Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

471 | Self Forgiveness : Letting Go of nEGOtivity

Continuing from
Day 470 | Seeing through Blame and Regret
Day 469 | VerZweiFeln - A State of Mind, a State of Being
Day 465 | Grundeinstellung. The Company I Keep
Day 464 | Letting Go of Knowledge and Embracing Nothingness
Day 463 | The Dark Pit of Regret
Day 462 | Slowing Down to Live Fully
Day 461 | Slow and Steady - Walking MySelf to Freedom

...I blamed myself to such an extent that I started hating myself, within this merely strengthening and `validating´ the already accepted idea / self-belief of `unworthiness´ – a belief which I had developed since childhood and due to which I spent an entire life trying to do things and be things that would apparently `give me value´ and `make me worthy´… It´s amazing how fucked-up ego/consciousness designs can be.
...Ego is not life – because if it were, it would be equal as life and would exist in self-worth and self-value as life and would thus acknowledge this value as life within everyone else equally.
Who we have become as ego-consciousness is an atrocious design, a self-interest based system that feeds off of life in the name of self-interest. It is a shame.
...This is the ultimate point we are faced with within/as humanity, individually and collectively: to transcend the limitations of consciousness, get over ourselves as ego, and embrace ourselves and each-other as life, moving ourselves from self-interest (which is in the interest of the ego/personality /mind/design consciousness and never in the interest of a being as life) and into/as the interest of life as who we really are.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to feel ashamed for getting caught up in my mind and creating a fucked-up experience for myself and others through how I’ve interpreted things and the assumptions I made.
I forgive myself that I´ve accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that I am not worthy of forgiveness because I fucked-up.
I forgive myself that I hadn´t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that such thought / belief as such comes from and exists as ego.

I forgive myself that I´ve accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that only if another is able to forgive me am I worthy of forgiveness – and within this I forgive myself that I´ve accepted and allowed myself to abdicate myself and my self-responsibility.
I forgive myself that I´ve accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as `bad´ and to deny myself real, actual forgiveness – and within this I forgive myself that I hadn´t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that I had not forgiven myself every time I would fall into this predisigned pattern and thus I wasn´t able to change because I was still holding on to the idea and belief that I am not worthy of forgiveness, I am a `bad person´ and thus I would again fall into the pattern as if to `prove´ that I am unworthy of forgiveness because look, everything is fucked up and I am fucked up and thus I must be punished.
I forgive myself that I´ve accepted and allowed myself to `punish´ myself and within to go into cycles of self-sabotage instead of actual change.
I forgive myself that I haven´t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a preprogrammed consciousness design – which is formed and empowered through the attention one gives it by following the particular thoughts and emotional-/feeling-reactions – will `fight for its survival´ and will try and `validate´ and `justify´ itself because this is how we as ego-consciousness exist: as personality characters with particular value-judgments as well as `agendas´ that seek to be fulfilled in order for the ego / consciousness personality to `feel alive´ and `righteous´.

I commit myself to letting go of regret, as I realize that EGO is not only manifested within `superiority´ but also within `inferiority´ and self-victimization, self-pity, self-judgment. Therefore, when and as thoughts and/or emotions come-up within me as conditioned, telling me that I am `not worthy of forgiveness´, that I am a `bad person´, that I am `not worthy of change´: I stop, I breathe, and I bring myself back here, out of the mind, and into the actuality of reality where: I am here and thus able to direct myself in self-honesty and self-respect.

…to be continued.

Awesome support and insights on REGRET and how to work with it can be found in these interviews:

Also, some FREE interviews to support with working through self-image (both positive and negative):

Check out further FREE Educational Downloadables at EQAFE!

ART by Kelly Posey

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Check out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation - a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All.

Check out the Basic Income Guaranteed with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Blogs to Study:

MUST-READ on Life and Creation:

For support and participation visit:

Join us in the Journey to Life !

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