I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to look for and accumulate 'wisdom', thinking and believing that that is the way to make myself 'valuable' and 'knowing'; thinking and believing that the more I 'know' the more I am 'worth' - in spite of the evidence in the world that no amount of wisdom as knowledge has brought forth any actual change or evolution that would really benefit LIFE.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that wisdom in this world has only ever been used and abused to serve self-interest and promote the beliefs that ensure the further enslavement of mankind to self-interest.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see that different groups/leaders promote different 'wisdom' and so we have different people/groups as WE's following such wisdom to their Doom, as they abdicate their authority and responsibility to religions, spiritual movements, belief-systems, questioning neither the intent behind the promoted 'wisdom' nor the implications of following such 'wisdom'.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to practically live every point of understanding, every realization, every insight practically, in changing myself visibly and evidently toward setting myself free from existing as knowledge and information only - making sure that I utilize only the knowledge and information that can be applied by all to bring forth a better world and a better human in fact.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that knowledge and information in this world is formed and promulgated to in-form and condition the individual into a slave of the system, making sure that knowledge produce only organic robots based in fear/inferiority striving for 'power'/superiority thus only serving self-interest and thus the system.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in this world we are not even equal to the knowledge and information promulgated - but are in fact inferior, as we merely follow the knowledge and information presented to us in an attempt to accumulate 'power' and act superior - instead of realizing that actual power exists within and as oneness and equality with the physical, the actuality of reality, wherein one requires to understand the 'how to' of creation through investigating cause and effect, and from here making sure that what we cause only effects what's best for life.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that wisdom has always only served the 'ascension' of a few through fame and fortune, while it has brought only enslavement and inferiority for the many - and thus wisdom has been a doom for the WE as humanity in the physical and only has been of profit for the I as the mental.
I commit myself to investigating all knowledge and information of our world in common sense, and only keep that which is in the interest of all life.
I commit myself to letting go of the 'excitement' of realizing or understanding a point; as I see that knowledge is use-less when it is used-less = when it is not practically applied in a way that supports life.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that knowledge in this world is useless, because in spite of the evidence, we do not use the knowledge available to bring forth what is best for all, but only to superiorize ourselves/our own, in an attempt to control 'power' and satisfy our own self-interest in separation from life.
I commit myself to stopping the accumulation of knowledge and information as if it were a valuable good - and to only keep that of knowledge/wisdom that can be practically lived and applied by all and anyone to bring about a world, a society and thus an individual that is in-formed in the interest of life.
I commit myself to making sure that I live and apply the knowledge that is valuable for life as common sense and self-support - so that my knowledge is not useless but used to bring-forth actual evolution in existence starting with myself.
I commit myself to letting go of any and all value I have placed into knowledge /information /wisdom - and align myself with the actuality of reality in the commitment to bring forth what is best for all as life; thus within this, I commit myself to place value only within that which will support life, and live the practical application of the principle of equality and oneness: placing knowledge and understanding into practical living application to support myself as life and all life equally.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the only way to change the world is to practically do so - starting with ourselves and the relationships in our world; Re-aligning ourselves and our relationships from separation and self-interest to equality and oneness in the interest of life.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense realization that relationships in this world use knowledge and information to create separate bubbles of alternate realities wherein one 'appreciate' and 'respect' each-other based on only sharing/valuing the same knowledge and information - in spite of the fact that this application is what manifests elitism and separation in the world, resulting to a world that holds on to profound knowledge, wisdom and promises without in fact doing what it takes to change and transform this world into a place that is best for all.
I commit myself to bringing forth a new world system that will give everyone equal access to all knowledge and information, to stop mind-control and elitism by giving everyone the opportunity to inform and educate themselves;
and once knowledge and information is no longer a privilege but the common inheritance of the history of mankind, we will start using it in a way that will actually support life and practical-living, instead of abusing knowledge and information in self-interest to accumulate 'power' and control.
I commit myself to sharing the common sense that all knowledge and information in this world has been abused and altered to promote beliefs and value-judgments through which mankind results to hatred, blame and spitefulness among each-other; and that we will require to re-evaluate all history from the starting-point of life as equality and oneness - so that we may truly learn from history the lessons that will enable us to stop history from repeating.
I commit myself to letting go of any and all wants/needs/desires for 'power' and control - in the realization that the only actual power is within the ability to know and understand ourselves and our creation and to bring forth actual evolution through standing together as self-willed equals of life, without fear, without spite, without blame, without abdicating our responsibility to systems of separation and exploitation.
I commit myself to exposing all points of fake wisdom in this world that are dressed up as profound knowledge while intending only profit and the enslavement of the masses to promises of a better life, an afterlife, salvation, power or control; while the masses in no way understand How mind-control works and What drives them from the inside, and do not even bother investigate as long as one 'feel good' and seems to be 'getting somewhere'.
I commit myself to showing how wisdom in this world is handled just like a material possession and ownership, and in the end each one is owned and possessed by that which one thinks and believes one owns and possesses, by that which one thinks and believes one knows;
and that the 'power' and control one seems to have or believes to accumulate will surely but surely turn around and become the point that controls one's personality and decisions in life, overpowering all common sense, making self-honesty impossible.
I commit myself to showing how wisdom/knowledge is irrelevant where self-honesty is the directive principle of self - as wisdom/knowledge has mutated into an automatic pilot for the conditioned consciousness we exist as, while self-honesty is the practical living-application where self is/becomes the directive principle of self as life, walking in self-awareness as life in every moment and dealing with the actuality of reality in practical common sense.
I commit myself to bringing forth a new world system that will stop the promulgation of 'wisdom' for profit and instead promote self-empowerment through self-honesty, making available to all the knowledge and the tools for man to 'know thyself' - so that we may be and bring-forth self-willed equals of life that will establish a new world, a new way of LIFE, a new earth that will support all children born into this existence.
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