Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012

Day 191: Be_Longing | THOUGHT Dimension of the Mind Construct #3

ART by Anna Brix Thomsen

This is continuing from the self-forgiveness and self-corrective realizations I shared in
Day 188: Be_Longing * The Trap of Infinity
Day 189: Be_Longing | THOUGHT Dimension of the Mind Construct
Day 190: Be_Longing | THOUGHT Dimension of the Mind Construct #2

For further context see also
Day 184: Facing the Consequences of Following the Mind
Day 185: Value Issues & Consequences of Running on ENERGY
Day 186: Name the Game - Laying out the Mind CONstruct
Day 187: Be_Longing * The Absurdity of Longing to Belong

When and as I see myself going into thinking or believing that I am not receiving attention and that therefore this must mean that I am not good enough: I stop and I take a breath, and I remind myself that anything coming up in my mind where I see myself as ´victim´ of other people´s behaviour indicates abdication of my responsibility. Therefore I, in the moment, realign myself to self-responsibility and give myself attention, instead of giving attention to the mind and the conditioned patterns/thoughts/feelings/emotions it brings up.

I no longer accept or allow myself to see myself as ‘ alone’ and ‘lonely’ and ‘miserable’ and to go into a ‘negative’ self-experience, as I realize that this experience is not real, meaning, it does not pertain to the actuality of my reality – it is simply my emotional reaction to situations where I do not get what I expect.

Therefore, when and as I see myself going into an experience of ´being miserable´ where I see myself as ´worth pitying´ : I stop, I take a breath and bring myself out of the mind and back to reality, and I do not accept or allow myself to go into self-pity or self-victimization. Instead, I take back the power I abdicated to the mind and I approach the situation in practical common sense, taking responsibility for me and my experience of myself.

When and as I see myself blaming ´others´ for ‘making me feel’ ‘unloved’ or ‘unworthy’ – I stop, I breathe and I realize that within accepting and allowing blame, I make myself subject to that which/whom I blame.

Therefore I commit myself to stop all blame, and to continue assisting and supporting myself in accepting me here as worthy as life and developing self-trust within and as who I am, without requiring my ‘value’ to be defined or validated by ‘others’.

When and as I see myself going into thinking or believing that others don’t love me and that I cannot trust them, where I don’t ‘get the feeling’ that they care: I stop, and I breathe, and I remind myself that this ´feeling´ is a conditioned response that I made myself subject to and that is limiting me in my experience and my expression.

When and as I see myself looking at or focusing on what I am apparently ´not getting´: I stop, I take a breath, and I bring the point back to self to ask myself the question: What am I giving? What am I giving me, as life?

Through self-honest investigation of myself as a consciousness system, I see, realize and understand that thoughts that come-up automatically are always representing self-interest. It´s almost as if the thoughts that automatically come-up are the ´legal counsellors´ of the self-interest that exists within me as a result of the conditioned wants, needs, desires and fears that I have adopted / accepted / developed throughout a lifetime of becoming a personality in this system of polarity, of ´winning´ and ´losing´, of apparent ´superiority´ and ´inferiority´ -

a system where we place value on fake attributes that are merely concepts and ideas, instead of acknowledging and living the value of life, the only actual, real value, that all here share, as life.

When and as I see myself going into self-interest, in the mind, following IDEAS about what ‘love’ and ‘care’ should be: I stop myself, and I instead assist and support myself to practically care for myself as life, and thus from this starting-point also to care for my world as lfie, equally; Thus, I assist and support myself from the starting-point of who I really am as life to develop and establish self-care and self-love to begin with, because it is only from this starting-point of equality and oneness that I am able to see another being as an equal and discover what it means to care for another as self, as life.

When and I as I see myself placing trust into thoughts as what automatically comes up in the mind: I stop, I take a breath, and I direct my attention to me here breathing, as I realize that trust is something we must establish within and as ourselves, as who I really am, to then explore what trust really is and can be –

because obviously trust does not yet exist in this world, otherwise we could all be trusted with life and life would be something where no abuse, no deception, no manipulation, no exploitation would be accepted or allowed.

I see, realize and understand that thoughts are like pictures or symbols that come up in the mind automatically, where self and self´s world /"others" are presented in terms of comparison and competition, in terms of measuring and racing, in terms of ´winning´ and ´losing´. This is obviously an unacceptable way to exist, as this is exactly the perspective from which we manifest this human race, this world of survival, and the atrocity we call ´life´.

I see, realize and understand what the thoughts that come up in my mind, especially in the context of this relationship pattern I am deconstructing here, have been revealing to me: namely that I have defined myself and my experience of myself within and as a ‘feeling’, however this ‘feeling’ only exists within my mind, as I have ‘designed’ it – and thus nobody and nothing can ever in fact ‘fulfil’ or ´satisfy´ that ‘feeling’ because it is just that, a ‘feeling’, like a ghost I’ve been chasing to apparently feel complete and worthy and valuable, when all the while I haven’t been accepting myself as complete and worthy and valuable.

I see, realize and understand that by placing trust and belief in a ‘feeling’ (which is in fact the fabrication of a system / parenting / education / competition / world-system) I am making myself corruptible as I can then be manipulated with ‘feelings’, which is in fact what the consumerism system does to keep people enslaved: the system entices people with ‘good feelings’ and all products and services of the system are set to sell exactly that: a ‘good feeling’.

Therefore, when and as I see myself considering ´how I feel´ and ´how I should feel´ and how I desire to ´feel´: I stop, I breathe, and I remind myself that I am about to follow preprogrammed designs of my consciousness system based on the rules of the personalities that were born of this system. Therefore I realize that such ´feeling´ is not real but ony a conditioned response looking for its stimuli to activate it. Within this I see that following such mechanisms, self is able to be manipulated and corrupted - and obviously this is an unacceptable application / an unacceptable alignment from the perspective of life, as I´d be within that only limiting myself and others in my world.

Therefore I assist and support myself to stop following ´feelings´, wants, needs, fears, and desires - and instead I direct myself in self-honesty and practical common sense, making sure I support myself as life, in equality and oneness, and allow myself to explore and discover what it is to actually feel what is here.

Because if we would really feel what is here in fact, we´d be in great agony given the children that die every couple of seconds from preventable causes, the pain of our physical bodies due to the mental and emotional suppression and deception we allow within ourselves, the deterioration of our physical home planet which we deplete in the name of profit -

we don´t feel all that; it is but knowledge and information that we ARE aware of, yet choose to ignore and to rather delude ourselves with ideas of ´happiness´ and ´personal success´ in the mind, things that no one can take with when one breath is suddenly the last, yet we act as if such "values" were real.

I commit myself to exposing the LIE and DECEPTION of self-interest that manifests into and as this world a system of Profit, equal and one to self-interest as the system is created in the image and likeness of the human -

a system where life is exploited in the name of ´happiness´ and ´personal success´ while the majority of what is here is being abused and deceived, trough OUR acceptance and allowance, and for this we are all equally responsible by the very fact that we are here.

I commit myself to walking my process of ‘man know thyself’ to get to know myself and how I have come to be who I am and experience myself the way I do in all possible contexts of my life, so that within that I can assist and support myself to stand incorruptible, equal to life, accepting nothing less than life, from myself or anyone else.

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

End your 'I' Possessions and get to Self Honesty in Self Responsibility - with support at the Desteni 'I' Process

!!! NEW - for FREE - for ALL: Desteni I Process 'lite' 

ART by Andrew Gable

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012

Day 190: Be_Longing | THOUGHT Dimension of the Mind Construct #2

ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

This is continuing from
Day 186: Name the Game - Laying out the Mind CONstruct
Day 187: Be_Longing * The Absurdity of Longing to Belong
Day 188: Be_Longing * The Trap of Infinity
Day 189: Be_Longing | THOUGHT Dimension of the Mind Construct

For further context see also
Day 184: Facing the Consequences of Following the Mind
Day 185: Value Issues & Consequences of Running on ENERGY

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe my thoughts and follow my thoughts as if they were ‘god’.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to question my thoughts as to the reality they are presenting.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see that my thoughts always present me with a polarity, and that I haven’t allowed myself to investigate why this polarity exists and what the bipolar consequence are when I take thoughts for granted.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to consider that my thoughts reflect the patterns that I have adopted, accepted and allowed – as well as the self-definitions that I developed based on feedback and reactions from my environment.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to question the polarity of self-definitions developed throughout a lifetime and whether they truly reflect and determine who I am.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to consider that everything that determines who I am cannot do so without my acceptance and allowance – therefore I am essentially always self-responsible.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that my thoughts do not reflect who I am as life, they rather reflect who I am and have become as a system within a system – a system that exists on the principle of polarity and separation, thus conflict, comparison, war essentially.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to follow and believe my thoughts in spite of the obvious fact that my thoughts reflect the nature of the accepted system, wherein in my thoughts I see myself and others as either ‘inferior’ or ‘superior’, as either ‘winning’ or ‘losing’, and thus accepting my thoughts as they are implies accepting the entire system as is, where responsibility is shifted, where self-righteousness is the modus operandi of a human species in self-interest, and comparison the filter through which we look at ourselves and each-other –
hence an existence at war, disregarding the interest of LIFE as who we all really are /could be.

When and as I see myself thinking about “them” and what “they” do to me, where I suddenly see myself as a ‘victim’ or as ‘being done wrong unto’ – I realize that in that moment I am separating myself from my own responsibility and directive principle. Therefore I in the moment stop, and I take a breath, as I realize that within such shift I would in fact be going into blame and abdication of my responsibility, thus also abdication of my power – the power to change, the power to be directive, the power to make decisions, the power to move.

Therefore I breathe and I bring myself back here, I bring the point of blame back to myself to take responsibility for, and I realize the power to change, the power to move, the power to be directive: within and as breath, in the moment, Here, in self-responsibility.

I wil continue in my next blog post.

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

End your 'I' Possessions and get to Self Honesty in Self Responsibility - with support at the Desteni 'I' Process

!!! NEW - for FREE - for ALL: Desteni I Process 'lite'

ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2012

Day 189: Be_Longing | THOUGHT Dimension of the Mind Construct

ART by Bastian Neumann

This is continuing from
Day 186: Name the Game - Laying out the Mind CONstruct
Day 187: Be_Longing * The Absurdity of Longing to Belong
Day 188: Be_Longing * The Trap of Infinity

For further context see also
Day 184: Facing the Consequences of Following the Mind
Day 185: Value Issues & Consequences of Running on ENERGY

Here I am looking at the thought dimension of the pattern, and thus far I had gathered the following thoughts:
I am not receiving attention
I am not good enough / not interesting enough
I am left alone – feel lonely/left alone
They don’t love me
I can’t trust them
I am miserable / feeling sorry for self

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that I am not receiving attention and that therefore this must mean that I am not good enough.
Within this I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to see myself as ‘ alone’ and ‘lonely’ and ‘miserable’ and to go into a ‘negative’ self-experience which I start believing more and more, and the more I think of it the more ‘real’ it seems.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to project conclusions from my childhood onto my entire life and to exist within conclusions that I have made in the past, when I did not have any tools or any practical common sense support to realize that whatever another does or however another behaves and reacts, one does not have to take it personally – and that whatever one takes personally, one has actually already accepted about self within self.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to in my thoughts blame others for ‘making me feel’ ‘unloved’ or ‘unworthy’ – and within that I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to make my self-worth subject to other people’s reactions and feedback –
instead of assisting and supporting myself to accept me here as worthy as life and to develop self-trust within and as who I am, without requiring my ‘value’ to be defined or validated by ‘others’.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that others don’t love me and that I cannot trust them, if I don’t ‘get the feeling’ that they care –
refusing however to see that I have placed conditions as to what it is ‘to care’, based on early childhood experiences, and that within it all I am not allowing myself to see and get to know another being because all I am focused on is what I am getting.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as self-interest, in the mind, based on IDEAS about what ‘love’ and ‘care’ is and should be – instead of assisting and supporting myself to explore what it means to actually care, from the starting-point of who I really am, thus developing self-care and self-love to begin with, to then be able to get to know another as an equal and explore what it means to care for another as self, as life.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to place trust in what will satisfy my mind, instead of first of all getting to trust myself within and as who I really am, to then explore what trust really is –
because obviously trust does not yet exist in this world, otherwise we could all be trusted with life and life would be something where no abuse, no deception, no manipulation, no exploitation would be accepted or allowed.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand what the thoughts that come up in my mind in the context of this relationship pattern have been revealing to me: namely that I have defined myself and my experience of myself within and as a ‘feeling’, however this ‘feeling’ only exists within my mind as I have ‘designed’ it – and thus nobody and nothing can ever in fact ‘fulfil’ that ‘feeling’ because it is just that, a ‘feeling’, like a ghost I’ve been chasing to apparently feel complete and worthy and valuable, when all the while I haven’t been accepting myself as complete and worthy and valuable.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by placing trust and belief in a ‘feeling’ (which is in fact the fabrication of a system / parenting / education / competition / world-system) I am making myself corruptible as I can then be manipulated with ‘feelings’, which is in fact what the consumerism system does to keep people enslaved: the system entices people with ‘good feelings’ and all products and services of the system are set to sell exactly that: a ‘good feeling’.

I commit myself to walking my process of ‘man know thyself’ to get to know myself and how I have come to be who I am and experience myself the way I do in all possible contexts of my life, so that within that I can assist and support myself to stand incorruptible, equal to life, accepting nothing less than life, from myself or anyone else.

I wil continue on this in my next blog post.

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

End your 'I' Possessions and get to Self Honesty in Self Responsibility - with support at the Desteni 'I' Process

!!! NEW - for FREE - for ALL: Desteni I Process 'lite'


Day 188: Be_Longing * The Trap of Infinity

ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

This is the self-forgiveness that opened up after writing out on the word “BELONGING” / Be_Longing.
(From my next blog post I will start walking the self-forgiveness on the various dimensions of the pattern as revealed through my writing, posted under “Name the Game – Laying out the Mind CONstruct.)

For further context see also
Day 184: Facing the Consequences of Following the Mind
Day 185: Value Issues & Consequences of Running on ENERGY

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to exist within the want / need / desire to ‘belong’, instead of realizing that this is but an idea I project in the belief that from some reason I do not ‘belong’ – wherein such definition of ‘not belonging’ may even be coming from my forefathers and times of war, fleeing, being a refugee, trying to settle in another country away from family etc.: all of which are points that my parents were heavily exposed to.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to take the ‘feeling’/’experience’ of “I don’t belong” for valid and to believe it is real based on my childhood experience – instead of looking at the point in common sense and making an informed decision about whether this ‘feeling’/ ‘experience’ is something that supports me/life.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that, being driven from the want / need / desire to belong: I’d change myself in an attempt to ‘belong’, and thus I’d compromise myself as who I really am just to ‘fit in’ and ‘get the feeling’ that I ‘belong’.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to compromise who I am for the sake of ‘fitting in’ – instead of realizing that this is the way the system has you by the balls, as within growing up and losing the innocence of a child, one start applying various tactics of survival and developing personalities to ‘fit’ the world, to have an ‘identity’ – which results into a human race existing in constant competition and self-righteousness, disregarding the common ground we are all on here, and missing all practical common sense in terms of living what is best for LIFE in fact.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have a thought as a picture in my head wherein I see me as ‘lonely’, ‘lost’, not belonging, homeless, alone, someone trying to find their place in this world – instead of taking the responsibility to determine ‘my place’ as an equal part of life, thus standing for life, no matter what.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to, from this picture and based on the fact that I took this perception for granted and saw it as valid, see myself as unworthy and feel sorry for myself, going thus into a ‘negative’ self-definition, accepting a ‘negative’ identification, thus assigning myself ‘negative’ value and then trying to raise my ‘value’ through seeking to ‘be accepted’ and to ‘belong’ –
instead of seeing that it is me that accepts a self-definition as ‘unworthy’ and thus it is me that is the only able to stop/change/re-from this.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the value of life – projecting value outside of myself and then trying to ‘reach’ it / ‘gain’ it / ‘attain’ it.
How absurd is that?!

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to imagine the ‘fulfilment’ of my ‘longing to belong’ within and through a relationship that would provide me a ‘home’ and ‘acceptance’ – instead of seeing that within that I’d actually be making another/a relationship responsible to ‘fulfil’ me and thus within that making myself subject to such relationship, not seeing that such relationship is but a projection of mine, a point which I separated from me here and projected ‘out there’, assigning it ‘positive’ value, within this implying that me here is equal to ‘negative’ value and that it is within that projection that I will find/gain/attain ‘positive’ value –
instead of realizing that both ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ “values” are in fact value-judgments of the mind and not in fact real –
yet made real through belief –

and therefore within this I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to exist in an alternate reality of the mind, trapped within my own perception; separating myself from who I am as life, abdicating my value as life, and defining myself based on value-judgments of polarity.

Within this I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to make myself subject to consciousness as polarity.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to make myself subject to the self-interest of a personality conditioned as ‘unworthy’ and thus trying to be ‘valued’/ ‘accepted’ / ‘validated’.
I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to exist as such personality and to within that abdicate my value as life.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to accept my value here as life.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to follow the internal conversations in my mind that come up to validate my ‘feeling’ / ‘experience’ of ‘not belonging’ – instead of realizing that such interval conversations are the result of accepted definitions as I have been exposed to them throughout my life, and that I no longer have to accept such definitions as real, because I realize that whatever I have made real as me/the experience of myself: I have made real through acceptance and allowance; and thus by changing/re-defining what I will accept and allow and what not, I can change the experience of myself and start living based on common sense in self-honesty instead of acting-out definitions of consciousness which I had accepted in unawareness.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to react in self-pity whenever the ‘feeling’/ ‘experience’ of “I don’t belong” comes up, and to then expect from others/my relationship to ‘do something about it’ – instead of realizing that within this I am making someone/something else responsible for who I am and how I experience myself, rather than taking self-responsibility to investigate how the experience of myself comes about, how it is created, and how in fact it is I that accepts and allows the patterns that constitute this experience.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to change myself and compromise myself in an attempt to fulfil my projected idea of ‘belonging’ – and within this I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to compromise life for the sake of self-interest, which is nothing but the interest of a personality based on conditioned self-definitions that are only real through belief and applied behaviour/reaction.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that everything we are, everything we experience: we create –
and therefore we are always self-responsible;

It is therefore vital to understand exactly HOW we create ourselves, which is the only way to stop the self-abdication and walk self into a corrective living that restores the value of life as who we really are.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see the trap of infinity within this pattern of “longing to belong”:
as one is always thrown about between ‘having’ and ‘losing’, ‘feeling valuable/valued’ and ‘feeling unworthy’, and within that there can be no self-stability as life because when one is perceiving self to ‘lack’ one will be busy ‘seeking’, and once one believes to have ‘found’ one will be busy trying not to ‘lose’ – thus within that infinitely separating actual value from self as life, thus abdicating life for an infinite pattern that recycles based on action-reaction and polarity definitions of the mind; thus self is in fact trapped in the mind, cycling around itself, seeking in fact for self, yet missing self, as one is seeking for self ‘out there’, within projections.

I commit myself to restore the value of life within and as myself.

I commit myself to accepting me as the value of life here.

I commit myself to living self-worth as who I am equal to life.

I commit myself to investigate any and all ways in which I compromise myself in an attempt to “belong”- so as to Stop the self-abdication and remain true to myself as who I am of life.

I commit myself to stopping the absurd idea that I need to / have to / must feel like “I belong”.

I commit myself to living the realization that I belong here on earth, and am thus within that equal to all that is here on earth.

I commit myself to supporting the living application of equality and oneness, which implies absolute self-responsibility and self dignity as life - because that is the only way to manifest an existence where all life can in fact truly belong, as One, as Equals.

I commit myself to showing that we are where are currently as humanity on this earth without COMMON SENSE and without a system of SUPPORT for all life equally : because of our individual pursuit of delusions and illusions that we create in the mind in separation from the actual value of life, forever seeking while we are in fact Here, yet we miss the Here as we are blinded within our own minds, pursuing the pursuit of ‘personal happiness’, in spite of the evidence that no happiness ‘gained’ / ‘reached’ / ‘attained’ in this world is ever lasting.

I commit myself to exposing our existence of SELF RELIGION –
wherein based on 'individual' beliefs, each one is trying to BE_LONG in whatever one places value in; resulting in a system and an existence where each one only follows self-interest as the self religion –
instead of realizing the common sense that we all belong together as LIFE, and that whenever a part of life is disregarded or exploited in the name of PERSONAL beliefs/ideas/desires : Life as a Whole is compromised.

I commit myself to exposing the consumerism system for what it is: a profit-machine selling fake “values” and concepts of ‘power’, ‘success’, ‘happiness’, while 2/3 of the world cannot even have a dignified life, a child dies every couple of seconds, and 99% of human beings exist in absolute mental dis-order and dis-ease, in the image and likeness of this bipolar system –

which in fact is manifested as a reflection of the bipolar nature of the human race.

As within so without, as below so above.

Shouldn’t we seriously begin to investigate how to change the accepted nature of the human psyche, being that we see what atrocity and exploitation the system we have manifested to manage life on earth causes?

This is what we do at Desteni, this is the Journey to Life, because Life can only exist where there is equal support, equal rights, equal dignity, equal power, equal access, equal responsibility.

No gods, no masters, no slaves.

Instead – responsible individuals that can stand accountable for every thought, word and deed, in full awareness of cause and effect – thus no longer manifesting consequences of destruction and deterioration, but instead reforming our existence in a way that honors LIFE as the only real, actual value, and from that starting-point consequently manifesting a world, a system, an existence that honors LIFE, as One, as Equals.

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

End your 'I' Possessions and get to Self Honesty in Self Responsibility - with support at the Desteni 'I' Process

!!! NEW - for FREE - for ALL: Desteni I Process 'lite'

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012

Day 187: Be_Longing * The Absurdity of Longing to Belong

This is continuing from
Day 184: Facing the Consequences of Following the Mind
Day 185: Value Issues & Consequences of Running on ENERGY
Day 186: Name the Game - Laying out the Mind CONstruct

I want to look into the word ‘belonging’, as I see within it revealed how one single idea/definition becomes an obsession that can possess an entire life.

Looking at the word ‘belonging’ as a living word, what do I see:


How have I lived this word:

I’ve created a desire out of it -- projection / hope: wanting to belong, hoping to belong.

Within this ‘positive’ projection into the ‘future’/the ‘there’ – I am implicitly defining the ‘here’, ‘my present’, as ‘negative’.

‘Belonging’ as an experience to ‘have’/’gain’/’receive’ is being projected ‘out there’ (hope and desire to get it, fear of not getting it) – manifesting through acceptance my ‘here’ as ‘lacking’/ me as ‘not receiving’, and thus ‘longing’.


If I accept myself to remain existing within the want/need/desire to ‘belong’
[which already reveals that it’s about a ‘feeling’ of belonging that I’m actually dealing with, an idea; because in fact I do belong on this earth, like everyone else equally, I belong to the human species and everything that is here on this planet … This would be the perspective from which to look at how to re-define the word ‘belong’ to be valid for life and practical living, instead of it being a mental concept/idea/projection] –
So, if I accept myself to remain existing within the want/need/desire to ‘belong’ – then as a consequence I exist in constant projection of that want/need/desire: be_longing – I am_longing; thus I am not complete, not fulfilled in the ´here´, in the ´present´.

And from this starting-point, wherein I define/accept my self-worth here as ‘negative’, I create myself/my experience as ‘longing’ for self-worth / ‘longing’ for ‘positive’ value – which I assume to attain/get/succeed through (the idea of) ‘belonging’.

The consequence within all this, is that I do not allow myself to be fully Here, accepting me here, and thus taking responsibility for what is here as me, as my reality, as this world.

I become trapped / trap myself within projection / hope – longing to ‘belong’ – because I have placed worth/value into an idea of ´belonging´, thinking and believing that if/when I feel like I belong, then I am worthy, then I found my place, then I can accept myself.

So here I see revealed through my words that I´ve created all these conditions in relation to self-acceptance and self-worth –

and that in fact, because this idea of ‘belonging’ is just that – an ‘idea’, and the ´feeling´/´experience´ of ‘not belonging’ is already conditioned, I’d always be longing to belong, and nothing would ever be ‘enough’ or ‘right’ to ‘make me feel’ like I belong, because that would threaten the purpose of this mind system / personality consciousness, the purpose being to ‘find’ this ‘belonging’ –

Interesting –
‘seeking to "find"...’ 
...all the while I am here, yet actually missing me here, not accepting me here.

The more I ‘seek’, the less I ‘find’, because the more I separate me from me through projections, ideas, and concepts of the mind.
Being in the mind, I cannot be here in self-acceptance, living in self-worth as life.

It´s really insane how such consciousness mechanisms exist and how the ´feelings´ and ´emotions´ that come-up will seem to validate and justify the personality as it exists –
of course they do, because it has all been programmed this way throughout a lifetime – through our own acceptance and allowance, even though in unawareness.

Within and through writing, I am becoming aware of this program that exists within and as me, taking up so much of my attention – and within becoming aware and looking at things in self-honesty from the perspective of Life as equality and oneness, I place myself in a position where I can take back the power I´ve given away to such systems/patterns, and make my own decisions in fact, in full awareness of cause and effect, as I see, realize and understand the consequences of the current consciousness of polarity, separation, comparison, competition.

This must stop – I must stop me from existing within and as such consciousness – because this is what I want, this is who I really am as life, this is my true desire or purpose as life, and it is the actual wish of all life that has been suppressed, denied, abused: to get to the common sense of equality and oneness as life; no more abuse, no more separation, no more survival, no more competition, winning/losing, no more ´human race´ –

only Life / Living –
in equal freedom, dignity and respect –
so that we can finally be whole, complete, in full awareness fulfilling ourselves and each-other as Life, as all, as one, as equals.

Obviously to ´get there´, which is actually HERE – to get out of our mind bubbles and get HERE as all as one as equals as LIFE – we gotta start with ourselves and get to self-honesty about ourselves, get to self equality and oneness, and stand-up to share our process with our world so that others equally may become aware of the accepted and allowed insanity, the power-games and the abuse that manifest this world as we know it and an existence where life is exploited in the name of profit – in OUR name as we exist in self-interest.

Let´s ReForm our Existence from Self-Interest in Separation into Oneness and Equality in the Interest of Life!

Join us in the Journey to Life!

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* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
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* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

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End your 'I' Possessions and get to Self Honesty in Self Responsibility - with support at the Desteni 'I' Process

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Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012

Day 186: Name the Game - Laying out the Mind CONstruct

Let's ReForm our Existence from Self-Interest and Separation to Oneness & Equality in the Interest of Life!
ART by Anna Brix Thomsen

Continuing from my last two Blog posts, I am here now beginning to deconstruct the pattern, to see the play-outs, recognize the consequences, take self-responsibility and walk the specific self-forgiveness points to get to practical self-corrective realization and commitments, within this assisting and supporting myself to stop following my conditioned mind/consciousness patterns and free myself from the chains of my own value-judgments, limiting definitions and polarity concepts.

I have given the pattern a name to begin with, though it is possible that the name will turn out different as I open up the layers/dimensions of the pattern and go into more specificity and more clarity. Also, further personality patterns may reveal through this, which I will then in turn give a name to, because within ‘naming the game’ an interesting perspective is being introduced, where one can see that within such patterns we are merely acting out conditioned personalities like character roles in a fantasy role play, which however have actual real consequences for self and others, and thus for life in fact.

Within ‘naming the game’ one is clear about the fact that one is dealing with a pattern – and that one can have a look at how one has allowed a pattern, a consciousness mechanism to take over / to overpower self; while through awareness, self-honesty, and practical common sense one is in fact able to deconstruct, see and understand the pattern, thus also able to change the pattern in a way that supports life, as all, as one, as equals.

And so I begin.
(Note: Here I will write an overview of the various dimensions of this pattern, and as I continue I may be adding points that are coming up / opening up as I move.)

‘Belonging’ – ‘feeling I don’t belong’ / ‘wanting to belong’

I am not receiving attention
I am not good enough / not interesting enough
I am left alone – feel lonely/left alone
They don’t love me
I can’t trust them
I am miserable / feeling sorry for self

Being given attention
Being ‘appreciated’
Being loved / shown that I am loved
Being cared for / caressed
Being taken into consideration / being included / belonging

They don’t care about me
I am only being used to satisfy THEIR needs / concepts / desires / dreams
They don’t really want me here
For them it’s not about me/who I am, it’s about what THEY want/need
Yes, look, they don’t so this & that… / they are/do… -- that means they don’t give a fuck
Again I am waiting for them
I always have to wait
I hate waiting for them
I hate needing them
Why do I care, if they don’t
I feel used / abused
I feel trapped
I need to run away, far away
They hurt me
Fuck them ‘cause they don’t care
If they make me feel like I’m worth nothing – then they are worth nothing

Depression – self-victimization
Feeling restricted /done wrong unto
Anger – Rage
Spite – Grudge

Blaming verbally
Attacking / being angry / over-reacting
Leaving the room / ‘leaving them’
Excluding others who don’t fit my agenda


From 'feeling abused' -> abusing others
- Hurting others / Not seeing others for who they are

Isolation / Self-suppression

Energy trap
- Given attention == positive == “self-worth” / ‘feeling worthy’ / feeling ‘valued’
- Not being given attention == negative == depression / ‘feeling unworthy’ / feeling ‘degraded’

Existing in comparison towards others and towards ideas of/about myself / Measuring ‘value’

Making self-worth and self-definition dependent on and subject to ‘others’

Getting ‘negative’ attention due to over-reactive behaviour

Existing within misery, self-regret, self-loathing

In the end, the Cycle closes at the beginning:
with the self-definition of/as “I am not worthy” –
accepted and allowed – and thus created – equal and one.

“When you know the beginning, you know the end.”
“Effect is always equal to cause.”
Who we are creates this world.
What has a beginning, has an end.
Death is the end of personalities and of everything that is fake = that is not of life.
The end of man/mankind would be the end of this world/system – it would not be the end of life.

To be continued.

For context to this Blog post see my writings from
Day 184: Facing the Consequences of Following the Mind and
Day 185: Value Issues & Consequences of Running on ENERGY

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

End your 'I' Possessions and get to Self Honesty in Self Responsibility - with support at the Desteni 'I' Process

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Desteni I Process 'lite'