Freitag, 31. Januar 2014

Day 493 | The Power of Imagination Makes us Infinite

As I was looking for some pictures for my previous blog posts (see Day 491 | Are You Travelling Without Moving? and Day 492 | Travelling Without Moving -part 2I found the following image

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and I really would like to address this point, also to show an example how we are mesmerized by ‘beautiful’ words and ideas, without however seeing, let alone considering, the consequences that the implications of such accepted words/ideas have on ourselves, our world, our reality.

Now let us for instance for a moment accept that ‘The Power of Imagination Makes us Infinite’. 
What happens when and as we accept such statement? 
Doesn’t that for one create the desire of ‘being infinite’, of somehow being ‘more than’ what we are, here and now? 
And doesn’t it prompt us to go ahead and use our imagination to create a ‘greater’, ‘infinite’ version of ourselves?

But does that version of ourselves really exist? 
And how much can we then truly CARE for the actuality of our reality, if most of the time we are busy in our imagination, travelling without moving?

Is it, you think, a coincidence that the religions of this world promote an ‘afterlife’ and push people into projecting their ‘salvation’ and a ‘better world’ into ‘life after death’? 
Who benefits if the PEOPLE of this world are caught up in their minds, ‘living’ in imaginative realities, separating themselves from what is here as this one reality we share?

So I’d suggest to anyone reading this now to ask yourself these/such questions and to investigate how you use your imagination and why. 

Check out the educational series on The Metaphysical Secrets of Imagination!

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Day 492 | Travelling Without Moving -part 2

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Continuing from Day 491 | Are You Travelling Without Moving? 

So another point that came up from my previous post is actually an interesting observation in terms of the literal meaning of the words ‘Travelling Without Moving’, and there’s two dimensions I’d like to share here:

‘Travelling Without Moving’ –
whereby the ‘travelling’ is in the context of actual, physical travelling and thus actual-physical movement BUT, have you noticed how even if we are physically moving we often remain stuck when it comes to points we are facing within ourselves /our minds.

To give an example, say you are attending school and then college or university which means you are moving in your physical reality and space-time, but at the same time there is for instance a point of anxiety or inferiority within you – in your mind and inner experience – that you are not addressing and thus even though you are moving physically and continuing with school/college, this one point will at some stage ‘reveal itself’ and show you that you weren’t able to actually really move and expand yourself;
Because for instance every time you were directly confronted with this point of anxiety or inferiority you did not want to face it and thus you suppressed/ignored it, and so the point has compounded and now your anxiety/inferiority is even greater, preventing you from being as effective and successful as you could be and would like to be.

The other dimension of the words ‘Travelling Without Moving’ would be where the ‘Travelling’ is done in the Mind / within Imagination.

We all are aware of what it is to day-dream or to just sit around imagining future scenarios and indulging in projections and hopes about how things could/should be.
Now imagine if that’s all you do – Travelling in the Mind – only thinking and wishing/imagining things, actions, situations, developments; without actually Moving physically, practically, and in fact in this actual physical world where reality is created.

So here I share these points to emphasize the importance of actual physical movement and of aligning ourselves and our living to this physical reality, dealing with and directing points in our life/world AS they come, step by step, breath by breath, point by point, instead of allowing them to accumulate and compound as consequence.
Because what exists within us AS us we are going to have to face sooner or later, so here I am saying it’s preferable to face what is here sooner than later, best even: immediately, directly; making thus sure that we do not live in our minds while we disregard/ignore reality, but that we are HERE, in every moment, with every step, regardless of where we are. Wherever we are, we are always here with ourselves, and ourselves is the only point we truly have influence on, take responsibility for and direct.

And I mean, imagine a world where every living being stands in self-responsibility and takes directive responsibility of any and all points that come up in one’s reality: Wouldn’t that be a world where reality is managed with real care, in real consideration, regard and respect, before consequences manifest?!

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Day 491 | Are You Travelling Without Moving?

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Today I was travelling, something I quite enjoy doing, and so now I’m taking the opportunity to look at this word ‘travelling’ and looking at the sounding of it to reveal any preprogrammed connotations that it may contain.

So when I sound the word ‘travelling’ the first thing I hear is ‘try’-‘veiling’, and it’s interesting how often when we travel we kinda veil our reality and use travelling-the travel as an excuse or ‘time off’, an escape from our reality. I used to do that a lot. But then there’s also the opposite polarity, and often when I’d travel I’d have rather the feeling of being ‘more’ into reality and it makes me wonder – because wouldn’t that mean that one can get so caught up within one’s routine that one kinda misses reality?

‘Travelling without moving’ is another thing that comes to mind, that’s a song by Jamiroquai if I remember correctly, and if I look at it, the way we use our imagination is like ‘travelling without moving’, and isn’t that too a way to escape our reality?

So what’s wrong with reality? Well there’s nothing wrong with reality per se, rather there’s something wrong with our relationship to reality, and alas this may be just the point that shapes our reality into something that we feel we ‘need to escape’.

Another interesting point that comes to mind when I sound the word ‘travel’ is ‘trouble’, and that reminds me of how I’d often try and consider all possibilities and situations that may arise when-while travelling to try and control them before-hand lol, as if in a way trying to anticipate ‘trouble’ to then try to avoid it. I mean it’s a thin line between taking the necessary common sense precautions and expecting trouble as such, so here one has to look in self-honesty and see what applies to one’s own starting-point when it comes to travel.

So here are some points to ponder on, though here and now I am living the world ‘travelling’ as equal to reality, meaning: not using it to escape my reality or veil it with something ‘more profound’, no, but rather living it - using it to look at my reality from a fresh perspective, a broader perspective, and to see how I can expand my reality-considerations in practical-pragmatic ways.

Enjoy : )

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Montag, 27. Januar 2014

Day 490 | Inner Controls & Polarity Energetics VS Equality & Oneness

Lately I’ve been looking into and seeing how the points of ‘control’ and ‘letting go’ exist intertwined within energetic polarity relationships, and how the underlying directive principle in the context of such construct is Fear.
Isn’t fear the ‘hidden’ directive principle regardless what mind construct we are stuck in? Does our mind as conditioned system really effectively deal with ‘points’/experiences/situations, or does it merely form and act-out ‘coping mechanisms’?

That would be the way of survival for the mind as consciousness, ‘coping’ with its environment in self-interest, which is fear. ‘Coping’, which is in essence the attempt to control. So I asked myself, who would I be if I stopped ‘coping’, if I stopped trying to ‘control’, if I stopped handling points/situations/experiences in my ‘usual way’ which is the habitual way which is the coping mechanisms of our conditioned consciousness; but is this really all we are?

I find that to really make a difference, I must free myself from my own ways, because my own ways are preprogrammed – as in: conditioned. Conditioned as coping mechanisms, which, coping mechanisms, are always based in fear, because they are based in non-understanding; hence ‘coping’ (rather than understanding and directing) and hence ‘mechanisms’ (i.e. the system figuring-out an algorithm to ‘deal with’ a problem based on its prior ‘knowledge’ rather than SELF assessing the situation for real and directing in self-responsibility).

So, when we are trapped in such polarity constructs and inferiority: instead of directing self toward self-honest investigation and understanding, we make judgments and/or merely accept that we do not understand, throw our hands in the air and within that, we make the ultimate judgment upon ourselves = we literally place ourselves as inferior (in-fear-ior) to whatever it is we are facing (experience/ situation/ points/ people/ relationships).

Here the equality point as solution can be seen – as I have often reminded myself and also in writing have shown why/how ‘equality is key’ – 
and here equality/the key would be to literally ‘stand equal’ to the point/ person/ situation/ experience without making it ‘more than’ or ‘less than’, which means to see it for what it is, to also see me for who I am toward it/ who I am within that relationship, and to understand the cause & effect relationships within it all, in other words the why and how this point (experience/ situation/ relationship) exists.

Within this is thus entailed: Self-Responsibility.

SELF-responsibility would then also indicate the point of Oneness, whereby self is not only standing equal-to, but also one-with the experience/ situation/ point/ relationship, which means to see and understand my part within the existence of such point /situation /experience /relationship and what I can do to change (the whole).

So here can be seen the principle of ‘equality and oneness’ seen from a general practical approach perspective.

This/such approach in fact would imply the transcendence of polarity; the polarity being Fear/’inferiority’ on the one hand, and ‘superiority’/coping mechanisms = control on the other hand (when dealing with a particular point /situation /experience /relationship).

…to be continued

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