Montag, 9. September 2013

479 | Survival is not Living

ART by Andrew Gable

Lately I’ve been having an interesting experience in terms of enjoyment, wherein I’d find myself enjoying myself within my environment, like enjoying noises from the surroundings and finding myself within the neighborhood, my neighborhood; enjoying also short encounters with people around shops and cafes; enjoying walking through the streets and the park or riding my bike around. Enjoying the plants at my place and the idea of a cat in da house!

What I also realize is the difference between imposing self-enjoyment as an energetic / mental-feeling experience, an illusion imposed unto the physical, just to feel better; and actual living self-enjoyment within the context of one’s practical living, of who I am and how I live, how I appreciate life as myself and how I am being part of this world that is me.

Survival is based in competition and is characterized by lack of understanding and ignorance toward responsibility.
Living is based in consideration and entails understanding and the realization of responsibility, as well as the actual will to stand, to live, to be here.

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