Dienstag, 30. April 2013

366 | Humanity Suffers from Competition

Continuing in the context of
Day 365 | Humanity, Human Nature & Human Rights
Day 364 | Love in this World
Day 363 | Love in My Life
Day 362 | Are we just Earthlings ???
Day 361 | An Earthling’s Journey to Life
Day 360 | My Life is Me - Equal Life Foundation
Day 359 | My Life is Me
Day 358 | Who is the Self within Self-Interest
Day 357 | Is Consciousness All I Can Be?
Day 356 | Self Commitment - Stopping the Negativity in My Life
Day 355 | Misfit > Transfit > Earthling > LIFE : A New Destiny is Possible
Day 354 | The Nastiness of the Misfit
Day 352 | My Life Journey from Misfit to Earthling
Day 351 | “My Life” - The Ignorance of the Misfit
Day 350 | Beliefs & Self-Definitions in relation to „My Life“
Day 349 | Self Commitment: Responsibility for My Life & for Life as a Whole

In the context of Human Rights and looking at why on earth we as humanity seem incapable of ensuring Human Rights for ALL (after all, that would imply eliminating everything that leads to war and all kinds of exploitation) – what I’m seeing is that there is one interesting point behind the factors that lead to war, conflict and exploitation and that is: COMPETITION.

But competition is a good thing, some will argue, “it makes us move, it motivates us”.
Well that’s great, but have you considered what that makes us human beings, if our self-movement and motivation is always dependent on external factors and essentially on competition?

Yes, there is the point of ‘healthy competition’, where for instance I see that another is for example very effective in a particular field or application or expression, and when I look at myself I see that I am not as effective. 
Within this practical comparison, I can observe and explore How this person became so effective and I can support myself to improve myself. 
Here the starting-point is not about becoming better or more than another, it’s about improving myself and expanding my potential. The starting-point is not envy or jealousy or spite or even inferiority and stuff like that, which are all components of the mainstream competition as it exists in this world.

Competition in this world is about power. 
But even here, it is worth investigating what we have defined ‘power’ to be. And in doing so, we can see that power as defined in this world, in this system, is based on a polarity system of master-slave, inferior-superior, gain-loss, win-lose, wealth-poverty etc. 

Competition in this world is about survival. 
Therefore competition in this world is about self-interest, profit, and ‘winning’. Within such considerations, there is no regard for sustainability, no regard for future generations, no regard for our home planet – and all this is known, it is self-evident, and we can see the destruction and deterioration our ‘way of life’ has caused already.

What’s interesting is: 
We do have the means and the technology to ensure everyone’s survival in this world. 
In fact, we have even the ability to ensure a rich life in dignity for all. 

So why don’t we? The answer is that human beings do not understand the system, nor how it works, nor how human beings themselves are being played, all strings attached.

It is imperative to get to know how things work, and this can only be done in self-honesty and common sense. It cannot be done when one is holding onto and defending one’s own fears and desires. The process humanity must walk in terms of self-realizing what the fuck is going on and how this work, inside and outside, is vast: it includes everything of our existence. And yet, shouldn’t this be the foundation of establishing a world, a society, a world, the kingdom of mankind on earth? How can we possibly manage something we do not understand? 

Man Know Thyself should be the first principle of human education. We’ve got a long way to go, but we are here, and the process has already started. Inevitably each one will have to face oneself and one’s creation – everything one has accepted and allowed, within and without. So why wait for the consequences to force one to see, to realize, to understand, to change? Why not take self-responsibility and walk this in self-directive principle, in self-honesty and practical common sense?

Here another question arises, a question worth asking ourselves:
Where is our self-motivation?

For instance, everyone at some level want a better world, yet we won’t move ourselves towards actually getting there – a better world for all life. The conditioned force of competition and survival is stronger a motivation than our own life force. This is quite concerning, don’t you think?

If you can see the common sense in what I’m presenting here, I suggest visit the Equal Life Foundation, study the Equal Money solution as well as the Desteni material, and realize that we are all responsible for What Is Here.
What Is Here is the externalization of our inner nature – our inner nature being something that was molded and formed to serve the system, to serve consumerism, to fear each-other, to desire to win at all cost, and to not regard or consider LIFE as a whole, as who we all really are.

This already shows that human nature and what it has become of it is a product, it is something that has been produced in time, and therefore it is something that can be changed and reformed. It’s worth looking into who or what benefits from human nature as it exists currently. And obviously, this time, we have to make sure we change and reform ourselves based on self-realization, through self-will, so that we are no longer products of a system not knowing even how we came to be who and what we are; so that we are no longer puppets on strings that are able to be manipulated and controlled and led to their own demise.

What Is Here is our creation – it is the reflection of who we are. We are all responsible for What is Here, it is OUR Here. And therefore it is in OUR hands to stand for the change we all want to see in our world.

Suggested Reading:

Humanitarianism and Equal Money

Food is a Human Right

Water is a Human Right

Equal Life Rights

Check out the Equal Money System –  a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite –  FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.


MUST-READ on Life and Creation:

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Free Downloadables @ eqafe
Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality

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365 | Humanity, Human Nature & Human Rights

Continuing in the context of
Day 364 | Love in this World
Day 363 | Love in My Life
Day 362 | Are we just Earthlings ???
Day 361 | An Earthling’s Journey to Life
Day 360 | My Life is Me - Equal Life Foundation
Day 359 | My Life is Me
Day 358 | Who is the Self within Self-Interest
Day 357 | Is Consciousness All I Can Be?
Day 356 | Self Commitment - Stopping the Negativity in My Life
Day 355 | Misfit > Transfit > Earthling > LIFE : A New Destiny is Possible
Day 354 | The Nastiness of the Misfit
Day 352 | My Life Journey from Misfit to Earthling
Day 351 | “My Life” - The Ignorance of the Misfit
Day 350 | Beliefs & Self-Definitions in relation to „My Life“
Day 349 | Self Commitment - Responsibility for „My Life“ & Responsibility for Life as a Whole

The problem humanity is facing, both on an individual and on a collective level – is the point of HUMANITY.

Humanity as such should have been the principle on which to base all interactions between humans and systems in this world.

We have many so-called humanitarian institutions and organizations – but do any of those at all question the system itself? No. 
Because if the system itself was one based on the principle of humanity – which is the principle of equality because everyone born into this world is equally part of humanity, the human race – if the system itself was one based on equality and actual life support for and as humanity, there would be no need for things like humanitarian organizations or charities.

So the question perhaps should be: 

What is keeping humanity from being humane? 

What is keeping humanity from establishing systems based on humanity, based on equality, based on the starting-point of supporting LIFE – all life equally?

An interesting answer to this was given in a comment by a fellow Destonian that was posted in response to Basic Human Rights and Crime (Part Two) which I definitely suggest reading.

I will quote the comment here:
“In reading this post, I am seeing now that what we call human nature, the point that we mistrust in each other, which we say cannot change and which we blame for the problems in this world, is not actually HUMAN nature, per se. The human nature is actually the sum total of how the human is designed to interact with its total environment. For example, it is in the nature of the human to breathe - that is part of the physical set up of the human. Humans require shelter. We require to communicate with others and labor to produce food. Those things are part of our inherent nature as part of our physical design.

But when we talk of human nature, we tend to think of for example, how most humans are competitive. Humans are focused on survival. Humans don't trust each other, etc. But these points are not actually according to our nature, our physical design, per se, but rather what we have accepted and allowed as our minds based on how we have interpreted the environment we are raised in. And this environment is not 'natural' - it is designed by humans through economics and education systems.

So really, it doesn't make sense to argue that human nature cannot change, because that is not the problem. The problem is how we have modified our environment to mold the way in which we think about ourselves in relation to each other and to the environment itself.

Deep down, we all know that we each require food, air, water, shelter, education, and thus these should be guaranteed as rights for each human, but what has happened is that, because these points are fundamental to each person, these rights have been abused and thus through manipulating the environment to not guarantee these rights but rather to make them points we must compete for, human nature has been manipulated and misrepresented.

So when one would argue that human nature cannot change, in fact it is only showing that one does not want to lose the benefit they receive from having an unfair advantage over another through the environmental set up where the rights of one are guaranteed through denying the rights of another, to manipulate them to basically 'do the work' for someone else.

Thus we have in this world those who do the actual labor in order to secure the rights of those who are in positions to actually direct how the environment is shaped through education and politics, and this is done through systematically denying the fundamental rights of the majority of the people in this world, who then have no 'choice' but to comply, because their rights are not guaranteed.

And accordingly ideologies are spread, particularly to the disadvantaged, to not question this system, and for those who would be in a position to benefit from the system and to also change the system, they too are exposed to belief systems which would tend to reinforce the idea that those who benefit somehow deserve it, though really there is no justification for this outside of the reasoning of the system itself, which clearly cannot be trusted as sound reasoning because it is only reasoning done in self-preservation and not actually considering what is best for everybody.“ – C. Cope

For further insights and for an inspiration to investigate and explore the issue of Human Rights, please see:

362: Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation 
363: Basic Human Rights and Crime (Part One)  
364: Basic Human Rights and Crime (Part Two)  
365: Is God a Fundamental Human Right?  
366: The Human Right of Individuality  
367: Investigating Human Rights  
368: “Please Save a Child” 

Check out the Equal Money System –  a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite –  FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.


MUST-READ on Life and Creation:

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Free Downloadables @ eqafe
Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality

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Samstag, 27. April 2013

364 | Love in this World

ART by Adam Closs

...Interdependence – We are all here together and no man is an island, and our harmonious co-existence is in fact dependent on everyone ‘loving their neighbor’ and ‘giving as one would like to receive’. Interdependence is also seen within the fact that this world is what we make it, it is the reflection of who we are and how we exist within all our relationships, from the smaller to the bigger.

...Co-dependence on the other hand is where two or more individual points are dependent on each-other and thus no freedom is possible, because there is no wholeness of each one as life, there is no integrity, no actual individuality. Co-dependence is also seen within how this world-system exists, where the rich and the poor, the Haves and the Have-Nots, the masters and the slaves – only exist as polarities of the One system that binds all, a system of polarity and abuse.

...Real Love manifest in this world as Who We Are would in fact produce a humanity without fear, without unnecessary competition, without exploitation, an existence where fear has no place, where there is no masters and no slaves, where everyone is free and able to master themselves and their individual lives to their utmost potential – in the name of life and living!

Continuing from
Day 363 | Love in My Life
Day 362 | Are we just Earthlings ???
Day 361 | An Earthling’s Journey to Life
Day 360 | My Life is Me - Equal Life Foundation
Day 359 | My Life is Me
Day 358 | Who is the Self within Self-Interest
Day 357 | Is Consciousness All I Can Be?
Day 356 | Self Commitment - Stopping the Negativity in My Life
Day 355 | Misfit > Transfit > Earthling > LIFE : A New Destiny is Possible
Day 354 | The Nastiness of the Misfit
Day 352 | My Life Journey from Misfit to Earthling
Day 351 | “My Life” - The Ignorance of the Misfit
Day 350 | Beliefs & Self-Definitions in relation to „My Life“
Day 349 | Self Commitment - Responsibility for „My Life“ & Responsibility for Life as a Whole
Day 348 | Self Commitment - "My Life"
Day 347 | Self Commitment & Desteni I Process

I am now placing LOVE in the context of the world as we know it – this world system that is essentially a system of consumerism and a system of COMPETITION.

And within this, what I see is that Everything in this world is defined in terms of competition, the point of LIVE included.
And have a look, this begins already in the family, in the first ‘educational’ approaches one is exposed to, then at school, college, between peers and groupings, in the media and movies, let alone the point of job/career and money!

So – when everything of our existence consists of competition, which is essentially comparison based on the fear to have/be ‘less’ and the desire to have/be ‘more’ –
this ‘less’ and ‘more’ being defined according to the “values” of consumerism such as ‘power’, ‘status’, ‘influence’ and all the things that enable one man to dominate another in the name of self-interest/profit –
how do things look like when it comes to LOVE?

Have a self-honest look: 
Hasn’t love also become an expression of competition, where we’ll say or think things like “I’ll love you more if you do this, or if you were like that” or “You don’t love me enough, I want more love” and stuff like that. And what is it that we love really? We love that/those that ‘help’ us meet our self-interest, ‘help’ us feel better about ourselves, ‘help’ us feel ‘more’. But is that really any help? Or is that in fact the solidification of our separation, the solidification of our irrational beliefs and ideas, the solidification consequently of this very system within and as which we’ve lost all value as life, as we have subscribed to the “values” of consciousness, mental “values” that are placed before life and that everyone seems to be chasing after, in complete disregard of life as who we all really are.

So, in common sense, Love should be the practical application/expression of Life in its full potential – assisting self and each-other to express, expand and live in freedom from fear towards/as each one’s full potential.

Nowhere in this world is such expression to be found.  

Spiritual groups claiming to live this way disregard one basic point: that while they seclude themselves for the sake of ‘finding happiness’ or ‘enlightenment’ or ‘higher love’ or whatever the “value” is that they are selling, they do not question the world system which, evidently, is not allowing everyone the opportunity to express, expand and live to one’s fullest potential; they do not take on the system, and for that they will use beliefs such as “this world is not real” or “we are just visitors here” or “we will be returning home and all will be happy”, missing all common sense and in fact missing the actuality of reality – the ONE reality we all share here.

Many atrocities are committed ‘in the name of god’ or ‘in the name of love’ – and as such the question should be asked:
Is God a Fundamental Human Right?

In the context of the Equal Life Foundation and the solution of Equal Money – what can be seen is that real love in this world would be to make sure that not one single living being is left to struggle and suffer, to make sure that what the Earth provides for all is also in fact distributed to all, to make sure that what all would like to receive is in fact given to all equally, and that each one has in fact their Right to Life met equally.
There is no real compassion in this world, otherwise we would have long come together to consider solutions for Life on Earth, solutions for this system of abuse that places profit before life and promulgates “values” that exploit the one actual value we all have in common: the Value of Life.

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation


Check out the Equal Money System –  a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite –  FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.


MUST-READ on Life and Creation:

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Free Downloadables @ eqafe
Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality

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