Samstag, 27. Dezember 2014

Day 531 | "If this, then that..."

These days that I'm spending with family, I'm having the opportunity to observe the children of relatives and I've noticed an interesting phenomenon:

I have observed how children tend to copy/adapt the behaviors of grown-ups …well, this is only natural, you'll say, this is how children learn: by observing how everyone else in their environment is handling things, is behaving, etc. Yes, isn’t this then one more reason for us ‘grown-ups’ to be particularly aware of who and how we are and how our behaviors may influence others, especially children?

In one instance, one of the children who previously didn't want to participate in a group game because he was busy playing his own game, now later wanted to join us as he was finished with his previous occupation. We explained to him that we can all play together in a moment, once we finish up this round, then we can all begin a new game together.
The child now was very upset, and what he did was to use emotional manipulation by saying: "well then - if I can't play with you then I will sit here all alone and do nothing, on Christmas!"  He said this in a tonality that showed the intention to make everyone else, especially his parents, feel guilty and/or sorry for him. In that moment I wondered how/where he got that idea, and I recalled how his father was using similar tactics as a form of ‘control’ or ‘punishment’, indicating to the child that: if you are like this /if you do this, then I will be like this /then this is what you’ll get.

Now –
what is interesting is that this form of "if this then that" logic is in itself quite valid - as that is the equation upon which this reality of consequence is based.
And it is indeed quite vital that we learn and understand what consequences our actions have. In fact, it would be excellent if we could teach our children through such simple equations, helping them understand how consequence is created and that in fact each action (or even non-action) – each decision and every little choice we make at any given moment – has a consequence.

This also means that consequence is not something 'bad' per se -
it is simply the outflow, the mathematical outcome, if you will, of an action/inaction, of a decision or choice we make at any given moment.

It is such a pity that in this world we tend to use this equation (“if this then that”) in the polarity of ‘reward and punishment’.
In other words, instead of using this equation of “if this then that” to teach reality-based common sense in its practicality, which includes the insight and understanding of cause and effect, that in turn would be a great way to teach self responsibility – what do we do? We teach our children how to manipulate using ‘threats’ and other emotional manipulation triggers. Why?

Well for one, this seems to be all we've known throughout generations of 'education' and 'evolution'. This is the way the world system - and all its systems, including parenting - have functioned for a long long time already. Parents are often overwhelmed by their own children and simply do not have the practical tools required to deal with their own mind and their own reactions and mental/emotional patterns to begin with.
Furthermore, this polarity system is how the world system indoctrinates its citizens into submission and attempts to control people's behavior, even people's very fears & desires – through reward & punishment.

So the problem I see is how parents rather attempt to control their children, control their reality through manipulation, instead of creating real empowerment and treating children as equals through direct communication and practical common sense considerations.

Parents hardly take the time to share with their children what they themselves may be experiencing, problems they are facing and solutions they are considering. I mean, in that case the learning process of the parent, when shared, would become a learning process for the child equally, and the child would not have to go through the same stuff in order to find better ways of dealing with reality and themselves.

Again the core of the problem here is that parents ("grown-ups") themselves hardly ever take that self-honest road of introspecting their own minds, their own reactions, their own problems –
I mean, if we would truly do this, we would be much more likely to find solutions and much more able to implement those solutions and live them into creation.

A problem always contains its solution. It is a matter of Looking - Seeing - Understanding - and being willing to correct/change.
The equation of "if this, then that..." is an excellent little formula through which we can a) investigate our own conditioned patterns and b) get to practical common sense solutions – based on the actual cause & effect realizations that we would inevitably come to, if we’d only be willing to 'think outside the box', if we’d only be willing to move beyond our own limitations, our own preconceived ideas, beyond our very own ego and 'how we like things'.
How we like things seldom considers other people. How we like things is mostly based on our own conditioned stimuli-response patterns. How we like things is more often than not how we keep history repeating and manipulate our reality to serve our ego.

This is quite a problem, not only on individual scale, but obviously also in the global scope of the entire world system – a system based on self-interest, where LIFE, that which is Best-for-All is not considered, is not part of the equation.

Despite the fact that "how things are" is the way things have been for as long as we can remember – be fooled not! There IS another way. We show this at desteni, an international group of individuals exploring the principle of equality and oneness and ways to transcend polarity and separation, so as to get ourselves into viable, sustainable, best-for-all solutions, within and without.

…to be continued

For more on parenting, child development and solution considerations, check out the following Blogs:

You may also be interested in the daily process blogs that people from around the world share:

Join us in the Journey to Life !

*To participate & share perspectives visit the Forum

*For support in self empowerment visit desteniIprocess

*Visit @eqafe for educational downloadables, life-changing perspectives, music & much more... well as loads of free stuff that you'll definitely enjoy : ) 

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE online course that will assist humanity to change the human condition and end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.


Check out the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal @ the Equal Life Foundation  HOLISTIC and PRACTICAL approach to the current socio-economic condition to end the disaster of a dysfunctional capitalism.

Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2014

Day 530 | And so it's Christmas Day again...

And so it’s Christmas Day again. Yet another day in a world where most suffer while some celebrate…

How did the civil-LIE-zed world make a MESS out of Jesus Christ?

How did the mental manipulation by some few in power MESS with the message of equality?

Why didn’t the EQUALITY that Jesus presented prevail, but was instead transmuted into separatist dogmas of the 'One True God' – which is in fact what is being promulgated by all religions regardless the ‘name’ of ‘their god’?

How did the message of Oneness become the message of Polarity, based on and supporting a bipolar system of reward and punishment – which is in essence what Capitalism is today: a system that turns you into capital at the moment of birth and begins with your brainwashing as soon as you learn to speak…

Religion is Capitalism and Worship is Consumerism. Reward and Punishment is the two sides of the same coin, they called it ‘love’:  which is in fact ‘Feeling’ – yet another bipolar construct of the system with two polarity sides: love and fear.

Reward and Punishment.

In the current system you can’t have one without the other. And while that is evidently easy to see, we’ve spent eons of time fighting for ‘love’, struggling for ‘rewards’ – never really considering that there must be ANOTHER WAY, a way that is not bound to the polarity of the system that keeps us trapped and spinning up and down…

What will it take to break through the programming that is the brainwashing each one is subjected to under the auspices of the system from the moment we are born, regardless whether rich or poor, good or evil, black or white…?

What will it take to find our way to Real Oneness as Life?

Oneness by definition entails Equality. Without Equality, Oneness is deception. This deception is propagated through every religion as the oneness of that religion/group only. The same goes for any group or grouping that is set to define itself in separation and ‘protect’ itself/its members against the rest of the world.

Any separation requires religion, requires a belief-system. This can be seen very clearly in the evolution of religion, especially the New Age, where the need to ‘protect’ oneself against for instance ‘negative energy’ is the point/belief that creates the separation, the fear, the need, the hope, and thus the capital.
Yet we suppress what is here, within and without, daily in our faces for all to see: the truth of this world, the truth of ourselves. It is not pretty, despite the bright shiny things we decorate ourselves/the world with.

The capital even attempts to justify the fact that we do not give a fuck about half the world starving. To do that, the systems use the ‘logic’ of reward and punishment, making belief that for instance “each one gets what they deserve” or that there are “life lessons to learn” – despite the fact that clearly we do not remember any past lives and therefore it is impossible to learn a lesson for life through starvation, murder, rape or any abuse for that matter.

What will it take for the world to STOP justifying the exploitation of Life?

What will it take to put an end to the system of abuse as capitalism/ consumerism/ escapism/ separatism?

It will take, for one, the guts to see things for what they are and call things by their name.
We’d better start investigating and taking into consideration the interconnectedness of singular points within and as the whole; understanding cause and effect; and acknowledging the manifested consequences we see and experience in our world as the outflows of our action, inaction, acceptances and allowances.

Upon awakening to the truth of this existence, we have no choice but to see common sense and embrace our responsibility as Earthlings, based on the mere fact of the matter that we are Here on Earth, participating in the world system in every moment of breath, and it is through the impulses of our participation that we contribute to forming the world as we know it.
Therefore, it is through transforming ourselves, our relationships, our interactions and our participation in the world that we are able to transform the world into a place of dignity and respect for life. It is through debunking our belief systems and getting to practical common sense that we are able to see the matter at hand and make a difference that will matter in our world of matter.

You may be interested in the daily process blogs that people from around the world share, check it out:

Join us in the Journey to Life !

*To participate & share perspectives visit the Forum

*For support in self empowerment visit desteniIprocess

*Visit @eqafe for educational downloadables, life-changing perspectives, music & much more... well as loads of free stuff that you'll definitely enjoy : ) 

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE online course that will assist humanity to change the human condition and end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.


Make sure to check out the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal @ the Equal Life Foundation  HOLISTIC and PRACTICAL approach to the current socio-economic condition to end the disaster of a dysfunctional capitalism.

Montag, 1. Dezember 2014

Day 529 | What Self Forgiveness Is To Me - part 2 - Zero Point

Alright, I'd like to add a bit to my previous blog where I've given some short examples of what self forgiveness is to me.

An interesting perspective that I came to look at recently in the context of what self forgiveness is, was the ZERO POINT.
LOL this is a word/term that we hear and see esp. in the new age or 'scientific' community…
But let me tell you how I look at it.

First though let’s look at Forgiveness as a definition – let’s have a look at the dictionary definition:

Full Definition of FORGIVE
transitive verb
a :  to give up resentment of or claim to requital for <forgive an insult>
b :  to grant relief from payment of <forgive a debt>
:  to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) :  pardon <forgive one's enemies>
intransitive verb
:  to grant forgiveness

Origin of FORGIVE
Middle English, from Old English forgifan, from for- + gifan to give

Related to FORGIVE
Related Words
Near Antonyms

That’s very interesting, especially if one examines the polarities that the word Forgiveness is embedded into, and how there seems to be an ‘external authority’ required in ‘granting forgiveness’.
The definition of self forgiveness does not appear to exist in a dictionary.

Okay, so how do I want to see/be/live forgiveness – how can I define it?

Forgiveness is where I am able to let go and ‘forgive’ a point, where I then no longer see that point in a certain (past-defined) light, and no longer hold any form of grudge/blame or any attachment toward the point.

What is interesting within this as I can see is that I am not only releasing myself from my ‘past relationship’ with the point, I am also releasing the point itself and giving it the opportunity to change, to become something more, something better. Obviously, in case this point is a person, I find it supportive to incorporate an understanding/realization of the ‘problem’ and the ‘problem’s’ creation through communication, so that each one can take responsibility and have an opportunity to change/correct/evolve. Forgiveness without awareness would only bring momentary ‘relief’ but no real solution, no real change – and would possibly perpetuate the problem and lead to its repetition/re-cycling.

So, within a definition of Forgiveness as in letting go and forgiving a point, where I then no longer see that point in a certain (past-defined) light, and no longer hold any form of grudge/blame or any attachment toward the point;

Self Forgiveness would be the ‘forgiving’ and letting go of anything that I have accepted to ‘define’ self/me, as in eg. self-definitions, self-image, self-belief, perceptions, judgments, attributes, patterns…

Self forgiveness lived … is then the moment where (in relation to a certain point) one no-longer holds on to past definitions/attachments and thus is ‘free’ and able to access or create something new, a new relationship with/as the point for instance.

Forgiveness is thus the point where something NEW becomes possible, through releasing the attachment to the ‘old’.

 Thus we can look at Self Forgiveness as a ZERO POINT
Looking at the definition of 'zero point' as in new start, or ground zero, or blank slate, self forgiveness is where I - in relation to any particular point - have 'come to peace' with it i.e. have seen, realized and understood its existence within me and/or within my world, and I no longer define myself by it or hold an emotional/mental attachment/polarity to-it. I can release it, and I release myself from it.

But isn’t that a point of separation? Or how does this ‘release’ work?

Indeed a question to investigate and explore – I mean what I’ve found is that I cannot change anything that I in any way judge. Fear is also a form of judgment, it’s a form of pushing something away, not wanting to look at it, deal with it, have it near. So what could be a solution? Embrace it, breathe it through, become it, understand its existence – then I can release it, then I can change it, as myself.

ZERO POINT when it comes to humanity, our reality, this world - would also be a point closely related to FORGIVENESS - where we’ll have to stop pointing fingers, stop the projections of blame and the abdication of responsibility, and really individually (and together as one) stand responsible for everything that is here, then truly we may be response-able to everything that is here as life, realizing it is ourselves, it is our substance, it is our home.
We’ll have to really release and let go of the old structures, the old ways, the old power game of fear and control, of divine and conquer. Release the fear and the inferiority, release the delusions of grandeur. Ground ourselves.

And that would require forgiveness, it would require self forgiveness, it would require that we work together and truly 'make peace' with what has been, understand how it came to it, and change it to the benefit of ALL.
Fortunately we more and more come to see (as it becomes visible through alternative media more and more, 'leaking' to the surface as per the nature of truth) evidence of a NEW WILL POWER emerging from THE PEOPLE of earth, as an AWARENESS of interconnectedness, of equality, of care – as well as the willingness to work together and to no longer accept the deception, exploitation and degradation of life and the true value life holds, that is equal in all that is here.

In this context:

For support check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE online course that will assist humanity to change the human condition and end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness. 

You may be interested in the daily process blogs that people from around the world share, check it out:

Join us in the Journey to Life !

*To participate & share perspectives visit the Forum

*For support in self empowerment visit desteniIprocess

*Visit @eqafe for educational downloadables, life-changing perspectives, music & much more... well as loads of free stuff that you'll definitely enjoy : ) 


Make sure to check out the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal @ the Equal Life Foundation  a HOLISTIC and PRACTICAL approach to the current socio-economic condition to end the disaster of a dysfunctional capitalism.