Freitag, 30. November 2012

Day 222: Puppet Masters and Fabricated Identity

by Anna Brix Thomsen

Within the last 100 years of the history of mankind, we can observe the evolution of the system at a rapid pace, and here it is suggested to watch the documentaries The Century of Self, PsyWar, Human Resources, The Power Principle, to understand that the system and those that have been born into positions supported by the system, do understand the mechanics of human nature, yet:

instead of sharing the knowledge and empowering everyone to improve themselves and improve society, this knowledge is utilized to control and manipulate the masses into delusion, into an existence between fear and desire, driven by consumerism, hence the human race of constant competition, existing in separation from life, from each-other, from everything that is real, chasing a DREAM served on a golden platter by the system, to keep the human enslaved, nothing but an organic robot that serves the system in the hope for some ‘reward’.

It’s fascinating to observe how everything of the system functions through something called ‘promise’. Whether it is the money-system, religions, sex, relationships, career – everything works through ‘promises’, and by buying into the promises the system gives, one is in fact buying into the system and abdicating one’s power, remaining in hope, waiting, for something ‘more’, for something ‘better’, for something ‘greater’, without ever questioning the system, without ever making the effort to investigate what it will take to in fact CHANGE this existence into something that is always best for all life.

While the system has been evolving, in a way that the control it holds upon the human is solidifying more and more, the human itself has not actually evolved. No actual understanding exists in this world about what the human consciousness is, how it is formed and developed, how it works and functions, what drives it, how it can be manipulated, and how one can take responsibility to develop one’s mind into a tool of support, a tool to get to know oneself and one’s reality.

The human in fact has been devolving, because all attention is being directed to the things that keep the human enslaved: the fears and desires of the mind, which, generation upon generation are passed on and continued, hence an existence of endless war, seeking revenge, seeking justice, yet never considering stopping the blame and taking responsibility to find a solution that is truly Best for All – so that we may stop the vicious cycles of history repeating, stop the endless pointing of fingers in blame, stop the separation of life, and start realizing that LIFE is the only actual value, thus also examining how we can in fact LIVE by that principle.

Why do we not see ourselves as life? Why do we follow and accept fabricated identities based on the past, based on the religions, cultures, traditions of separation, based on our differences? If we would in fact live as life, realizing that all that is here is equally part of life and thus must equally be respected and supported as such, we would simply express our individual differences and learn from each-other, without having the need to define ourselves by our differences as if they were something worth fighting for, worth dying for, worth killing for. They are not. But we have placed our differences before life. We have placed self-interest before the interest of life. It is no wonder that our world is at war; because we are at war with each-other, constantly, continuously, in thought, word and deed.

Hell we are even at war with ourselves – observe in self-honesty and you will see the ups and downs in the mind, the constant swings of moods between polarities, the inability to make clear decisions, we are a mess. And we have equally made a mess of our existence.

All these fabricated identities we accept, adopt and become within and through the system, makes us equal to the system. We exist AS the system. Take the human out, and there is no more system. So who profits from the fabrication of identities? Who profits from a human that is so split within itself in multiple personalities, playing character roles in power-games, trying to win all the time against everyone else? We are like puppets on strings, and the puppet masters care not for the lives of individual beings – they care only for the system itself, because the system is ‘god’, is that which allows the puppet masters to have ‘heaven on earth’ for themselves and their OWN only, while 2/3 of the world population are left to experience hell on earth, in poverty, hunger, starvation, a life that is a struggle in every breath.

At Desteni we are stepping out of the fabricated identities and forgive the fakeness we have accepted and become. IN this journey to life, we explore and investigate what it practically means to place LIFE as the highest value, the value we all equally share, as we all breathe the same air.
We are stopping ourselves from being subject to puppet masters within and without, and we train ourselves in self-honesty, self-responsibility, self-awareness as life.
Because as long as we are subject to the system, within or without, any attempts of change are useless; as long as we follow instead of leading ourselves in self-honesty, we remain slaves. How can we lead our world to freedom if we are not free? And how can we be free as long as we are subject to the systematic patterns of the past, the patterns that evidently cause only struggle, conflict, war? How can we be free as long as we exist in fear?

To be continued.

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.” – Lao Tzu

“Having enough is to have what is best for all equally from birth to death. To be rich while others are poor by implication is evidence that one do not know yourself and have not mastered yourself. Why should those that have no self mastery have any say in how life on earth is lived?” – Bernard Poolman

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

ART by Anna Brix Thomsen

Day 221: The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

ART by Ann van den Broeck

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ― Lao Tzu

“This is the journey of self correction and to find the truth of what man became as the mind – thus, the journey is step by step - breath by breath - till it is done. Nothing more can be done but what is done in one breath at a time - to keep walking till self is in fact one and equal as life and the illusion of consciousness is no more. Where to begin is irrelevant as the step right here, the breath right here is the beginning of the Journey to Life.” – Bernard Poolman

It is more than 200 days now since I started walking my daily writing in the context of the journey to life.
Why writing is so important is vital to understand. What I have realized throughout the years of writing myself out, is that within and through writing, the true nature of self reveals itself, that is, if one is actually allowing oneself to write and express what is here, without censoring or changing the words to suit one’s self-image.

Within and through writing in self-honesty, one is able to look at and investigate what it is that one’s words reveal about oneself – what hidden thoughts, beliefs, equations, conclusions, fears, desires, what ideas are given power to govern and determine who one is while one follows whatever comes up in the mind;
all the while, what comes up is always a result of what had been imprinted: input equals output, and obviously, we are each the result of a programming that takes place throughout our ‘education’ within this world, an education that is based in the principles of the system: fear, survival, competition, comparison – the polarity spectrum of perception.

Therefore through writing, one can observe and become aware of the systematic patterns one has adopted and become, one can deconstruct thought patterns as well as emotional and feeling-patterns to see how they are created and how self in fact perpetuates one’s own patterned-existence through blindly following the mind and believing that all the characters and personalities one has developed are who one really is, when it is not: our mental-emotional reality is a fabricated reality – and it is fabricated through the system, with our acceptance and allowance.

I will in my next blog post look into this point of fabricated identity.

What I can suggest to anyone that wants to start writing and start walking the process of self-discovery, but are facing resistances, is to simply take a breath and begin. Begin with what is here, and work with what is here, in the moment.
There is no need to look for or search for “something”, because the process is always about self. Ultimately it’s about all as self, all as life, all as the one existence that has been separated and splattered into pieces, unable to find peace, because it’s missing pieces of itself.
Through writing, each one is able to bring the pieces of oneself back together, to look at the puzzle that is the mind and understand what one has become and how. As that is the only way to re-form, re-assemble, re-create oneself through self-will in self-responsibility as life.

At Desteni there is support, and a free course has been launched where one can step by step begin with writing yourself to freedom and taking the step towards self-responsibility.

There is so much more to this existence than meets the I...

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

ART by Anna Brix Thomsen

Mittwoch, 28. November 2012

Day 220: Desteni Daily Wisdom

ART by Ann van den Broeck

I am continuing in the context of my previous Blog posts:

* Wake Up, You have been Brainwashed!

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

“We all know where the world is heading, and no amount of positive thinking will change this. We must actually physically change direction in what we are doing and accepting and allowing on earth.” – Bernard Poolman

This is quite an interesting and vital point to look at, and, in the context of my previous blog post, wherein I looked at knowledge as the accumulation of accepted pre-sumptions that move into the present from the past, being ‘evolved’ into a future without however in fact examining, understanding, and purifying the past, making sure that we do not build on assumptions, interpretations and biased value-judgments.

And interestingly enough, the knowledge of this world is in fact available to all that are able to read the news and watch the world events, because that is the path we walked into beingness, into existence as this world, and if you follow history back you’ll see that it’s all been the same kind of power-games and polarity equations, from beginning to end. So if you know the beginning, you know the end, and the end that awaits mankind if we do not change direction in fact, is certain: it is a self-destruction beyond measure, as is already being seen, within and without, and it begs the question: how much worse must things get?!...
...before we acknowledge what we are doing, accepting, allowing; and thus make the decision to Stop, once and for all, and script a new design for life on earth, a design that will consider and regard all life equally, a design that will not accept the abuse, deception, or exploitation of life, a design that places life is the ‘highest’ value, the only actual value in existence – and the one we all share.

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.” – Lao Tzu

“The world as it exist NOW is the TRUTH of the INNER HUMAN as ONE.
UNLESS we change who we are to be reflected as THIS WORLD as what is Best for ALL LIFE, the MESS will continue! There is No Better Hereafter, as Here creates Hereafter – as Above so Below! The TRUTH HURTS!” – Bernard Poolman

Investigate the Desteni research material – and dare to expand your awareness of what is really going on in this existence, because this world is a mirror, a reflection of ourselves. And unless we investigate all things and keep only what is good=best for all life, we cannot progress as humanity in a way that we make ourselves worthy of our own definition as: Humanity.

Investigate the Desteni I Process – and dare to see that unless we sort out our existence WITHIN, we cannot sort out our existence WITHOUT, as what is WITHOUT is what we create through who we are WITHIN and throughout all our relationships. Life is interconnected, but currently we allow our Oneness to exist in Inequality, we allow life to be exploited in the name of profit, because we exist as individuals in self-interest, instead of living as individuals in the interest of LIFE, as who we all really are.

Investigate the Equal Money solution – and dare to see that unless we stand together as One group, as Life, as Humanity, and make sure that we sort out our existence so that ALL parts of life are equally supported, we will meet our fate in self-destruction, which is the TRUTH that this world reveals of ourselves, everywhere you look.

Follow the Journey to Life Blogs – for your Desteni daily wisdom – as we investigate, question, and redefine our wor(l)d, making ‘wisdom’ practical and applicable for all.

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

ART by Adam Closs

Day 219: Our Intellectual Desteni

ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

I am continuing in the context of my previous Blog posts:

Wake Up, You have been Brainwashed!

Within some practical considerations that I shared in my previous blog posts on “intelligence”, I also looked at the design of the word “intellectual”, and here’s an interesting observation:

intel – lect – u – al

intel: inherent design, program, code/rules

lect: lector, lecture, script, determination

u: as in You

al: as in All

So what we have here within and as the design of “intellectual” is where a preordained design or code scripts or determines the reality of all and everything.
What does that mean? If we look at what knowledge is, common-sensically it is an accumulation of accepted pre-sumptions that move into the present from the past, being ‘evolved’ into a future without however in fact examining, understanding, and purifying the past.

The more you ‘know’, i.e. the more ‘knowledge’ you have accumulated, the ‘better’ you ‘feel’ about yourself in terms of your position in the world system – as we have equated knowledge to ‘power’, without however really investigating and understanding where and how a point of knowledge began, whether it’s based on physical observation and common sense or rather assumption and interpretation...

It’s interesting that the word “intellectual” has a ‘positive’ charge to it, meaning: we have in this world placed value in being “intellectual”, where an intellectual is seen as ‘more than’ in comparison to someone that is not considered intellectual. And yet at the same time, it is the knowledge of this world that binds us, that keeps history repeating; it is the knowledge of this world that we hold onto and refer to whenever we seek revenge, or justice, or progress. But the knowledge of this world is the same knowledge that separate the Haves from the Have-Nots, it is the same knowledge that defines a human being by its race, gender, nationality, culture, religion; it is thus the same knowledge that leads to war, in the name of god, in the name of love, in the name of any you-name-it point of self-definition – definitions of the mental / of knowledge, upon which we’ve placed more value than on LIFE itself.

So, that’s quite a problem.

At Desteni you’ll find that we approach knowledge from a practical perspective.

Investigate the Desteni research material – and dare to question the accepted script of this world’s knowledge, in the realization that unless we investigate all things and keep only what is good=best for all life, we cannot progress as humanity in a way that we make ourselves worthy of our own definition as: Humanity.

Investigate the Equal Money solution – and dare to see that unless we stand together as One group, as Life, as Humanity, and make sure that all parts of life are equally supported, we will meet our fate in self-destruction, which is what the knowledge of this world reveals if one look at it in common sense applying the equality equation of 1+1=2, input = output, cause = effect.

Consider that in order to manifest a new future for humanity, for life on earth, we have to first understand the design of the old knowledge, that has been a script of separation, of polarity, of war, of inequality.
And then we have to practically script and design a new future from a new starting point – thus it is vital to understand and apply/live self-honesty, self-forgiveness, self-responsibility as life;
to let go of our ‘evil ways’, stop the fear and the mind-control, stop the beliefs that separate life, and stand-up to bring forth a reformed existence, within and without – an existence where LIFE is in fact the value we base our practical living on, in all possible ways, in the realization that LIFE is the only actual value in existence.

Is that perhaps the reason why the human cannot see beyond ‘life and death’? Because we have disregarded and exploited the value of life, and have placed ‘false gods’ = fake “values” before Life itself?
There is much that is being taken for granted in our way of life, everywhere in the world. There is a system of consumption that governs the flow of resources, a system in the image and likeness of man as consumer;

and yet, can’t we see, it is ourselves and each-other that we are consuming, it is this planet, it is the life in everything... and for what? For fake “values” of the mind, based in separation, polarity, inequality –
hence the human RACE, in constant competition, in constant comparison, a struggle for ‘survival’, when we could ALL in fact LIVE and discover what Live and Living really is!

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.


Montag, 26. November 2012

Day 218: Intelligentsia

by Desteni Artists

I am continuing in the context of my previous Blog posts:

Wake Up, You have been Brainwashed!

in·tel·li·gent·si·a   /inˌteliˈjentsēə/


- The most intelligent, intellectual, or highly educated members of a society or community, especially those who are interested in the arts, literature, philosophy, and politics, and/or have political influence.
- The intellectual elite of a society.

Already within the above definitions one can see the separatism that emerged through the formation of an intelligentsia, wherein a form of ‘superiority’-‘inferiority’ is defined by the mere fact of placing ‘more’ value in things like culture and literacy, which, as such, is not ‘bad’, however to use that in a way that emphasizes the separation, the ‘superiority’-‘inferiority’ relationship is not really of support. The same is happening today, have a look at how much pressure young people are under in terms of studying, getting a degree, getting the next degree, getting a PhD, getting this, getting that, and the higher the better, or so it is promulgated, but the question is: who profits from all this? The young people are hardly able to get satisfying jobs, are often overqualified, and on the other hand those that do not have the means to study to the ‘top’ of the degree-hierarchy are considered under-qualified, but the whole situation does beg the question whether the jobs simply go to those with Friends in High Places, and another question would be: is Anyone really qualified to practically enter the working field which, in most cases, is like a battle field.

A general, yet practical question that arises in this context is:
If some people find that they are somehow more intelligent than others, for whatever reasons, then wouldn’t it be best for all if those ‘more intelligent’ ones would assist in uplifting the rest of the world to that level as well, so that all together may form an effective society and a living culture that is able to cooperate and bring forth real progress for mankind, for humanity as a whole?

Investigate the Equal Money solution, a practical model that entails equal rights, equal power, equal access, equal participation and responsibility for ALL.

How can we re-define "intelligence" to be a living word that supports life?

"...Intelligence we should rename to ‘IntelliSense’ - where it implies: what we Intellectually place into action, should make Sense as it Produce, Commonsensically, that which is Best for All Life Forms - thus making Intelligence an actual step of Evolutionary Advancement.
But currently - Intelligence only justify the greatest possible negativity, both in economics and religion. But on the flip side - it can get all the Intelligent life forms that evolved around this negative sin / debt approach to Create a New Positive Pole based in Pure Illusion just to keep the Intelligent slaves in a state of perpetual ‘happiness’."
- Bernard Poolman in Intelligence and God

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

Join us in the Journey to Life!

ART by Matti Freeman

Sonntag, 25. November 2012

Day 217: Faith & BeLIEf as Intel Agents of Mind Control

ART by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

I am continuing in the context of my previous Blog posts Wake Up, You have been Brainwashed!
and Intel Inside – Where does Intelligence come from?

So I just watched the documentary Derren Brown – Messiah and it is really amazing how easy it is to Make BeLIEve and to manipulate people based on their fears and desires as well as emotional attachments and expectations!
Please also read the Blog MESSIAH by Bernard Poolman, also critically reviewing the mentioned documentary and its practical implications!

It’s fascinating how the lack of our communication with the actuality of reality and the people in our world leaves us with desires, such as the desire to hear from others, to say something we failed saying, to make-up for broken relationships, to apologize or accept an apology, and stuff like that. I mean, if we REALLY had an effective communication with All that Is Here in the actuality of reality in every moment, such desires would not exist in the first place and the new age industry would probably be a science fiction category in the book store or something like that.

What is interesting in this documentary is how this guy manages to make all new age ‘experts’ believe he has the abilities he claims to have, with the ‘experts’ ending-up suggesting he joins their training courses to become an ‘expert’ himself, inviting him to gatherings and conferences and promising to give him credentials in their cycle of ‘experts’.
What is also interesting is how much power we give to belief and how effective we are in deluding ourselves through belief, and faith, which as such requires belief in the first place.

This documentary basically confirms what the Desteni group has been sharing for years now, namely that we have created whole knowledge systems, scientific models and even political systems based on belief, hell even our own personal opinions and ideas about ourselves and others in our world are based on belief-systems – a belief-system being like a reference framework through which one then observe everything else in one’s world. Does that ring a bell? Is that perhaps the reason humanity cannot get to COMMON SENSE and effectively deal with and communicate with What Is Here for-real, as the actuality of our reality, including nature, the earth, the animal-kingdom!

We have been duped by our Intel Agent – the “intelligence” inside, which is nothing but a systematic knowledge and information transfer, meaning that our intelligence is based on and functions through the principles of the system: separation, polarity, self-interest/survival. I have discussed this point in my previous bog post where I shared my concern about humans believing themselves to be the ‘evolved species’, yet at the same time cause atrocious consequences not only for humanity as such, but also everything that sustains us, our environment, our home planet.

How can intelligence not go hand-in-hand with dignity and respect for LIFE?

How can intelligence be so exclusive that it will leave 2/3 of the population to starve, suffer and struggle in atrocious conditions, with no chance for a better life, since it is the intelligentsia of this world that dictates the money flow! So, while we have a ‘positive’ value-judgment for “intelligence” in this world, the consequences of how intelligence is being lived and applied are rather evil.

Please investigate the research at Desteni and look into the Equal Money solution if you can see that we are facing a problem as humanity, and this problem is not more and no less than ourselves, the accepted ‘human nature’, the accepted beLIEfs promoted by the intelligentsia of the world which we have based our entire existence upon.

Dare to question your own beliefs and debunk the desires, fears, and self-interest behind them – because any belief is essential formed to ‘justify’ a way of living, but as we can see in our world, our way of living is causing great harm to ALL that is here. There is no way to justify what has become of humanity, what has become of earth, of human beings, of our existence. You do not require any belief or faith to work with What is Here, Face What is Here, and Sort out What is Here in a way that will restore the value of life – the only actual value, and the one we ALL share.

It’s time for practical COMMON SENSE on earth – Wake up, Earthlings! We are Here, let’s take responsibility for What is Here as our existence, our creation, ourselves and each-other, as equals of LIFE.

Read up on the MIND and CREATION:

For support and participation visit:

Visit my Blog sites:

@ eqafe for FREE:

* Quantum Mind Self Awareness - Step 1 and Step 2 <<< MP3 Downloads
* LifeReview - My Life as a Peace Activist <<< MP3 Download
* The Spirituality of the Snail <<< MP3 Download
* Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* How I was able to Hear the Desteni Message <<< PDF Download - Blog Compilation

* What the FAQ in an Equal Money System – Volume 2 <<< PDF Download
* Hell Spoof <<< MP3 Download - Music for Equality
* What makes me Starve in a World of Plenty <<< MP3 Dow
nload - Music for Equality

Join us in the Journey to Life!

Check out the Equal Money System
a solution that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

ART by Matti Freeman