfectly controlled and kept-in-place through the educational tactics of Reward and Punishment, Fear and Desire, perfectly used by the consumerism system to educate aka indoctrinate the self-definition of human beings and human life. It is self-evident that what we call education at all levels in this world serves only the production of a human being as an organic robot conditioned to follow fear and desire and thus to slave for survival while it thinks much of itself.
This could get really ugly unless we stop – and reevaluate everything.)
<<And the EMS roadmap from here to there involves a centrally planned economy. Those inevitably create far worse problems than they attempt to solve.>>
- By having a look at today’s world politics anyone should be able to see that what is busy happening is based on a “centrally planned economy” – it’s called the ‘free markets’ and it involves the big brothers as the corporations that control governments and all decisions, because profit is that which is doing the talking. But one can also look at developments such as Google and the upcoming biometric tools and security measures.
So this world is already functioning through a centrally planned economy, and the new world order is the old world order. And unless this fraud is exposed and people realize their power and take back their power - through understanding, not through violence - this world will continue running under the centrally planned economy of the big brothers and will robe the people more and more of its freedom.
Here it can be seen why equality is the solution to what we are facing as humanity.
From where I see it, it’s either that WE the people will stand together and work together to truly produce an alternative, a new system that values life – or we leave everything to the hands of current politics in 'hope for the better' which would be awesomely stupid as it is self-evident that our world is heading towards further control, further censorship, further austerity measures affecting the middle class, further destruction to nature and the animal kingdom, further degradation and devaluation of life.
If you go to EqualMoney.org you’ll find that we propose and suggest the application of real direct democracy, factually one man one vote, for all political, social and economical decisions. Real democracy as a means of policy-planning and decision-making for any matters of practical living - which means real democracy as a means of creating, forming and establishing a new system, a new way of life for the one world we all share. Common Sense, isn't it?
Check out the Equal Money System –
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.
Check out the Desteni I Process Lite –
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.
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