Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012

Day 41: Perception is Septic

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that perception is the iGod we each create as self-consciousness within and as the mind to 'rule' over existence while we disregard the common sense of our physical reality that we all share.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exist through perception - perception being "my view" of reality based on "my" conditioned self-image and the value-judgments I have adopted about the world;

Perception being also my 'alternate reality' as the relationships I create toward others/my world, wherein I create/define energetic charges in either 'positive' or 'negative' terms and respectively value-judgments, upon which I in essence measure myself against; within this creating relationships of definitions and value-judgments toward and about myself through perception/interpretation, thus limiting myself and the physical reality through the mental, which is always only a mediate communication, a translation - instead of immediate direct communication within seeing things for what they are.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from myself through the creation of relationships - wherein I utilized relationships to form value-judgments in an attempt to 'complete' me and my view of the world - instead of realizing that actual completeness emerges only within equality and oneness as direct communication with all that is here as me, and that I do not have to create separation-relationships in order to be/become complete.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create/perceive/accept the desire to 'connect' through relationships - instead of realizing that by definition the ‘desire to connect’ implies the acceptance of my separation as starting-point; and because separation is accepted as what is here as my allocation point: 'connecting' can only remain a desire, a projection, and the more I reach for it the further away it seems.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create/perceive/accept the ‘desire to connect’ through relationships - instead of realizing that it is in fact myself that I yearn to 'connect' to, as I have separated myself into parts and aspects of me which I then 'look for' within my world - instead of looking here within myself.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to self-realize my interconnectedness with all that is here - because if I had in fact realized that interconnectedness as life, then common-sensically I would (as all would) live within self-fulfilment and in consideration of the whole, since anything that harms the whole: equally harms me.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that the reason we refuse to self-realize our interconnectedness as life is the separate manifestations of self-consciousness that we each have become through 'education' as brainwashing within this world-system;
to such an extent that we exist in fear of losing that 'identity' we’ve created in separation and therefore we will develop an individual ‘logic’ through back-chatting in the mind in self-righteousness: as the religion of self that 'justify' our separation and we'll fight for our limitations as if it were the greatest good we have -

when that in fact is our very enslavement, it is the very parasite that eats off of our flesh, of our substance, of earth; and so we consume ourselves and the physical until we deteriorate and eventually die without ever transcending and breaking-free from the bounds of the personas our self-consciousness exist as to realize ourselves as life.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exist from a starting-point of separation, from which I then reach out to 'connect' with others/my world - instead of realizing that it is possible to stop the accepted separation by bringing back to self and taking responsibility for: all relationships/definitions we have created/accepted/allowed -
so that we may see, realize and understand that all relationships/definitions we maintain are in fact parts of ourselves we've separated ourselves from and into either 'positive' or 'negative' definitions/relationships outside of ourselves.

Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we separate ourselves from the perceived 'negative' points, going into blame, spite, fear, because we don't allow ourselves to see that they exist equally within ourselves yet we deny/suppress them;
and that we separate ourselves from the perceived 'positive' points, going into jealousy, greed, desire, because we do not allow ourselves to accept those aspects equally within and as ourselves -

and so we create relationship-connections of 'negative-charge' towards all the 'bad' we perceive in our world so that we don't have to face it and correct it within ourselves;
and equally we create relationship-connections of ‘positive-charge’ toward all the 'good' we perceive in our world so that we don't have to be/become it as ourselves in self-responsibility -

and so we can never be complete, fulfilled, self-realized, but we maintain the separation to justify the perception of our self-image as 'superior' or 'inferior', while we equally judge others/our world in fragments of 'superior' and 'inferior'; enslaving not only ourselves to limited and polarized definitions, but also our world -

because as long as we do not take responsibility for what we perceive and experience in our world, both 'positive' and 'negative': we are giving permission for the world to continue existing as we know it.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that perception is not something we are born with, but rather something we are 'educated' into through the systems of this world that are based in profit and self-interest; and so our perception becomes equally based in self-interest, limited to only “my view” designed to ‘justify’ why I exist the way I do and why the world is as we know it – and within this, nothing ever changes, because we don’t.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that perception is not something we are born with, and yet a new born child in this world has a far better ability and freedom to communicate directly with all that is here as life than the average 'educated' adult.

I commit myself to investigating and removing the veils of my conditioned perception and stop my value-judgments - so that I may see what is here for what it is and realize what is real.

I commit myself to investigating my relationships and the value-judgments I place to define ‘them’ and ‘me’; to investigate what parts I have separate from myself and into 'positive' and 'negative' definitions so that I don’t have to face those points and take responsibility for –
so that I may bring every point I've separated myself from back to myself and amalgamate and align all of me here within and as self-equality and oneness in self-acceptance of life as the actual value we all share.

I commit myself to investigating how my perception was created and conditioned as I walk the introspection of myself and my life in self-forgiveness, self-honesty, self-corrective application - so that I may understand my creation as myself and thus enable myself to recreate myself in self-awareness as life within and as equality and oneness.

I commit myself to developing actual direct communication with myself to begin with, and my world equally, while I remove the veils of perception as mind-control through which I have accepted and allowed myself to judge and categorize my world and myself - so that I may see things for what they are and deal with what is here as a matter of fact.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that we are infecting our children through the accepted education-system in this world, through which children become just copies of ourselves in the image and likeness of the system and adopt our fears and desires which we adopted from the generations before us:
and that this is why history is repeating both in the bigger picture and the smaller, as we keep recreating ourselves and our world through and as the limited consciousness patterns of polarity and separation.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that perception requires value-judgment - and that as Jesus said "Judge not lest you be judged": we are in fact 'doing it to ourselves', limiting ourselves and each-other to an existence of imagery and show-off, trapped within concepts of 'inferiority' and 'superiority', enslaved to a money-system of fake 'values' and false 'power' –

because we do not stand-up to stop the crimes against life that emerge from the separation-consciousness of this world system passed onto each being that is born into the world through brainwashing-education, mind-control media, the money-system of inequality, the religion and spirituality belief-systems of empty promises, and all systems of our world equally by the promotion of fake ‘values’ and false ‘power’ towards which each being is ‘educated’ to strive for.

I commit myself to showing how we are all equally responsible for all the 'bad' that exists in our world - because instead of investigating and healing the root of the problem which is within the accepted ‘human nature’ and equally within the accepted ‘ways of the world’, we go into judgment and punishment, not realizing that who each one is: is a product of the world systems we are all accepting in our apathy, ignorance and arrogance as we pursue self-interest only and disregard the interconnectedness of LIFE.

I commit myself to showing that actual freedom can only come through self-responsibility, and that individual freedom is not enough to really be free - because how can I be free when parts of me are not; how can I be free when I have to watch my back in fear of my fellow being; how can I be free as long as fear and separation exist even within one single part of existence.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that a healthy world can only be established by healthy individuals: as self-willed EQUALS of life that self-realize and acknowledge the interconnectedness of ALL life as ONE.

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