I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by supporting the ‘positive’, I am supporting the continuation of the ‘negative’ - because the positive is in no way a solution for the negative, it is but the other side of the coin, as we choose to only see 'the good side' of things, because if we saw the 'bad side' we would have no choice but to stand and do something about it.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create the ‘positive’ to hide the ‘negative’ - out of my fear of the negative which is in fact the fear of facing the actuality of reality and taking full self-responsibility.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the world is what it is because we are always creating the ‘positive’ to hide the ‘negative’ - and this has become so ingrained within human nature, that we do not even consider to look for the root of all problems within ourselves and within what we accept as human nature.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as long as we delude ourselves with the ‘positive’ - we will never confront or direct the ‘negative’ - and we will never get to what is best for all, as what is best for all requires transparency, straight-forwardness, directive principle, responsibility: and that would imply the end of all separation, the end of all delusion through ‘positive’ and ‘negative’, to finally get to oneness and equality of life.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to react to the negative in this world with reactions like 'sadness', 'pity', 'understanding', 'respect' - when in fact all these/such reactions are designed to make me 'feel better' thinking and believing I am a 'good person' because I 'feel something' about the negative in the world; yet never for a moment do we consider our responsibility for the negative in the world, nor do we consider the consequence of supporting the positive illusions we create to cover up what is here.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to be so driven by self-interest, that I will submit to the positive delusion and will interact in positive ways to be seen as a ‘positive’ person or to not 'ruin another's day'; but within that I am missing the opportunity to ‘ruin’ my / another’s illusion - and thus through my acceptance and allowance driven by self-interest: I am supporting the continuation of illusion, instead of standing-up and calling things by their name, giving myself and others the chance to see things for what they are.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to call the support of positive illusions a ‘good thing’ or ‘love’ or ‘compassion’ – instead of realizing the self-deception within this.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that love is equal to fear – otherwise we wouldn’t be clinging on to what we ‘love’ so desperately. There exists always the fear of not getting or not keeping what we ‘love’; and thus the positive always equals its opposite as negative, and both together are simply two sides of the same coin – ‘the one’.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the ‘love’ of this world is blindness.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within the current consciousness system we are brainwashed to look for 'the one' point / person / situation that will apparently 'fulfil' you so that you can be 'complete'; and that ‘One’ can be anything - from the one god, the one person, the one project, the one jackpot, the one desire: it is the ONE RING that binds us all and keeps us looking, waiting, hoping, wanting; while we are in fact searching for ourselves.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by the very definition of 'searching for ourselves', we are separating ourselves from ourselves; we are searching 'out there', and therefore our awareness is not Here, and we are in fact missing ourselves as the answer has always been Here within and as ourselves.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that 'love is blindness' - from the perspective that whatever it is we 'love', that 'one point' that drives us, becomes an obsession and will possess us to the extent that we do not think about anything else, we do not see anything else: we are blind to reality, and only see the projection of our desire - 'the one'.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to realize that the nature of desire is projection = therefore the purpose of desire as a system is to separate one from oneself, to separate one from Here, and have one looking and searching ‘out there’.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the system is automated to such an extent, that it will trigger within each one the 'one point' that will lead one to submit to the system completely, just in the hope of fulfilling that one desire.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see the obvious common sense that the negative is the positive: because whenever we project something as a desire in separation from ourselves as the 'positive': we by implication accept ourselves here as the 'negative', as 'lacking'.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by accepting just one point of the system: I submit to the system in its entirety, as everything is interconnected within and as one matrix: this world system, the world as we know it.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by accepting one point of the mind consciousness system as it exists, whether that point is ‘positive’ or ‘negative’: I accept the entire mind consciousness in its entirety, as everything is interconnected within and as the complete bipolar matrix of thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, fears, desires etc.
I commit myself to investigating and setting myself free from the 'one point' that binds me, the 'one point' that possesses me as the polarity of fear and desire - so that I may stand in integrity as self-equality and oneness and be the directive power within myself/my life in full self-responsibility.
I commit myself to revealing the 'one point' in my world whenever I recognize its nature within another - so that others may see, realize and understand how the system is set to destroy the directive power of life in every possible way by tempting each one with the 'one point' of their weakness, presenting seemingly a hope, a promise, a dream, a light at the end of the tunnel - so that one do not stand-up and act to put an end to the accepted separation, abuse and inequality of the system within and without; so that the human remain trapped and do not pose any actual threat to the system and the supremacy of power as money, as the god of this world, nor a threat to consciousness as the conditioned mind, the accepted god of every individual as the ego within.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that all desires, all hopes, all wants and needs, all points that present themselves within the mind as 'the one' that will save you / fulfil you / complete you: are in fact creations of the one system that keeps us all enslaved within the mental through metaphysical concepts such as love, light, power, success, salvation, ascension.
Within this I commit myself to exposing the deception of the ‘light’ and the ‘positive’ for what it is: a veil to blind us from reality and keep us supporting the consumerism system through self-interest, rooted in fear and thus separation from life.
I commit myself to exposing the connection between wants, needs, desires and the consumerism system; whereby our desires are formed and implanted through the system to make sure we continue chasing the wild goose, each one within their ‘one point’ of self-interest, instead of standing-up to do everything in our power to stop this system of abuse, inequality and exploitation of life.
I commit myself to sharing the realization about how the 'positive' and 'negative' always exist within and as polarity designs, and that by accepting and allowing the positive, we accept and allow the negative; and within this, the only actual common sense solution is that of equality and oneness, which implies the transcendence of polarity and the end of all separation, the end of all delusion.
I commit myself to investigating where and how it is that I buy into this system of separation, investigating what my desires in fact reveal about how and why I abdicate my power and responsibility - so that I may stop, stand-up within myself, and make sure that I set myself free from the one ring that binds us all, take back the power I’ve abdicated to the system within and without, to direct myself in self-honesty and practical common sense, and within that support the manifestation and implementation of a system that will put an end to separation, exploitation, manipulation, and that will honor and support all life equally.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that in order to change the world for the future generations, we have to start here and now with ourselves and with the implementation of an entirely new system, a new way of life, of education, of communication: that will give the children to come the chance to bring forth the evolution of mankind that we all want to see – as dignity, freedom, self-expression and actual progress through a better human being; a human being that will self-realize the value of life and will thus co-exist in ways that support life as all as one as equals.
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