Samstag, 30. Juni 2012

Day 76: One Universe | The Only Real Thing is Consciousness?

ART by Kelly Posey

Have a look at this new age quote:

"Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what Spirituality, Philosophy, Sages, Ancient teachings and psychedelics have been saying for millennia, that the entire Universe is One and that what we think of as "reality" is just an illusion... And the only real thing in the Universe is Consciousness."

The first thing to observe here is the FEELING these words transmit. Look within yourself, when reading these words. Does hope arise? Are you becoming more optimistic? Why are no questions arising? You feel like all you have to do is believe and everything will be okay? Or perhaps you feel like meditating?

Let’s for a moment assume that the only real thing in the universe is consciousness. Now let’s use common sense:

Even if the only real thing in the universe were consciousness – what we then should be doing, is actually getting to know consciousness as ourselves – then we would see the polarity construct consciousness is based on, and we would acknowledge what consequences we are manifesting within and without by submitting ourselves to and (re-) acting out such polarity constructs. We need not look far: simply within ourselves, and at the world without.

If the only real thing were consciousness – we should look at the world, ourselves, our relationships, and ask ourselves where this consciousness is leading really, because both looking within and looking without: we can see that the automated course of consciousness is one of self-destruction, self-consumption, self-delusion, self-deception.

What we can also see is that consciousness cannot in fact be life, otherwise it would have already brought forth an evolution that would ensure a dignified life for every living being on earth; WE would ensure that our systems and all our ways of interaction are aligned to what is best for all life – the highest goal a divine consciousness (if it were so) would aspire to for our existence on earth.

Oh but wait, consciousness is somehow telling you that this existence on earth is not at all real, that it’s an illusion. Could that be the ultimate justification for the atrocity we are accepting and allowing here on earth while we dream of salvation in some afterlife?

Isn’t it obvious that while those trapped in consciousness ‘seeking’ and deluding themselves with illusions of divinity and grandeur, they in fact sit and wait and HOPE for something or someone or their ‘higher self’ to miraculously emerge and save the world?

It is obvious that we must stand together and work together in common sense, transparency and pragmatic considerations pertaining to the actuality of the one reality we all share here on earth:

The first question should in fact be – Why are we as humanity not able to do that? Why aren’t we doing that?

Understanding the evidence to this question would be in fact to understand consciousness – because then we would see, what is in the way of us actually taking things in our hands and working together in the interest of life: is consciousness.

To see that, self-honesty is required, because without self-honesty one simply deny the relevance of this physical reality, where 2/3 of the world population exist under atrocious conditions – starvation, poverty, war, violence, famine, exploitation; without self-honesty, one simply deny the relevance of one’s words and deeds in every moment and the outflows they have on one’s own life and the world as a whole. Without self-honesty, one tends to project blame (negative) and hope (positive) outside of oneself and abdicate self-responsibility, yet everyone still wants to have it all for themselves.

We exist in denial. But how much longer can one deny the failure of such survival mechanism? How much longer can one refuse looking at what is going on in the ‘secret mind’, what one is preoccupied with, one’s motives, one’s fears and desires, one’s suppressions, one’s defence-mechanisms and control tactics – all serving one thing: the separation of the individual from life as a whole, to ‘justify’ the fear and remain unchanged, stuck in survival mode within self-interest...

Looking at consciousness as our conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind – how much of it are we in fact aware of? How much are we aware of the interconnections, the relationships, the interplays within ourselves? Have we completely abdicated ourselves to this ‘consciousness’ to be our ‘godly’ driving force, even though it is self-evident that this ‘god’ does not have the interest of Life at heart?

Is consciousness really life? Wouldn’t life continue if the human were to vanish from the face of earth? Obviously. Death is not the end of the body, it is the end of consciousness. It is the end of all thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, memories, self-definitions – the end of the persona, the personalities, the images and ideas.

To think that somehow this consciousness (of which one does not even remember the conscious thought one has had at the end of the day, never mind the unawareness between conscious, subconscious and unconscious influences, never mind where thoughts, feelings and emotions come from) survives death is really a ridiculous projection of hope – a delusion of grandeur really, nothing more and nothing less.

How can we claim that this physical universe be an illusion? Does everyone have to go through loss, starvation, horror to realize that this is real – that this is what we are doing to ourselves and each-other in actuality?! How much worse must it get? What are we waiting for?

We are waiting for ourselves... deliver ourselves from evil –

Evil being both what we do to each-other and ourselves in this physical reality, as well as what we do behind the corners of our mind, hiding behind delusions of grandeur and divinity, waiting in vain while we in fact accept and allow the world to continue as is.

Is the One Universe really consciousness, or is it perhaps physical? Is the physical perhaps even consisting of multidimensions of relationships that we are not able to see because we only see through the filters of consciousness?

Whatever we call it, one thing is clear: this universe is real, but we are not – we are but ideas and constructs imposed onto the physical that is forced to embody our consciousness; we are but concepts fighting against each-other in self-righteousness; we are but trolls wanting to believe we are somehow divine, thinking of consciousness as something profound – when in fact the inner conflicts we all exist within reveal the actual nature of consciousness as a bipolar trap of the mental, which, instead of using it as a tool to support ourselves as life, we have abused it to impose ourselves as mind onto the physical through a morality of exploitation seen in our money-system, our education systems, and all the ways of our world.

If the entire universe is One – then our responsibility here would be to understand all interconnections between all parts of existence, see and realize cause and effect, acknowledge consequence, and ensure an equally dignified existence for all parts of the One. As long as we are not doing this within this one physical reality we share – How can we expect to do this or for this to be given to us in any other realm?

It is easy to speak beautiful words, it is easy to create hope and delusions. It is easy to sit back and make up all kinds of wonderful ways of saving the world or ascending to some special place. But the only thing real is what we make real, and currently we can see on the face of the world that what we are making real is a truly nasty scenario of power-games, struggle and deception, manifesting merely our own demise.

What happens to a cell in the body that fails to realize its place within the One Universe that is the whole physical organism? It surely doesn’t make up ideas of divinity, higher purpose, or the American dream. Each cell realizes its existence in relation to the whole as One. Perhaps the cancer that eats up humanity is an externalization of what we are doing to our-cell(f)s and each-other...?

Modern science is still not in the position to explain how the mind works or what consciousness really is. Consider that scientists are viewing reality through the same filters of consciousness like everybody else. Consider further more that the science of this world, just like everything else, is subject to the money-system and the political agenda of consumerism. It is obvious that religion and spirituality have fallen victim to consumerism and have failed to pose the questions that would allow for common sense and self-honesty to emerge. Now science is taking a similar position in the world: it follows and sells concepts and ideas of grandeur and divinity to have the human dreaming and hoping, never questioning, never considering standing-up in self-responsibility.

We are trained to easily believe and follow what is served to us on golden platters. We only question things from the one perspective that gives us the answers we want to hear. Thus, we only ever hear or see ourselves, our own minds, our own delusions.

The only illusion in this world are the concepts we base our existence on. The only illusion within ourselves is our consciousness – programs that we create, accept and allow in unawareness, that end up running automatically, passing on from generation to generation, while we fail to direct ourselves and our existence to outcomes that would benefit life.

So are we puppets on the strings of consciousness? Yes we are. Are we driven and directed by consciousness? Yes we are. We make our ‘free will’ subject to consciousness, and we have lost all self-directive. We never actually make choices: we have our fears and desires make our choices for us.

So are we trapped in an illusion? Yes we are. But that illusion is not the physical universe – it is the mind consciousness.

This world is not an illusion – the physical is real. But the systems we have created to manage us, systems that should be in fact tools for life support, are mental constructs for the exploitation of life through a propaganda based on illusionary concepts of ‘power’, ‘happiness’, ‘love’, ‘success’, ‘divinity’, ‘progress’. All the while the only thing progressing in this world is evidently our own destruction and the destruction of our home planet, the universe that gives us life.

Consider that the only ‘ascension’ possible in reality is the purification and re-definition of the accepted ‘human nature’, and simultaneously the purification and re-definition of our systems, towards an existence that functions in ways BEST for LIFE in all possible ways, from the smaller to the bigger. To do that, we have to come to the realization that for our Oneness to be worthy of Life, we have no choice but to Live equality and give all parts of our Oneness equal access, equal power, equal rights, equal life. Instead of trying to ‘enlighten’ ourselves in self-interest and separation – we should rather walk practical ways to ‘enlighten’ our common world, our common ground, our common sense, and live Real Love for Life as Life into beingness, into creation. Deliver ourselves; in self-responsibility. Deliver Life; in responsibility for Life, as all as one as equals. Then – we may truly have heaven on earth.

To ‘get there’, to bring heaven to earth, we’ll inevitably have to understand consciousness – as what we have allowed ourselves and this world to become.

The tools for lifting the veils and bringing all parts of self to the surface to be faced and taken responsibility for: are shared at desteni and specifically within the desteni I process – the journey to life.

Consider that if the only thing that is real is what the human calls consciousness, and if what this refers to is the One Universe we are all part of – then clearly we are not equal to consciousness, otherwise we would see and understand all the interconnections and consequences of all relationships within the One – but we don’t.

In fact, we don’t want to see, we’d rather make up illusions of divinity to believe in, projecting delusions of grandeur to seek out for – instead of investigating who we are as consciousness, how everything works together, how is the deception and abuse kept in place and how we are in fact all equally responsible though acceptance and allowance. If we wanted to SEE, we would see that we’ve been manifesting this reality through our suppressions and denials – through our self-dishonesty and cowardice and pretence. If we wanted to SEE the whole and realize the universe, we’d have to see ourselves – and face ourselves.

ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

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@ eqafe for FREE:
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download – Blogs Compilation

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012

Day 75: EGO-Nomics - The Plight of Humanity

ART by Matti Freeman

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed a world economy system where - instead of economy being based on the Nomos of Eco as what is best for all on our common ground, our home planet earth - the laws of our existence are based in Ego, manifested as profit within a system of self-interest that disregards the interest of life and exploits life in the name of profit.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand the deception of language in this world - where every definition we have of 'good' is in fact evil: seen in the practical application (or should we say lack thereof) of definitions such as 'love', 'economy', 'human rights', 'united nations', 'transparency', 'sustainability', 'Greenpeace', 'energy-saving' products, 'life insurances' and other frauds.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand the actual definition application of 'economy' in this world as stating that 'ECO is Not Me' therefore we accept and allow the exploitation and abuse of our planet, nature, the animal kingdom, children and resources IN THE NAME of PROFIT as long as it does not directly affect "ME" or "MINE".

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize the interconnectedness and interdependence of life - and to within this see and understand that whatever harm is allowed to be done unto the planet, nature, the animal kingdom, or any living being in this one world we share: is in fact harming ME as I am part of the whole and would not exist without the whole.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a solution that is designed as BEST FOR ALL, ensuring that not one living being is allowed to suffer - will in fact be equally best for ME.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the only way to bring forth a sustainable solution for our world that will be best for all, including our home planet, is a solution based in the value of life and thus in equality: as the equal support, equal access, equal rights and equal power for life -
and that such equality must begin with equal money for all, as money is the ONE thing that affects EVERY SINGLE BEING in this reality, the ONE thing we are conditioned to measure our 'success' and 'survival chances' by.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that equal money for all is in fact the way to purify the value we have placed on money, by giving money the value of life as equality - and that only once the human being can in fact be trusted as self-responsible and thus responsible for all life will money become irrelevant as it will be realized that the value is not in the money, it is in life and within how we utilize money in our co-existence; and once it is acknowledged as but a tool of our equality and that it is us that in fact live and apply the equality of our oneness: money will no longer be required and will have served its purpose.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that opposing an equality solution is in fact a vote for the continuation of the current atrocity on earth that is allowed through the hierarchical management of our Oneness in Inequality, based in FEAR and managed through CONTROL, as seen in the current system of 'masters' and 'slaves'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that for our Oneness to be real and dignified, we must acknowledge that all life is equal part of this Oneness;
and that our Oneness must thus be lived in Equality, because without equality practically lived: any concept of oneness is mere deception.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a Oneness of Inequality will always result to abuse, exploitation, fear and control - and that only a Oneness of Equality will restore the value of LIFE and will bring actual freedom and respect for life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the evolution of 'economics' as the science that determines the laws of how we deal with energy and resources in this world: has in fact been developed to 'justify' the abuse and to 'justify' the accepted system of apparent 'scarcity' and 'inequality' as if there were no other way to live and co-exist on this earth.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that the laws of economics are being established by people in positions of power, or people that are controlled by people in positions of power - and are thus designed to protect such positions of power in spite of the evidence that this is the reason 2/3 of the world population are left to exist in extreme survival conditions such as starvation, poverty, famine, war, uncertain if they will make it to see another day.

I commit myself to showing that our entire system requires to be re-evaluated and re-formed, such that the accepted and allowed abuse is stopped once and for all;
and that we require to redefine the starting-point of our systems from that of profit for survival to that of dignity for life.

I commit myself to showing that the first step towards a transformation of our world into the change we all want to see: is a new monetary system through re-defined economics that in fact consider the law of life as oneness and equality: the only law that will ensure the purification of our existence into dignity and respect for life.

I commit myself to showing that the equal money system we at Desteni propose is being designed to restore the value of life and stop all exploitation and abuse - ensuring the common sense re-education of ourselves and our world towards self-honesty, self-responsibility, and self-respect as life -

so that we may eliminate the fear and the accepted mind-control and break free from the controls of consumerism brainwashing that sells us a DREAM of life while the actual LIFE is being disregarded, exploited and abused for profit.

I commit myself to showing that only through the power of the people in self-responsibility will we be able to establish real democracy as one man one vote, so as to bring forth the common sense we've been missing and practically start CARING for life in all possible ways within this one physical reality we all share.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that in our journey from an EGO-system of self-interest to an actual ECO-system that will be in the interest of LIFE as our source, our home, our common ground: we have to start with ourselves -
assisting and supporting ourselves to remove the veils of the system that blind us from seeing the actuality of reality and keep us from realizing our responsibility for what is here through acknowledging our participation/role in the context of the whole;
stopping the fear and the accepted mind-control, and standing-up for life as self-willed equals to work together and live into beingness the change we want to see in our world.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that if we don't do this, if we don't create ourselves and our world as LIFE:
we are in fact abdicating our right to life and make ourselves less than life, thus unworthy of life through our own acceptance and allowance and through our submission to the fear in the mind - instead of walking our self-realization as life in the physical through self-willed action, for all as one as equals.

ART by Matti Freeman

Follow the Journey to Life Blogs from around the world!
Follow the Economist's Journey to Life for valuable insights!

More relevant Blog posts:
Moody's Moods Reflect the Energey of Human Nature
Dead by Debt - Stop the Death Sentence of Life
Equal Money will Save the World

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@ eqafe for FREE:
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* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download – Blogs Compilation

Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

Day 74: Moody's Moods Reflect the Energy of Human Nature

For further context read:
Reaction Energetics Mind the Mine
Living the Dream is the Purpose of Life

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that MOODS are simply the reflection of our addiction to a polarity system that has no actual basis -
wherein we have the polarity of Money and No-Money, of feeling 'good' or 'bad', of being 'superior' or 'inferior'... when in fact such polarity designs are only mental constructs.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see that MONEY is a mental construct designed through the agreement of human beings, willingly or unwillingly, yet it has dominated the physical reality to such an extent, that this mental construct as MONEY has become the god in this physical existence that decides who live and who dies, who can Have and who can have-Not, who is 'superior' and who is 'inferior', who can 'feel good' and who cannot.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that MOODS are simply the reflection of our addiction to 'feeling good' - whereby we only 'feel good' when our position in the world/society is such that it ensures the satisfaction of our self-interest through a 'more' in self-image, status, money, sex, recognition: all MENTAL 'values' - when in fact we have disregarded and diminished the actual value of life in the name of what we 'love' -
and we only 'love-it' when we 'feel good', and we only 'feel good' when we have somehow fulfilled the idea/picture of a 'successful self-image' sold to us by the consumerism system of profit.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that rating agencies such as MOODY’S simply reveal the extent to which we have made ourselves dependent on MOODS as the 'feeling' on which we base our decisions while we disregard the physical dimension of this reality where 2/3 of the world population are left to exist in inhumane conditions with the bare minimum for survival.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have made our feeling dependent on MOODS as energy:
where externally, energy is MONEY, and internally energy is that which can be claimed as MINE in the MIND, be it self-image, a feeling of 'superiority', a sense of power and control, status and fame and fortune and everything that goes with it;

within this we have completely disregarded the actual physical feeling of this one reality, one world we all share - and this disregard is evident in the exploitation and abuse of human lives, nature and the animal kingdom, all in the name of profit.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that what we 'love' in this world consciousness system is profit - externally as MONEY, internally as MIND/MINE;
and just like we hide our wealth and our MONEY from others, we hide what is 'mine' in the MIND, because if others would actually SEE our self-interest they would KNOW that no one can be trusted with LIFE.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that we can only be trusted with life if we have the interest of life in mind in all possible ways -

yet within what has become of 'human nature' and within what we accept to be called 'life' in the current world system: we as humanity prove that we do NOT have the interest of life in mind, but only have self-interest in mind all the time - and so we keep our MIND secret and we keep our MONEY secret out of FEAR of others seeing and realizing the nasty nature of EGO that we've accepted and allowed ourselves to exist as.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world system where we make ourselves dependent on MONEY as a tool for MOOD, where if you HAVE it you can 'feel good' and if you DON'T HAVE it you are left to 'feel bad' - while our planet earth unconditionally provides its resources for ALL and if we would simply make sure that what is here is equally distributed to ALL: ALL LIFE could be EQUALLY taken care of without much effort.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the world consumerism system is dependent on the consumer to buy so that the system can make profit - and that the system thus SELLS dreams and desires for the consumer to BUY into, because if the consumer is not constantly preoccupied with CHASING THE DREAM, the consumer might actually WAKE UP and start questioning the evil ways of the system as ourselves, where we have lost all touch with the actuality of reality and have trapped ourselves in illusions and dreams just to 'feel good' for a moment while the money/mine/energy lasts.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that EVERYTHING that is sold to us in this world is but a DREAM to keep us asleep and 'comfortably numb', in the worst case preoccupied with CHASING THE DREAM so that we can, too, ASCEND the STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN just like the FEW in positions of power and control as MONEY gained through the exploitation and abuse of the MANY in the name of THEIR love, pursued only to 'feel good' and NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

I commit myself to exposing the deceptive nature of MOOD as but a 'feeling' that is not real, but conditioned through the impulses of the consumerism system as seen within e.g. education or media, where the IDEAL DREAM is presented and ways to BUY the dream are presented, forming the desire of the masses to be aligned to only a DREAM, and equally forming the fear of NOT achieving the dream, because achieving the dream is SUCCESS while not achieving the dream is FAILURE, yet this polarity illusion pertains only to the 1/3 of the world population that are somehow able to have some money in their pocket and roof over their head while 2/3 of the world population have no way of relating to such concepts of 'success' and 'failure' as they exist in physically degrading conditions, not knowing whether they will make it to see another day.

I commit myself to exposing the deceptive nature of the current accepted world consciousness system of POLARITY, where peace is defined through war, and love is defined through spitefulness, and success is defined through failure, and power is defined through the slaves that make it possible for the FEW to have control over the MANY.

I commit myself to investigating within myself where and how I am following 'a dream', to make sure I let go of any and all delusions of consumerism and profit so that I may stand in self-trust as the directive-principle of myself, as the one making my decisions and determining my choices, not based on self-interest, but in the interest of LIFE.

I commit myself to investigating where and how I have made myself subject to polarity as moods, feelings, emotions that I have allowed myself to be conditioned through - so that I may set myself free from the controls of consciousness and stand as a self-willed individual, equal as life.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that unless we dare to get to know ourselves for real and see, realize and understand what we have allowed ourselves to be and become; unless we take responsibility for What is Here as this one reality we all share; unless we forgive ourselves for what we have accepted and allowed and re-define our existence within and without to be that which is best for ALL LIFE in all ways: we as humanity stand no chance of walking through the consequences we are facing and getting ourselves into a dignified existence as LIFE.

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

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@ eqafe for FREE:
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download – Blogs Compilation

Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012

Day 73: Daring to Care - Caring to Share

Destonians are the Daring Earthlings standing up to stop self-interest, fear and the accepted mind control, and to actually care for life.
We care to expose the systems of abuse and share our own personal experiences with walking the process of life as well as realizations, insights and practical tools - for each one that see the common sense to be able to support themselves in breaking the chains of the system within, so that we may transform the system without into an entirely new system of actual life-support.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that life-support begins within, with the realization that we have been existing as organic robots, conditioned by the current consumerism system into self-interest, fear and separation -
and that to support ourselves as life we'll have to investigate and deconstruct the conditioned systems we have become, remove the controls that keep us in check, and become the self-directive principle within ourselves, so that our thoughts, words and deeds and any decisions we make are in fact self-determined and aligned to life as what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that it will take courage and self-commitment to walk ourselves from self-interest as ego to self-awareness as life - and that in the interest of life as who we all really are we'll have to stop all fear and remove all controls; so that we may stand-up as self-willed individuals that realize life as interconnectedness and interdependence, acknowledging that what harms even one part of life will harm all life equally, and what is best for all life is best for each one equally.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that common sense is that which applies to all life equally - hence COMMON sense - and that the current world system is evidence that we as humanity have lost all common sense and have been duped by the sensationalism of consumerism, refusing to acknowledge the fact that we are all here on COMMON ground, with COMMON requirements for a dignified life, thus we should common-sensically share one COMMON interest: Life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that what we call 'life' has been defined based on self-interest in separation, 'justifying' the current system of inequality where a select FEW control all resources through the MANY slaving for survival, when our planet earth unconditionally provides for ALL.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that one can only 'justify' the current system if one is somehow profiting from the system, and that what is driving self-interest in the name of profit is in fact fear.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the fear we've accepted to drive us is in fact an irrational fear, cultivated by the system deliberately to keep us divided and thus conquered, as slaves that keep the system running.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that from the illusion of fear as accepted 'inferiority' emerges the need for 'control' as 'superiority' - yet this 'control' is equally an illusion, as we are all subject to the physical conditions and the same requirements for survival on planet earth, and we all end up in the ground, returning to substance, dust to dust, and the 'control' we have imposed while on earth does not serve us at death, but it leaves behind a legacy of enslavement on earth that affects all life and the children to come.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that mankind should utilize its intellect and technology not to 'control' the exploitation of life in self-interest for momentary profit; but to ensure a dignified life for ALL on earth from birth to death through equal access, equal rights, equal power and the equal distribution of resources, to show that we care for life and that we acknowledge our common origins as Earthlings.
This is the only thing that would ensure a dignified afterlife, if there is one.

I commit myself to showing that it will take great courage to stop self-interest and the illusion of control, and that initially only those whose lives are not 'successful' within the current system will consider questioning the system, in spite of the obvious fact that the system deceives you into questioning yourself and ending-up believing you are worthless unless you 'make it' in the system.

I commit myself to showing that the misfits of the system are the evidence for the shocking truth of this world, and will be the first ones to stand-up
while those that FIT into the system will tend to support proFIT at the cost of life, as they are trapped in fear of 'losing' their self-interest and the privileges that the system provides to those that support the system.

I commit myself to bringing forth a new world system of actual life-support that will be in fact benevolent as to benefit ALL LIFE EQUALLY and ensure that ALL LIFE is in all ways FIT and EQUALLY cared for.

Follow the Journey to Life Blogs from around the world!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

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Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download – Blogs Compilation

Montag, 25. Juni 2012

Day 72: Walking out of Ego and into Life

ART by Kelly Posey

Looking at what life is, one thing is clear: Life is not polarity. Why is that? Simple: Life is not ego - and ego is polarity. In the following I look into the 'how' of ego as polarity, and the 'how' of walking out of ego - into and as life:

For further context see my blogs:
Reaction Energetics Mind the Mine
Puppets on the Strings of Energy | Stop the Game
Puppets on Strings | The Automation of Consciousness as Energy
Puppets on Strings | The Clones of Consciousness
Puppets on Strings of Energy | InnerG - The inner God

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever I see myself and/or others as 'inferior' or 'superior': I am in fact looking through the eyes of ego and thus placing myself equal to ego - and less than life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that ego is not only that which sees itself as 'more'/'superior' - ego is equally that which sees itself as 'less'/'inferior', because even within that, the ego's attention is on the "me", attempting to get attention, and thus energy, through others 'validating' and 'confirming' its own self-definition.

Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that ego feeds on energy like a vampire on blood - and when the energy runs out, the ego will generate energy through friction, regardless of the cost and the consequences for self and others.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that just as much as it is an expression of ego to brag and boast - it is equally an expression of ego to pity itself, play the victim and make others responsible: because within that, the ego is getting the attention and thus the energy it requires for its self-preservation - it's all about "me".

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that when I am equal to life, no definition of "me" exists which I'd have to defend or boast with.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that when I stand as life as one and equal, my participation is never about "me", but about life and the support of life within all and everyone as equals.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that ego is not life - evident within the manifestation of our society as 'human nature' where we exist in separation from ourselves and each-other and no expression of this world in fact supports Life in all ways.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the accepted human nature that manifests in its image and likeness the system in the world as we know it: is not equal to life, but equal to ego - as ego only exists in self-interest based in conditioned and accepted fear, not in the interest of life based in self-directive evolution.

I commit myself to showing that ego is based in fear, as all self-interest is based in fear; and that in a world without fear, there would exist no 'inferiority' and thus no 'superiority' - no separation, and thus no self-interest, but only the interest of Life as equals in a world where All is One.

I commit myself to showing that ego always exists in fear of loss, just like self-interest is always equal to fear of loss - and that we have abdicated our right to life by abdicating our value as life and pursuing fake 'values' in an attempt to make ourselves 'more' and 'superior', when even our accepted 'inferiority' was not real in the first place.

I commit myself to showing that as long as we are preoccupied with "what about me" in the pursuit of self-interest, seeking the experience of "More" out of accepted 'inferiority', instead of acknowledging our value as life and standing-up for life as equals: we are abdicating our right to life and by our own acceptance and allowance exist as less than life, manifesting a world that in our image and likeness is less than life and operates at the cost of life - yet we do not care, as long as it is not OUR life that's at stake.

I commit myself to showing that the accepted 'human nature' as ego is the root of all evil in the world - the world being the reflection of our image and likeness, the truth of ourselves that we refuse to see and take responsibility for.

I commit myself to showing that the only way out of the hell we have created on earth: is to self-realize life and thus take responsibility for life, which would entail taking responsibility for ourselves as life, correcting who and what we have become as ego and redeeming ourselves as life.

I commit myself to showing that this redemption of life as life: each one will have to walk for oneself in self-honesty and self-forgiveness, through one's own decision in self-will -
Yet we walk together because we all walk the same process: out of self-consciousness as ego as polarity and into self-awareness as life as oneness and equality.

I commit myself to showing that the process humanity is facing is the process of walking ourselves out of self-consciousness as ego which is based in fear and other polarity constructs, and walking ourselves into self-awareness as life based in the value of life as oneness and equality, where fear and polarity have no place - and thus hierarchy, control and exploitation have no place either.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense of walking together and assisting each-other, as within that we mirror each-other to support with self-honesty and practical common sense, to make sure that all is seen and nothing is left uncovered, until the reflection of ourselves is crystal clear, transparent and dignified - which must be seen in the external reality that we manifest on earth; and all our relationships and any systems we construct must be the reflection of our purified nature and aligned to support all life equally in all possible ways.

I commit myself to showing that the process of purifying our nature will take time and self-commitment, and cannot be applied in the mental; It has to be walked and applied in the physical, in actuality: through writing, self-forgiveness and self-honest self-corrective living -
as any real change requires to be lived into beingness and cross-referenced in the context of the one reality we all share, to make sure that what we are creating and manifesting as ourselves is in fact what is best for ALL LIFE.

ART by Matti Freeman

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Relationship Dynamics – Part 1
Relationship Dynamics – Part 2
Relationship Dynamics – Part 3

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Sonntag, 24. Juni 2012

Day 71: Reaction Energetics Mind the Mine

ART by Bastian Neumann

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to act out a reaction.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever I act out a reaction, I am trying to 'validate' my ego and thus becoming self-righteous.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a reaction is always about self, never about another.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to expect another to 'fix' my reaction - instead of me stopping my reaction and taking full responsibility for myself.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that reactions are self-created through the accumulation of backchat, where the ego speaks to itself in the mind, making up beliefs and equations where one as ego is either in a point of perceived 'disadvantage'/'inferiority' or perceived 'advantage'/'superiority' - but in fact both these points exist simultaneously as one = as ego:
where one will 'feel' one has been ‘diminished’ or was ‘done wrong unto’ and thus one goes into self-victimization as 'inferiority' while at the same time the backchat is busy 'getting back' to the one apparently to 'blame' in an attempt to 'superiorize' one's position/experience.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that no one can ever actually 'make me feel' something - I am always experiencing myself and the result of the equations I create through the accepted backchat in the mind.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the backchat in the 'secret mind' always exists in polarities and is always about power-games of 'superiority'/'inferiority' whereby the ego creates the backchat trying to find ways to 'win'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever I blame another for 'making me feel' a certain way: I am in fact abdicating my responsibility.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that I am always self-responsible for the experience of myself, which is always self-created through and as the mind.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to acknowledge the practicality of standing in self-equality and oneness and realize that that is the only point where self has directive power –
because seeing myself as 'inferior' or 'superior' indicates I am looking at myself through the backchat in my head and thus abdicating my self-directive power to the mind to determine who I am.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by abdicating my self-directive power to the mind, I make myself subject to the polarities of the mind and thus unable to stand stable in self-equality and oneness, in self-acceptance and self-trust as life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever I allow myself to look at myself through the backchat in my head: I will also look at others through the same filters - and that this only creates and perpetuates the power-games of ego, keeping the system running in the world as we know it.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the world system exists as it does due to the systems we accept and allow to exist within us as who we are:
where it's all about power-games, 'superiority'/'inferiority', and ultimately about 'winning', based on the fear of loss /fear of being discriminated / fear of being rejected –
yet we refuse to see how we ourselves constantly discriminate and reject others in our minds just to be the ones to 'win'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that both the world system and the mind system function like a casino, and one as ego is always trying to 'win the jackpot' regardless of the 'loss' implied for everyone else.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that both the world system and the mind system are based on the concept of 'limited energy' and thus competition for survival - where in the world: energy is MONEY, and in the individual: energy is the MINE/MIND; yet we do not consider that both are mental concepts based in FEAR, and due to the accepted fear we fail to consider that it is possible to have a win-win situation where in fact we regard ourselves and each-other as Equals of Life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that energy represents our separation from life: in the world through MONEY; and in the individual through and as what we MIND as MINE - where we'll go into all kinds of reactions and feelings and emotions and backchat in the head to 'justify' what is OURS, wasting our HOURS on earth in mental power-games simply due to the accepted fear which is inFEARiority, which is Ego, because within that accepted ‘inferiority’ we tacitly imply that we are not equal of life.

Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that since the starting-point of fear as accepted ‘inferiority’ is within and as self: Self is in fact the only place to stop the fear and redefine one's starting-point to be equal and one with life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that I can only perceive or assume that others see me or place me as 'less than' and thus as 'inferior' - if I have already accepted such 'inferiority' within myself.

Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that once I place myself as equal and stand as equal of life in self-acceptance and self-trust, and walk this decision in practical application in my living moment-to-moment, breath-by-breath:

I will no longer accept or allow another's actions or words to determine 'who I am' or 'make me feel' 'inferior' or 'superior' - because I have realized and accepted my value as life;

Nor will I allow backchat in the mind to undermine my self-equality as life, as I will stand as One and thus no longer divided within myself.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that once I have realized and accepted my value as life in equality and oneness and live this realization into beingness as 'who I am' in every moment of breath:

I will also see others within and as the value of life and thus will be able to assist others to self-realize life as equality and oneness.

And with many individuals aligning self in this way, we are able to assist ourselves and each-other to stop the power-games, stop our acceptances and allowances that make us 'less than' who we really are as life; and bring forth a new world of self-willed equals where we honor ourselves and each-other as life.

I commit myself to showing that new ways of communication, exchange and expression will emerge as who we are, once we stop the power-games and our accepted 'inferiority', stop the fear and the backchat in the mind, and stand as life in self-equality and oneness to walk in self-dignity, self-respect, self-responsibility.

I commit myself to showing that reactions always reveal one's own nature as one's acceptances and allowances - and thus we are able to investigate our reactions in self-honesty to get to know ourselves, realize what we have become, and re-evaluate our existence as an informed decision about who we are going to be and how we are going to correct ourselves into self-dignity, self-respect, self-responsibility.

I commit myself to taking responsibility for the entirety of who I am, my reactions included, and to assist and support myself with self-forgiveness and self-corrective application to stop myself from being trapped in energetic power-games and acting out reactions that not only harm me, but also others/my world.

I commit myself to stopping the accepted inferiority and to no longer allowing myself to be determined by the bipolar nature of reactions, backchat, energy – so that I may accept myself as the value of life as equal and assist myself in establishing that point of self-trust and self-equality that will ensure that I am the directive principle of me in self-honesty and self-respect.

I commit myself to showing that if we do not give life to ourselves - we cannot have life; if we do not birth ourselves as life, we cannot be life.

I commit myself to showing that if we do not give life to all equally, we do not in fact have the right to life, nor can we have a context wherein to live in dignity as life.

I commit myself to sharing the support of the 'desteni I process', where we learn to see through the veils of our own backchat and beyond the limitations of our belief-systems in the mind; to realize how we function as a mind and how we in unawareness have come to be who and what we are today; so that we may take self-responsibility for our existence, piece ourselves back together, and re-design ourselves in self-awareness as life.

I commit myself to showing that the process humanity is facing is the process of walking ourselves out of self-consciousness as ego which is based in fear and other polarity constructs, and walking ourselves into self-awareness as life based in the value of life as oneness and equality, where fear and polarity have no place - and thus hierarchy, control and exploitation have no place either.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that if we want to bring forth actual change in our world and restore the value of life on earth, we will have to acknowledge that the only way for all to have freedom and a dignified life without fear: is to stop all hierarchies, all polarities, all exploitation and all abuse, and to ensure that all life has equal access, equal participation, equal rights and equal power in life.

I commit myself to showing that the equal money system as proposed by the desteni group will not only eliminate starvation and provide a stable foundation where we as humanity will have the time and the means to re-educate ourselves into self-awareness and self-responsibility; it will also ensure the emergence of a new, self-empowered, self-responsible human that will practically redefine 'human nature' such that we will no longer accept or allow the exploitation of life through separation, competition, profit, war, inequality.

ART by Joe Kou

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Conditioned Stimulus-Response Patterns

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Samstag, 23. Juni 2012

Day 70: Health-Care or Health-Scare?

by Ann Van Den Broeck

I was just reading in the paper that in Germany it is not illegal to BRIBE doctors: The pharmaceutical industry may pay doctors to favor certain products when prescribing medicine to patients.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where the basic human needs are controlled by MONEY.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where MONEY is a tool to support profit, self-interest, separation and exploitation - instead of money being a tool of communication that ensures the fair exchange of services and the equal distribution of the resources that our planet earth provides unconditionally for all.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that everything advertised in the current system is in fact only selling ideas in the name profit, abusing the bipolar human nature of fears and desires to create profit for the FEW while the MANY suffer.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the system abuses the fact that the human will only care for its health when FEAR is existent – which indicates that the human does not in any way understand itself as a physical body, but is only approaching the physical through the mental in separation.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the system will use the accepted FEAR that the human exist within, to sell concepts and products with empty promises that the human BUY into out of fear just to have the fear diminish for a moment, while nothing is undertaken to get to the root of the problem to understand the problem, which would be the only way to get to actual solutions in self-responsibility.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within the current system of profit, health-care is a construct that does not support life, but in fact conditions human beings into abdicating their responsibility and placing hope and faith into systems outside of themselves and thus giving power to such systems that evidently cannot be trusted as they are based on profit –
instead of getting to the self-honesty of ‘man know thyself’ and taking self-responsibility, which would in fact be actual power.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a system where doctors do what they do for money, just like everybody else, yet the human being will place itself trustfully in the hands of doctors and other ‘experts’ – not realizing that such ‘experts’ equally fail to get to the self-honesty of ‘man know thyself’ and thus can hardly really assist and support the human being toward the actual health of a body, mind and spirit in equilibrium.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in a system based on profit, no one can be trusted.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to place trust and faith in media, science and politics in this world and to then blame media, science and politics for the current condition of the world –
when in fact I as individual have long abdicated my responsibility for life to the systems of profit: as everything I buy in this world is a vote that supports the current system and the world as we know it.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that all science, all research and all knowledge of this world is and has always been motivated and driven by profit to make more profit, and is using and abusing life in the name of profit.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as long as the human is driven from the inside-out by conditioned fears and desires: the human is gullible and can be controlled through words, pictures and ideas implanted into the world to ensure the further enslavement of the human to remain a slave that keeps the system running.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as long as science, research, knowledge are driven by profit: no science, no research and no knowledge of this world can be trusted to be what's best for LIFE.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in a system of inequality, nothing can be trusted - not even the human; because if the human could be trusted, the human would have long stopped accepting the current state of affairs and would have come up with the common sense required to stop all abuse and transform the system into something that is of actual life-support.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that without the human: the system would not exist, nor the world as we know it.

Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand the equal responsibility we all have for What is Here as our reality, our existence, our world.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a parenting system based in fear and submission which, instead of teaching our children self-responsibility, self-trust, self-honesty and common sense: 'educates' our children based on the same abusive principles of the current system and calls it 'love', when it is in fact fear applied through systems of 'reward' and 'punishment', producing only clones of the parents and thus more slaves to keep the system running and the human race self-destructing.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that no healthy life exists in this world whatsoever, as everything presented in this world is in fact consumerism and bound to the system of profit - and in spite of the promises made for 'longevity', 'health' and 'beauty', the human inevitably DIE and leave behind a legacy that can hardly be called life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that actual health would imply that the human has a healthy relationship of equality and oneness with itself to begin with: 'Man know thyself' both as a mind AND as a physical body, including the interactions and cause and effect relationships between the mind and the body -

Yet in fact the human is divided within itself and trapped in the mental to such an extent that its very existence causes the abuse, dis-ease and final deterioration of the physical body; regardless of how desperately the human attempts to cover-up the signs of abuse through cosmetic and other 'health-products' presented to the human by the consumerism system because the human BUY into such promises of 'beauty', 'health', 'longevity' in its desperate fear of death and the desire to somehow WIN something and ‘look great’ or ‘feel great’, even if it's just for a moment...

I commit myself to exposing the deception of the current system of PROMISES that are only based in separation, profit-making, exploitation of life in the name of profit.

I commit myself to showing that everything in this world and within how this world system functions is based on profit, and that we have accepted and allowed PROFIT to be placed before life, and LIFE to be abused for profit.

Within this I commit myself to sharing the urgency of understanding and acknowledging our responsibility for What is Here.

I commit myself to showing that in the current system of inequality, only those that support PRO-FIT can be FIT as they will be supported by the system of profit;
and that the system of PROFIT only supports those that are pro-fit and have the money to support the system, disregarding the 2/3 of the population that are left to exist without the bare minimum required for a dignified life on earth.

I commit myself to showing that as long as human nature is accepted as it is without any self-responsibility, and as long as the human is controllable through its accepted fears and obsessive desires: humanity does not stand a chance of any substantial change that would bring forth a world that is best for all.

I commit myself to showing that what is sold and promoted as 'health' in this world is but a cover-up based on empty promises in the name of profit, and that actual health would entail the total re-education of the human being and the establishment of self-honesty within equilibrium of body, mind and spirit:
where our thoughts, words and deeds are no longer divided and unequal due to our tendency to hide in fear and secret desires –

and that when we stop this self-dishonesty and re-align ourselves to life as the actual value: we will get to self-honesty and become beings whose thoughts, words and deeds are no longer congruent, but equal and one in self-integrity as life;
and this will produce a human being that can trust itself and can be trusted with life – a human being that will produce in its image and likeness a world that is best for ALL LIFE.

I commit myself to showing that the only way to self-honesty as life is the realization of self-responsibility in the context of our interconnectedness and thus interdependence as life:
realizing that any and all harm done unto life is in fact done unto self; and what is best for all life is equally best for self.

I commit myself to showing that the only way to practically live self-responsibility is to investigate and realize what we have been existing as and acknowledge the consequences of our way of life for ourselves and the world as a whole; to self-forgive the self-dishonesty, fear and enslavement we have allowed ourselves to exist within; and to re-educate ourselves in common sense to start correcting our accepted human nature into something that is truly free, integral and whole, something that is equal to life and will thus not accept or allow the abuse of life in any way whatsoever.

I commit myself to bringing forth a new world where we accept or allow nothing less than LIFE - for ALL as one as equals.

I commit myself to correcting myself by investigating my fears and desires by which I am able to be controlled from the outside and driven from the inside; and to align myself to life in self-honesty and common sense so that I may be and become the directive principle of myself such that I have the power to change the accepted system from the inside out and be a living example for the fact that this is not only possible but also imperative if humanity is to survive its own consequences.

I commit myself to bringing forth a new world system of equality, where all life is equally cared for in all practical ways, and where not only medicine and health-care, but all professions, can be practiced and applied in a way that in fact support life;
a new system where the only profit that is valid is where ALL LIFE equally profits from any and all systems that we may establish to assist and support us as humanity toward an actual change and transformation of existence into what is best for ALL LIFE.

ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

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Freitag, 22. Juni 2012

Day 69: The Evil SPORN of Human Race in SPORT

In the context of the european football league taking place these days, and people asking me about which team I support or which country – I looked at how sport and games has become something that, instead of uniting us as life having fun, is rather supporting the separation we create by defining ourselves through nationality, ethnicity, culture, race, religion, economic systems and everything that goes along with the ‘attributes’ we utilize to create our identity.

Even the fact that we create our identity indicates that it is a construct, it is not in fact real as life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the human nature's addiction to competition we all entertain within: is manifest in the world explicitly within Sport -
where 'the winner takes it all' and the losers 'fall'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the principle of 'the winner takes it all' - which we all pursue in the darkness of our 'secret mind' where we can be the super-hero that wins every time - is in fact the principle of capitalism that allows for the 'justification' of inequality in the world with atrocious consequences for life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that there is hardly a difference between the 'games of the slaves' in the roman empire and the current day 'Olympic games': within the roman empire the slaves were submitted to atrocious competitions against each-other just so that the emperor and his companions could be entertained and feel their capital as POWER confirmed - while the current day sport is about the 'entertainment' of the masses to keep them absorbed and preoccupied and to further condition them into indulgence in the energies of competition;

within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that competition can only bring few winners and many losers, yet the greatest pleasure as PROFIT goes to the consumerism system of capital as MONEY and to those that have the POWER as MONEY to make the decisions that form and in-form humanity to what it is today in the world as we know it.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see that the word 'Olympic games' is utilized till this day not without a context - where today we have the big corporations that fund the games and win from the games, symbolizing the twelve gods of Olympus in contrast to the millions of slaves as the plain human beings that slave to keep the system running.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the violence and obsessive/possessive behavior that we witness during big sport events in the world is the externalization of the 'secret mind' as the accepted human nature of separation, competition, self-righteousness - where each one is always trying to 'win' at all costs, in spite of the evidence that the MANY are paying with their lives for the FEW to have some ‘pleasure’ for a moment.

I commit myself to showing that sport has lost its innocence, as sport is no longer simply 'games' to have fun and play together, but has become a cruel game of extreme violence, utilized to vent but also to support the suppressed emotions of anger, hatred, spite and vengeance that human beings have been holding onto for eons of time, rooted in the separation of life into 'nations', 'cultures', 'traditions' and other definitions of 'identity' through which one differentiates oneself from another and then fight against each-other in an almost religious fanaticism, 'justifying' the separation and competition as if it were a matter of life and death –
in spite of the evidence that the Earth could feed us ALL to our utmost satisfaction, if we would only care to equally make available and distribute to everyone the fruits of the tree of life that this planet unconditionally provides.

I commit myself to exposing the institution of sport as the current day's sponsor of competition in all its 'expressions': from the inner conflict of the ego seeking to ‘win’ to the external conflicts and wars that has become the 'current affairs' of mankind, where only MONEY ‘wins’ as money has become the ‘current’ that keeps the ‘flow’ of the accepted status quo as if that’s the way life is supposed to be...

I commit myself to stopping competition within myself in all possible ways, letting go of all comparison, and bringing myself back to self-worth as life, accepting myself here as life, and supporting the Desteni movement of bringing forth a new awareness that restores the value of life and shows what real power as life is.

I commit myself to putting an end to the current system of separation, exploitation and abuse of the MANY where only FEW have what is required for a dignified life on earth – and to showing that even those FEW are not in fact living a dignified life because their life is sponsored by the blood of the MANY in this vampire system where we fight for energy while we disregard LIFE.

I commit myself to bringing forth a new way of life that considers all life equally, and to re-educating myself and my world into a new human nature that practically honors life as equal in all possible ways.

Relevant Blog posts:
Relationship Dynamics – Part 1
Relationship Dynamics – Part 2
Relationship Dynamics – Part 3

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* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
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