Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012

Day 27: Creating Your Expectations | The Mind of Doomsday and Salvation

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we create what we anticipate - be it 'positive' or 'negative'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that our expectations are pre-programmed based on our fears and desires = points that we have programmed into our consciousness through our interpretations, acceptances and allowances from the moment we began to think and define things.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that our fears and desires are not even ours, but are imprinted into our consciousness through the impulses of our environment, family, friends, media, and through our reactions to the impulses we were exposed to - reactions as value-judgments of either 'positive' or 'negative', hence creating 'desires' and 'fears' based on our interpretation of the patterns we observed.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that whenever we project a desire or a fear onto something in our world, we are in fact projecting our conditioned past into the future, thus creating the future from the past, based on our expectations as anticipation.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that every 'positive' point exists only together with its counterpart as a 'negative' point – two sides of the same coin; And that if we were to exist in equality and oneness as life, in self-acceptance and self-fulfilment, we would not have to fear experiences of 'less than' nor desire experiences of 'more than'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that both the 'positive' and the 'negative' as they exist in the mind consciousness are not real but to the extent we allow them to influence our reality; and that both the 'positive' and the 'negative' as they exist in the mental do not describe the actuality of reality, but only our opinion/ interpretation/ value-judgment ABOUT reality.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to be driven and defined by my desires and fears, instead of realizing they are merely the result of my consciousness as in-formed by this world, and that I as a newborn being coming into this world had neither fears nor desires until I started forming a consciousness through which to cope with my parents/environment and with which to identify, because this is what was taught to me by my parents/environment.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that what we are facing is always our own creation; we are always facing ourselves as we project and superimpose our mental reality onto the physical reality, and therefore we see the physical reality through the filters of our mental reality - hence we never see what is real, but only what is real for the mind/I/consciousness based on what the mind/I/consciousness ‘knows’.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world that creates children in its image and likeness as mind/self-consciousness/self-interest in separation from life, in spite of the evidence that how we exist is not supporting life and that the world we manifest is not a friendly place for children, and that we should have long realized something is seriously wrong with how we exist.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that we cannot overcome our 'fears' by superimposing their opposite as 'desires' - and yet we do this in an attempt to distract ourselves, to cover up the actuality of our reality, to deny our experience of ourselves, to not have to face our fears as our accepted ‘inferiority’ and the ‘negativity’ of this world - and so we project desires of 'positivity' to 'feel better' and act 'superior', without ever getting to the core of the matter at hand, which is ourselves and this world/reality/our relationships as our creation.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exist in anticipation of that which I 'know' - instead of realizing that through such application I am not allowing myself to Be Here and work with What is Here in every moment, but instead I exist within and from the past, re-playing the past, defining myself and my world based on the past as what I 'know'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that all knowledge of this world has not managed to bring forth actual solutions: neither for the improvement of the individual at its core not for the improvement of our world and co-existence in its entirety.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to place faith and trust in the knowledge we harbour in this world, which is basically a recycled product of the history of mankind, a history filled with the blood of life through wars, conflict and the exploitation of life as the physical due to the mental disorder of mankind that impose its ideas of 'grandeur' and 'magnificence' at all cost, out of fear of loss/inferiority and the desire for profit/superiority.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear letting go of the accepted 'knowledge' of this world, because I have defined myself through 'knowledge' and thus fear losing myself if I were to lose/let go of that which I think I 'know'.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that fear can only exist where Life do not exist; because fear is the result of our separation from life, our abdication of life, our self-abdication -

where we have denied and disregarded our origin and source as the physical and have separated ourselves from life as ourselves and each-other into bubbles of mental realities in an attempt to 'find ourselves' - all the while we are Here, yet we refuse to accept that we have to face What is Here as our creation, as ourselves; we refuse to see that we ignore and disregard What is Here as ourselves and this world.

And we've defined ourselves to such an extent as this search for ourselves - that all systems of this world are set out to sell us methods and paths and products with which to 'find ourselves' based on ideas of 'beauty' and 'power' and 'superiority' -

and in the process of ‘searching for ourselves’ we consume ourselves as we buy into the ‘re-me-dies’ of this world brought to us by a system of profit as consumerism;
and so humanity exists in a constant race as competition and comparison based on fake values through which we define ourselves and each-other; while we've lost touch with Life as who we all really are and are unable to conceive or consider anything beyond the limitations and delusions of the mind.

I commit myself to developing and sharing common sense in the process of investigating, seeing and understanding What is Here as ourselves and this world, our creation.

I commit myself to applying self-awareness as breath in every moment, to train myself in Being Here and dealing with the actuality of reality, inner and outer, instead of being/getting lost and trapped in the dimensions, definitions and conclusions of the past.

I commit myself to studying the history of this world and my own personal history, to recognize and understand the patterns existence is based on – so that I may be able to learn the actual lessons that What is Here is teaching us, to stop repeating the mistakes of the past, stop repeating the same cycles of patterns, stop recycling and depleting life through a polarity system of the mental; and re-establish the value of life within myself and my world as equality and oneness.

I commit myself to developing and establishing self-dignity, self-honesty, self-respect, and practical common sense – so that I may assist and support myself and others in bringing forth a new world for ourselves and the children to come – a world of dignity, honesty and respect, a world where we co-exist with common sense on this common ground, sharing one common interest: LIFE.

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