by Ann Van Den Broeck |
I was just reading in the paper that in Germany it is not illegal to BRIBE doctors: The pharmaceutical industry may pay doctors to favor certain products when prescribing medicine to patients.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where the basic human needs are controlled by MONEY.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where MONEY is a tool to support profit, self-interest, separation and exploitation - instead of money being a tool of communication that ensures the fair exchange of services and the equal distribution of the resources that our planet earth provides unconditionally for all.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that everything advertised in the current system is in fact only selling ideas in the name profit, abusing the bipolar human nature of fears and desires to create profit for the FEW while the MANY suffer.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the system abuses the fact that the human will only care for its health when FEAR is existent – which indicates that the human does not in any way understand itself as a physical body, but is only approaching the physical through the mental in separation.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the system will use the accepted FEAR that the human exist within, to sell concepts and products with empty promises that the human BUY into out of fear just to have the fear diminish for a moment, while nothing is undertaken to get to the root of the problem to understand the problem, which would be the only way to get to actual solutions in self-responsibility.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within the current system of profit, health-care is a construct that does not support life, but in fact conditions human beings into abdicating their responsibility and placing hope and faith into systems outside of themselves and thus giving power to such systems that evidently cannot be trusted as they are based on profit –
instead of getting to the self-honesty of ‘man know thyself’ and taking self-responsibility, which would in fact be actual power.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a system where doctors do what they do for money, just like everybody else, yet the human being will place itself trustfully in the hands of doctors and other ‘experts’ – not realizing that such ‘experts’ equally fail to get to the self-honesty of ‘man know thyself’ and thus can hardly really assist and support the human being toward the actual health of a body, mind and spirit in equilibrium.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in a system based on profit, no one can be trusted.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to place trust and faith in media, science and politics in this world and to then blame media, science and politics for the current condition of the world –
when in fact I as individual have long abdicated my responsibility for life to the systems of profit: as everything I buy in this world is a vote that supports the current system and the world as we know it.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that all science, all research and all knowledge of this world is and has always been motivated and driven by profit to make more profit, and is using and abusing life in the name of profit.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as long as the human is driven from the inside-out by conditioned fears and desires: the human is gullible and can be controlled through words, pictures and ideas implanted into the world to ensure the further enslavement of the human to remain a slave that keeps the system running.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that as long as science, research, knowledge are driven by profit: no science, no research and no knowledge of this world can be trusted to be what's best for LIFE.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in a system of inequality, nothing can be trusted - not even the human; because if the human could be trusted, the human would have long stopped accepting the current state of affairs and would have come up with the common sense required to stop all abuse and transform the system into something that is of actual life-support.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to consider that without the human: the system would not exist, nor the world as we know it.
Within this I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand the equal responsibility we all have for What is Here as our reality, our existence, our world.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a parenting system based in fear and submission which, instead of teaching our children self-responsibility, self-trust, self-honesty and common sense: 'educates' our children based on the same abusive principles of the current system and calls it 'love', when it is in fact fear applied through systems of 'reward' and 'punishment', producing only clones of the parents and thus more slaves to keep the system running and the human race self-destructing.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that no healthy life exists in this world whatsoever, as everything presented in this world is in fact consumerism and bound to the system of profit - and in spite of the promises made for 'longevity', 'health' and 'beauty', the human inevitably DIE and leave behind a legacy that can hardly be called life.
I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that actual health would imply that the human has a healthy relationship of equality and oneness with itself to begin with: 'Man know thyself' both as a mind AND as a physical body, including the interactions and cause and effect relationships between the mind and the body -
Yet in fact the human is divided within itself and trapped in the mental to such an extent that its very existence causes the abuse, dis-ease and final deterioration of the physical body; regardless of how desperately the human attempts to cover-up the signs of abuse through cosmetic and other 'health-products' presented to the human by the consumerism system because the human BUY into such promises of 'beauty', 'health', 'longevity' in its desperate fear of death and the desire to somehow WIN something and ‘look great’ or ‘feel great’, even if it's just for a moment...
I commit myself to exposing the deception of the current system of PROMISES that are only based in separation, profit-making, exploitation of life in the name of profit.
I commit myself to showing that everything in this world and within how this world system functions is based on profit, and that we have accepted and allowed PROFIT to be placed before life, and LIFE to be abused for profit.
Within this I commit myself to sharing the urgency of understanding and acknowledging our responsibility for What is Here.
I commit myself to showing that in the current system of inequality, only those that support PRO-FIT can be FIT as they will be supported by the system of profit;
and that the system of PROFIT only supports those that are pro-fit and have the money to support the system, disregarding the 2/3 of the population that are left to exist without the bare minimum required for a dignified life on earth.
I commit myself to showing that as long as human nature is accepted as it is without any self-responsibility, and as long as the human is controllable through its accepted fears and obsessive desires: humanity does not stand a chance of any substantial change that would bring forth a world that is best for all.
I commit myself to showing that what is sold and promoted as 'health' in this world is but a cover-up based on empty promises in the name of profit, and that actual health would entail the total re-education of the human being and the establishment of self-honesty within equilibrium of body, mind and spirit:
where our thoughts, words and deeds are no longer divided and unequal due to our tendency to hide in fear and secret desires –
and that when we stop this self-dishonesty and re-align ourselves to life as the actual value: we will get to self-honesty and become beings whose thoughts, words and deeds are no longer congruent, but equal and one in self-integrity as life;
and this will produce a human being that can trust itself and can be trusted with life – a human being that will produce in its image and likeness a world that is best for ALL LIFE.
I commit myself to showing that the only way to self-honesty as life is the realization of self-responsibility in the context of our interconnectedness and thus interdependence as life:
realizing that any and all harm done unto life is in fact done unto self; and what is best for all life is equally best for self.
I commit myself to showing that the only way to practically live self-responsibility is to investigate and realize what we have been existing as and acknowledge the consequences of our way of life for ourselves and the world as a whole; to self-forgive the self-dishonesty, fear and enslavement we have allowed ourselves to exist within; and to re-educate ourselves in common sense to start correcting our accepted human nature into something that is truly free, integral and whole, something that is equal to life and will thus not accept or allow the abuse of life in any way whatsoever.
I commit myself to bringing forth a new world where we accept or allow nothing less than LIFE - for ALL as one as equals.
I commit myself to correcting myself by investigating my fears and desires by which I am able to be controlled from the outside and driven from the inside; and to align myself to life in self-honesty and common sense so that I may be and become the directive principle of myself such that I have the power to change the accepted system from the inside out and be a living example for the fact that this is not only possible but also imperative if humanity is to survive its own consequences.
I commit myself to bringing forth a new world system of equality, where all life is equally cared for in all practical ways, and where not only medicine and health-care, but all professions, can be practiced and applied in a way that in fact support life;
a new system where the only profit that is valid is where ALL LIFE equally profits from any and all systems that we may establish to assist and support us as humanity toward an actual change and transformation of existence into what is best for ALL LIFE.
ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo |
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Excellent post.Thanks for sharing your idea regarding healthcare.....Good luck.