Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012

Day 46: MIND over MATTER

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the physical reality reflects the inherent nature of ourselves which we deny and suppress and hide within the royal chambers of our secret mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take the physical reality for granted - nature, the animal kingdom, my physical body.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to take nature for granted, instead of considering what it is that nature is showing us through for instance the weather patterns and changes, the more and more violent outbursts and natural catastrophes that are visiting upon us.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that nature is reflecting us back to ourselves that we may see ourselves - if we dare look.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that a change in the world-consciousness as the accepted 'human nature' could possibly result in a change of the patterns of nature on earth.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the world consciousness as human nature has not actually changed or evolved throughout time, but has only intensified and externalized, just like the natural phenomena we are witnessing are becoming more and more violent, explosive, fatal.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to take the animal kingdom for granted - instead of considering what it is that animals may be reflecting back to us so that we may see the truth of our nature - if we dare look.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to 'justify' the accepted human nature of survival and self-interest by referring to the animal kingdom where one animal kills another - yet I have never considered to reverse the logic, the cause and effect: are the animals maybe showing us what we are doing to ourselves and each-other?

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where we'll go to incredible extents to try and 'justify' why we exist the way we do, consuming ourselves and each-other and our living planet; and where we'll call nature /the animal /the physical 'evil' and blame nature /the animal /the physical for the evil in man - instead of really getting to know ourselves, how we function and why, so that we may finally take responsibility, stand-up and take action to restore the equilibrium of life as what's best for all.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to take my physical body for granted - instead of realizing that without the physical body, my mind would have nothing to sustain it; and that in fact the mind is dependent on the physical to exist and maintain its functions.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to give my physical body equal attention and regard as I've given to my mind - and I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to identify with consciousness of the mind only, where I can pretend and superimpose the 'positive' while I dump all 'negative' into the physical, to hide and suppress it, thinking and believing that if I don't look - it's not there; just like sheep hiding from the fire.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to get to know my physical body as that which keeps me alive, that which breathes and sustains me, that which is Here - and to equalize myself within and as it; no longer placing judgment onto the physical based on the brainwashing of this world, but really accepting myself as the physical body that I am and getting to know and communicate with my origin.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that "mind over matter" is the belief that has driven mankind to delusions of grandeur while disregarding and exploiting the physical reality we all share; and that how we live the words “mind over matter” is in fact revealing the deliberate abuse we allow in the name of ego: as ‘mind’ is that which we deem as ‘mine’ (thus self-interest, ownership, possession) and ‘matter’ is that which really matters, the matter at hand, the physical that is always Here.

I commit myself to train myself in establishing equilibrium within myself as a physical body, getting to know myself at all levels, no longer hiding within the mind in projected 'superiority' while disregarding and exploiting the physical to maintain the personalities we identify with as self-image.

I commit myself to walking myself out of the mental and into the physical: from self-image to self-trust - so that I may stand in self-equality and oneness and learn to truly honor and respect myself as a living being of dignity and integrity.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the human consciousness has not evolved or changed - and that we’ve only been manifesting conflict, war and deterioration through the self-interest of our mind - instead of considering and regarding life as that which is common and sacred to all living beings, as that which truly matters.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the physical is our origin, as we are born from the physical and equally return to the earth; and a child is not born with a mind/mental consciousness, but is conditioned throughout time to 'evolve' as mind/personality in self-interest/separation according to the 'education' it receive based on 'reward' and 'punishment' -
thus the consciousness that evolves as personality is purely a product of brainwashing and mind-control, ingrained into the physical through acceptance and allowance;
and as the consciousness age to become an elderly person, it will fixate on one or a few personalities with which it identify and will end-up as a deteriorated physical body acting out the caprices it defines as 'who I am', which however end at death.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that death is the result of the physical's exploitation by the mind/consciousness and by the being's acceptances and allowances that cause its separation from the physical and entrapped into the mental.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that the mental exists as alternate-realities in which we can hide only for so long - and that we should consider that perhaps our being Here on Earth is our test and our choice to decide whether we will sell out life in the pursuit of self-interest which is ‘exclusive’, or whether we will make it through the eye of the needle into Life which is all-inclusive; and that this: each one decide and determine for oneself in every moment of breath.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense about the necessity to investigate and self-realize the mental - so that we may see, realize and understand how we have manifested ourselves and our world as we know it; so that we may give ourselves the opportunity to transcend the mind and take responsibility for the physical as ourselves and this reality we all share.

I commit myself to establishing a new system on Earth that will regard and support the physical as the actuality of reality, a new system based on the realization that the value of life is life: thus a system of equality that will support all life equally from birth to death, ensuring a dignified life for all.


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