Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012

Day 105: Fear and Desire and the Addiction to Energy | How Parents Love Human Nature

ART by Damian Ledesma

In my previous blog I referred to how we create Characters/Personalities based on the energetic addictions we form.

What do I mean by that?

We can see that a child born into this world has no mental experience such as moods, feelings and emotions, has no fears or desires – it is simply expressing itself within and as the physical and the only thing it requires is for its physical needs to be met: nourishment, warmth, comfort.

In the process of growing up (this is btw really a point to question: Do we really grow up or simply just grow old – and why?) children start forming ideas about themselves and the world based on the value-judgments they are exposed to; they begin to simulate the consciousness the adults approach them through, and thus slowly but surely begin to form themselves as consciousness, as characters in a game or a movie.

(I have in previous blog posts referred to how we see ourselves and each-other/the world as pictures in our mind, hardly ever really getting to know another, let alone ourselves)

A vital point to consider within the parenting process is the application of ‘love’ that is expressed through the polarity of ‘reward’ and ‘punishment’. Within this, what the parent is doing is imprinting onto the child the main energetic consciousness patterns of ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ based on the mental polarity-concept of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’. These imprints occur subconsciously / unconsciously through the parents’ application of ‘reward’ and ‘punishment’.

As a result, the child starts to FEEL a certain way about itself and its world, and this FEELING is bipolar in nature: the child will have feelings (‘positive’) and emotions (‘negative’) according to variables of ‘reward’ and ‘punishment’ – and will slowly but surely start manipulating its reality, and itself within its mind, to get to those ‘feelings’ and ‘possessions’ of ‘reward’ that make it feel most ‘superior’.

This is the first layer of addiction creation – and simultaneously the first layer of character building as personality, or even as different personalities aimed at ‘validating’ the main personality the child identifies with, as what it sees itself as in the context of its environment.

In other words, this is how EGO starts being formed.

That EGO, in order to preserve itself and ‘validate’ its ‘right’ to life, will create certain addictions to certain feelings, and will start moulding its physical interaction in its world so that it is able to satisfy those energetic addictions. Furthermore it will adopt the ‘fuzzy logic’ presented to it by its parents as they justify their decisions and will use it to, in its own mind, form the ‘reasons’ and ‘justifications’ for becoming and embodying a certain character/personality with all the behaviour that goes with it.

Such energetic addictions may be addictions to ‘positive’ feelings or to ‘negative’ emotions, and there is really not much difference as to the consequences. Because in both cases what happens is that a child starts creating the Characters with which it will participate in the world system, and whatever the Characters are ("the perfectionist", "the victim", "the philosopher", "the observer", "the loner", "the hippie", "the moaner", "the whiner", "the bully", "the pleaser" – you name it) : they will essentially contribute to keeping the system running and perpetuating the power-games we exist through, within and without.

What is interesting is that even ‘negative’ self-definitions as characters and personalities will be ‘defended’ by the EGO – because whatever personality/personalities one has formed, it is for the purpose of being self-righteous and ‘winning’ the power-game one has perceived/ identified/ created/ accepted/ adopted in the mind.

So even "the victim" or "the pleaser" in fact exists within and as EGO, because it is but a character in a power-game where others are manipulated or blamed or made responsible for one’s own experience, with no human being ever really truly considering one’s own role within the creation and perpetuation of the power-games, the abuse, deception and inequality we accept and allow our existence to be based on.

So we are not just talking ‘energetic addictions’ here, but gravely also about ‘mind possessions’. (See local news and the website Demonology for various psycho incidents of mind possession.)

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to be addicted to energy – wherein, regardless of whether I ‘feel good’ or ‘feel bad’ I would fight for my ‘right’ to ‘feel’ how I feel because I have defined myself through that experience; not realizing that how I ‘feel’ is a result of equations of polarity as concepts of ‘inferiority’ and ‘superiority’ and ‘reward’ and ‘punishment’, and that every character we create ourselves to be will always fight for its ‘right’ to be ‘right’, and thus we end up in self-righteousness within a human race for SURVIVAL, in spite of the fact that the Earth provides more than enough resources for All to be equally LIVING in dignity and respect as life.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself and my decisions to be driven, directed and determined by Energy as the ‘fuzzy logic’ and ‘experience’ of ‘moods’ based on the conditioned characters activated through triggers to play a role in the game called life.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that each personality, each character we form and embody: has their OWN agenda, their OWN self-interest, their OWN energetic addictions; it wants to ‘feel’ this way or that way, it wants to ‘get there’ or ‘become that’, it wants to be ‘accepted’ and ‘validated’, it wants its Ego to be caressed and it wants to be right.

Is it then a wonder that we exist DIVIDED within ourselves with multiple personalities /character, not even able to make clear decisions that benefit life as who we really are?

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that each Character as personality we form and embody has its own energetic addictions and will thus dictate feelings and emotions and thoughts in such a way to get the energetic ‘reward’ that will ‘validate’ its existence as ‘rightful’.

I commit myself to showing the urgency of the necessity to piece ourselves back together and make sure we purify and dignify each part of ourselves, stop the addictions of each part of ourselves, unite each part of ourselves as ONE and stand stable as a self-willed individual in self-equality that is whole and trustworthy.

I commit myself to showing that real trustworthiness is something each must prove to oneself – by the self-will and self-commitment it takes to bring all parts of self HERE as ONE and make sure all parts are EQUALLY given attention and directed to amalgamate as Living Words that ensure the dignity and freedom of LIFE, as all as one as equals.

ART by Damian Ledesma

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have been consuming ourselves, our children and our home planet in the name of ENERGY as the momentary rush for/of ‘MORE’, and that within that we’ve abdicated our value as life as oneness and equality for fake ‘values’ created through and as the mind, as energy;

and that every Character that is formed as a personality in this world: has particular energetic addictions – and that it is the nature of our addictions to energy that determines and ‘evolves’ the characters and personalities we will embody in this world just to get our ‘high’ on energy, yet in essence we in fact exist in the FEAR of not getting it, fear of losing it, or fear of others having ‘more’ /being ‘better’ /getting ‘higher’.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the starting-point of our existence is and has been: FEAR – which is what we use to ‘justify’ our separation, our constant competition as the ‘human race’, our world systems as survival mechanisms, our money-system which we base on ‘scarcity’ and polarity...

And that therefore we have in fact subjected ourselves as human beings and humanity collectively: to FEAR as our directive-principle, as that which drives us; and possessed by fear, we exist in the anxiety of losing our possessions and that which we think we OWN or have the right to, in spite of the fact that we can obviously take nothing of all that with us at death and yet we spend a lifetime ‘protecting’ our OWN while we turn our backs on LIFE and let the world suffer in the name of OUR self-interest.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that our individual addiction to Energy: is equal to our collective addiction to the Money-System to which we submit our world to;

and that just like in our power-games of energy as characters there can only be ‘winners’ if there are ‘losers’: we have constructed the Money-System of our world to function based on ‘winning’ and ‘losing’, in spite of the fact that ‘losing’ means to suffer and starve while no one really cares, as everyone ever only cares about self-interest /profit.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we manifest the world system in our image and likeness;

and that we impose the same polarity RULES we base our individual and interpersonal on (the hierarchic polarity of the mental concepts of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ and our accepted fear, separation and thus perceived ‘lack’ from the starting-point of which we always only strive for ‘more’ thus manifesting deception and greed) onto our world and enslave everyone into a system where money is apparently ‘scarce’ and where resources are exploited for profit and are not made available to all equally out of fear, greed, self-interest.

I commit myself to showing that just like the concepts of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ are mental concepts of a consciousness that exists in fear and self-interest in separation from life: so our Money-System too, where Money is but a mental concept with no real value, yet given the ‘value’ of survival and the power to dictate life on Earth, dividing and conquering living beings and exploiting life in the name of Profit.

I commit myself to bringing forth and establishing an equal money system: where money is given the value of life and is made equally available to all, along with equal rights, equal access, equal participation, equal power for ALL LIFE – so that we may establish actual life-support on earth and get to actual evolution as mankind, as humanity.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world, a society, where we human beings exist like characters in a game –

refusing to see that all characters as personalities exist for personal PROFIT, formed to manipulate existence to their OWN benefit regardless the cost and regardless how many are placed in disadvantage for one’s OWN benefit.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to exist through and as energy – where I have defined my value based on how I ‘feel’, in spite of the fact that how we ‘feel’ is determined by the conditioned patterns of our thoughts in the mind which we don’t even understand how or why they emerge.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that all automatic movement within self (whether thoughts, back-chat, moods, feelings or emotions) are the result of conditioning and in no way reflect the actuality of reality but only the accepted MENTAL state of the individual and the CHARACTER the individual is accessing through self-definition in terms of ‘superiority’/’inferiority’.

I commit myself to showing that ‘human nature’ is the result of a preprogrammed design, and that understanding the design enables us to de-program and re-program ourselves in self-will, self-honesty, self-dignity, based on self-realization as life in equality and oneness.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have become addicted to energy in our quest for ‘value’ and ‘worth’ through our application of ‘Mining for ‘More’ to be ‘Mine’ –

because we have abdicated our self-worth that should be our value as life, and have created instead mental concepts of ‘value’ that in no way reflect our oneness and equality as Earthlings, as beings of the Earth under the same Sun sharing the same Water, Air, and Ground and should thus in common sense have one common interest: LIFE.

I commit myself to investigating and showing the various ways of our addiction to energy, and that we are in fact depleting ourselves, our children and our Earth in the name of energy which is but a momentary ‘rush’ of the mind, while the physical is in constant agony and pain; yet we have separated ourselves to such an extent from ourselves as a physical existence, that we do NOT feel the pain we inflict to our own physical body, to the body of the earth, to the millions that exist in hunger, poverty, starvation, famine, war.

I commit myself to showing that all war on Earth is a war for energy – be it for Oil and Money or for ‘Love’ and ‘Light’, ‘Religion’ and ‘Honor’ = all mental concepts ‘valued’ for some insane reason as ‘more than’ LIFE itself.

I commit myself to exposing the fraud of the current money-system as well as the fraud of religions in this world – as both institutions use the same promises, the same punishment and reward methods, the same concepts of debt/sin, forgiveness and salvation, while in NO WAY giving the individual actual free will, actual freedom, actual choice, and actual responsibility.

I commit myself to showing that actual self-responsibility entails self-honesty, self-forgiveness, self-directive, and the self-realization of oneness and equality as LIFE HERE, as ALL that is Here on this One planet.

I commit myself to showing that our addiction to energy exists only because we accept and allow it; it exists only because we submit to FEAR and refuse to let go of the fake ‘values’ we have defined ourselves through, in spite of seeing that what we exist as is as fake as Hollywood.

I commit myself to showing that it will take self-commitment and actual Love as Life to stand-up and Stop our self-abuse, Stop the self-sabotage and self-deception, Stop the endless cycles of ups and downs that we’ve accepted and allowed ourselves to be subjected to –

to really actually and in fact start CARING for LIFE as who we really are, to really actually and in fact start DIGNIFYING ourselves and our existence – because the way we currently exist individually and collectively is absolutely programmed to spiral into self-destruction, unless we STOP.

Day 104: Fear and Desire as Energy Dictatorship | Characters Driven to Give-Up

ART by Anna Brix Thomsen

In my previous blog post I looked at how 'fear' and 'desire' exist together as one energetic polarity construct - and within that I saw that we often tend to give up on a point out of fear, not considering or seeing that the giving-up is a result of our self-abdication to energy.

Why do I say that?

When you want to do something or take on a point, and you end up giving-up before you even start, you'll realize that you've given up out of FEAR. What you can also see however, is that before the fear even came up, you create a DESIRE out of that one point which you projected into the future and within that separated from yourself.

Now - the desire is projected as 'positive' and is a positively charged energy, and with the creation of desire as ‘positive’ energy, its opposite polarity is created: the fear as 'negative' which is the negatively charged energy.

More often than not what then happens is that self will move in the mind between these two polarities, trying to 'decide' whether or not to take on the point. In reality however, it is not self that is moving self - because self has abdicated all directive-principle and authority to Energy, and thus any and all thoughts or 'logic' or decisions formed out of that starting-point: will be designed as 'excuse'/'justification' for the 'desire' and/or the 'fear', and self will end-up making no actual decision or making a decision by following either the 'fear' or the 'desire' yet not considering all the practicalities and consequences pertaining to the physical reality of taking on that point.

Whether then self makes a decision to take on that point or not, self-abdication is already taking place by the mere creation of 'desire' as a projection separate from self into which 'more' value is placed as 'superiority'; and simultaneously the creation of the opposite polarity as 'fear', the option of which is valued as 'negative'/'inferior'.

So - what can be seen here is that self has abdicated one's directive-authority of equality and oneness and has given-up one's value as life and thus given self’s authority away to Energy to decide and determine the steps that are to be taken –

and thus self is now in the hands of Energy and will accordingly follow the positive and/or negative thoughts and emotions that come up.

This results into unclarity, indecisiveness and often confusion. Then one will either become possessed by the desire and will pursue it, often without being clear about practical aspects or consequences; or one will become possessed by the fear and will not take on the point, often later going into guilt about the 'personal failure' one has accepted and allowed, simply due to giving up one's directive-principle to the mind consciousness energy as polarity.

What is fascinating is:

The only way we create FEAR is when we see or accept, even unconsciously or per implication, ourselves as Inferior to another / to a point separate from ourselves.

In fact, that separation ‘happens’ through that very act of assigning another/a point a ‘value’ as ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ oneness and equality, as ourselves.

The play-outs of polarity as energy are like a ping-pong game, where the same ups and downs play out repeatedly while the 'positive' and 'negative' cycle in the mind, and for a moment one side/polarity 'wins' until the other side/polarity produces a thought to claim its right - and self is again in the middle of the battlefield without self-clarity or self-direction.

What we do not realize within that, is that any decision based on Fear or Desire: is a decision based in Energy - and is thus not a clear decision of self as Who I am and what I stand for. It is a 'moody' decision that will not be able to stand the test of time.

So - even though one may not be the type to Give-Up generally speaking, this construct of Giving-Up as giving in to the mind and the energetic polarities that come up based on past conditioning: exists in all of us.

And each one is able to identify the small, seemingly insignificant moments where one gives-up one's self-directive power to the mind as energy, through assigning value-judgments of 'positive' and/or 'negative' charge to points one projects into some future and thus separates from the oneness and equality of self.

Then one is trying to 'achieve' this or 'avoid' that (based on 'desires' and 'fears') –

instead of LIVING every here moment in self-clarity through self-directive principle and practical common sense; no separation, no judgments, no confusion.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the application of 'giving-up' is something ingrained into ourselves from childhood, where we submit to the consciousness system presented to us by our world/environment and give-up on ourselves as life, give up our self-honesty, our self-expression, our oneness and equality.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world, a society, where children are faced with no other choice but to see the world as ‘MORE’ than self and thus go into a tacitly accepted ‘inferiority’, because the adults are trapped in the polarity construct of consciousness and refuse any other way for existing in this reality.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the Giving-Up Character will always see a point in separation from self as 'superior'/'MORE' than self here, and from that the acceptance is implied that self is 'inferior'/'Less';
and self then attempts to 'achieve' or 'gain' or ‘reach’ that point of perceived 'superiority', which only perpetuates the separation of self and 'validates' the accepted 'inferiority' as ‘real’.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that giving-up is a result of our self-abdication to energy - where we've given up on ourselves as life and have given our authority away to energy as the bipolar mind consciousness to direct and determine our choices and decisions in life; and thus we've only been following moods as emotional and mental patterns, but never actually been making decisions in self-clarity and self-integrity as life in oneness and equality.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the consequence of existing as energy is deterioration and depletion - as energy is in its nature limited and always requires a source to generate more energy -
and that that source for the mind: is the human physical body -
and for the money-system which is an externalization of the Mind: it is the physical planet Earth.
(Study the desteni material and look into relevant eqafe products to read up on and understand the relationship between the mind and the physical and how it came to manifest the way it is.)

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have been consuming ourselves, our children and our home planet in the name of ENERGY as the momentary rush of ‘MORE’, and that within that we’ve abdicated our value as life as oneness and equality for fake ‘values’ created through and as energy;

and that every Character that is formed as a personality in this world: has particular energetic addictions – and that it is the nature of our addictions to energy that determines and ‘evolves’ the characters and personalities we will embody in this world just to get our ‘high’ on energy, yet in essence we in fact exist in the FEAR of not getting it, fear of losing it, or fear of others having ‘more’ /being ‘better’ /getting ‘higher’.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the starting-point of our existence is and has been: FEAR – which is what we use to ‘justify’ our separation, our constant competition as the ‘human race’, our world systems as survival mechanisms, our money-system which we base on ‘scarcity’ and polarity...

And that therefore we have in fact subjected ourselves as human beings and humanity collectively: to FEAR as our directive-principle, as that which drives us; and possessed by fear, we exist in the anxiety of losing our possessions and that which we think we OWN or have the right to, in spite of the fact that we can obviously take nothing of all that with us at death and yet we spend a lifetime ‘protecting’ our OWN while we turn our backs on LIFE and let the world suffer in the name of OUR self-interest.

I commit myself to showing that fear is always self-interest.

I commit myself to showing that we create fear through our self-abdication as life.

I commit myself to showing that the only actual value is LIFE which is equal in all.

I commit myself to showing that polarity is a trap of the mind, and that the only way out is the practical self-realization of oneness and equality as life.

I commit myself to investigating all ways in which I allow myself to give-up on myself as directive-principle and to give in to energy of the mind – so that I may stop accepting and allowing myself to trap myself in polarities as power-games of energy, and establish myself as the directive-principle of me in self-honesty.

I commit myself to investigating and exposing the Characters of CONsciousness that we have accepted and allowed to possess this existence as ourselves, Characters through and as which we participate in life as if it were a game while we act out our caprices through power-games in a quest to WIN, caring only for our OWN self-interest, disregarding completely the fact that we are ALL here on this ONE planet together, EQUALLY needing the same air to breathe and the same water to sustain us, returning to the same dust at death, where nothing of what we’ve been fighting for is any longer relevant.

I commit myself to stopping myself from being a slave to consciousness as energy, thus stopping myself from following the bipolar patterns we have conditioned ourselves through – and to instead forgive and let go of my addictions, so that I may stand accountable, equal and one, in self-acceptance and self-worth as LIFE, directing myself in self-honesty and common sense in such a way that I purify and dignify my existence –
to no longer accept or allow myself to separate my world through fears and desires;

and to show that it is possible for us to exists in oneness and equality as life: all we have to do is give up the fake ‘values’ we’ve defined ourselves as and acknowledge our VALUE as LIFE – because within that we will also realize that if we claim the value of life for ourselves then we must also give it to ALL EQUALLY –
this is the only way to manifest actual peace, freedom and dignity for LIFE as ONE, as ALL of us Here as Equals.

I commit myself to showing that the equal money system we propose at desteni is the only common sense step to take as a first step towards restoring the value of LIFE for ALL and for our home planet, a first step towards ensuring equal access, equal rights, equal power to ALL – so that we may get ourselves to actual democracy where everyone is included in the decision-making for all practical matters of our Co-Existence on Earth.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that LIFE is interconnected and interdependent – and that thus all the harm and abuse we accept and allow is and will be affecting us equally;

And that the only way to ensure a WIN-WIN existence on Earth is to Give equal as we would like to receive, and to ensure that ALL Have all we need for a dignified living.

I commit myself to showing that it is possible to manifest a world where each child born into the world will have the equal opportunity to expand to its utmost potential without fear;

and that it is possible to support life to develop and flourish as LIFE in self-expression and self-will, no longer imposing con ways and fake characters onto our children, no longer playing games and acting in roles, no longer having hierarchies of different ‘values’, but instead acknowledging life as oneness and equality and from this starting-point manifesting new ways of life and new systems of actual life-support that will ensure the freedom and dignity of LIFE as a matter of FACT.

ART by Kelly Posey

Relevant Read-Up: Humanity is ONE Body, One LIFE

Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012

Day 103: Fear and Desire as Energy Dictatorship

ART by Matti Freeman

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that where there is a fear, there is also a point of desire:
wherein fear exists towards something that self has defined as ‘superior’ and thereby self as ‘inferior’ – and the desire being the projection of the opposite polarity with self somehow in the future-projection ‘controlling’ that point of fear to thus feel ‘superior’.

Within that I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that that which I feel or see myself as ‘superior’ to, I am in fact ‘inferior’ to, because if I was equal and one with the point then I would not have to manifest any relationship of ‘superiority’/’inferiority’ towards it; yet the fact that I do, tells me I am not equal and one with the point, thus I am in fact ‘inferior’ to the point, only trying to be/seem/feel ‘superior.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to submit to the consciousness system of the world that tells me that the solution to ‘inferiority’ is ‘superiority’ – when in fact the two exist as two sides of the same coin: the con of consciousness as EGO –

Within this I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the only actual solution to our existence as LIFE is the solution of oneness and equality – as that not only mathematically takes abuse, deception, exploitation, harm out of the equation; it implies also that ALL have equal awareness of the One collective existence we share and thus ALL realize equal responsibility for this One LIFE as our existence to be honoured and supported as one would like to be honoured and supported as life.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within my self-delusion and self-deception as consciousness in the polarity of ‘superior’/’inferior’ or ‘desire’/’fear’: I have manifested the world consciousness system as we know it where you cannot have peace without war, love without hate, joy without suffering; an existence based in and looping through polarities:

love - hate

war - peace

superior - inferior

master - slave

god - follower

rich - power

desire - fear

win - lose

Haves - Have-nots

abuser - abused


I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have take the ‘positive’ side of each polarity and have created magnificent and profound ideas, ideologies, and concepts around it: love, peace, freedom, light, wealth, power –
we have however refused to see that that part we have ‘deified’ and ‘glorified’ and based our entire mental, emotional and consumerism systems on: is but the other side of all the atrocity we accept and allow within ourselves and our world, existing within the same prison-box, as the same energy-game of WIN and LOSE and each one as EGO playing for their OWN benefit, their own perceived POSSESSIONS.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world, a society, a human existence, where we hide from ourselves and each-other and deny the ‘negative’ of our creation, as we cover it up with layers and layers of ‘positive’ delusion, thus never taking actual responsibility for our creation that is ourselves, but only ever running, rushing, jumping to the next ‘high’, always seeking ‘more’, while 2/3 of the world population plus animals and nature deteriorate and deplete as we feed off the substance of life due to our addiction to energy.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that both ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ are manifestations of energy –
they are energetic movements of the mind consciousness system ‘activated’ through symbols, words, situations, pictures and other ‘triggers’ in our environment or even ‘triggers’ within the mind as we THINK – yet without us actually being aware of how, why, and to what extent such movements as experienced reactions and value-judgments, energetically charged in ‘shades’ of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’, have been conceived and programmed in the first place, to then be integrated into our physical behaviour and ‘who we are’.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have existed in unawareness of cause and effect as ‘who we are’ and how we exist through conscious, subconscious and unconscious dimensions – yet have within that ‘managed’ to create a conscious alternate reality : Consciousness – a conscious interpretation/belief/idea of existence that we have believed in so badly that we have become it ourselves, and thus we are our own VEIL that blinds us from the entirety of our existence, from ourselves and our creation.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see the similarity of the words VEIL and EVIL – and to realize that FEAR as what we have made energy into essential with greed/want/desire/self-interest is ‘the other side of the COiN’:
is the actual EVIL of ourselves that has manifested separation, inequality, abuse and exploitation through deception; and that all deception is always in fact self-deception, as we have deceived ourselves as life and there is no way out but to face ourselves and what we have accepted and allowed to be become of our existence, individually and collectively – and this is the process and it is equal for all.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we have become this consciousness in separation from ourselves as life basically out of fear/accepted inferiority and equally the desire for ‘superiority’/‘more’, projected in separation from ourselves;
and we have believed these ideas of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ to be real to such an extent, that we make wars today based on these ideas AT THE COST OF LIFE.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the whole CONSUMERISM system is based on and (ab)uses the accepted ‘human nature’ of ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ to create more fears and more desires to within that create the friction as energy required to make PROFIT for those that are Pro in deception, exploitation and greed while the masses are lured and distracted with energetic experiences in their quest for ‘MORE’.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to consider that the actual value of LIFE is LIFE and thus equality, and that a Oneness without equality can only inevitably end up in abuse, manipulation, deception, exploitation, while profit in self-interest is placed before the interest of life as a whole.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that to manifest our Oneness within and as equality as LIFE, we not only have to change the systems of our world to ensure equal support for all living beings;
we also require to self-realize that equality as ourselves, as life, as who we all really are beyond all these power-games and kindergarten moods of energy that we have become so addicted to that we become self-righteous about, defending in essence our own limitation.

I commit myself to investigate, forgive and direct any and all points of ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ so that I may set myself free from the unconscious controls I had accepted and allowed, and ensure that I am the directive principle of me in self-honesty and practical common sense, in regard of myself as life and thus all life as equal and one.

I commit myself to get myself to a practical understanding of how this reality and myself function, to understand cause and effect and thus assist and support myself to walk through the manifested consequences of existence and face myself in self-forgiveness, to let go of everything that was not supportive of me as life, as all as one as equals, and re-align myself practically with LIFE as the actual value of all that is here.

I commit myself to exposing the whole CONSUMERISM system that is based on and (ab)uses the accepted ‘human nature’ of ‘fear’ and ‘desire’ to create more fears and more desires to within that create the friction as energy required to make PROFIT for those that are Pro in deception, exploitation and greed while the masses are lured and distracted with energetic experiences in their quest for ‘MORE’; as they secretly hope that by playing the game they may too get a chance to win the jackpot and live THE DREAM!

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that how we exist and what we exist as in the smaller scale/within: manifests the world we see without, in the bigger scale, with all its systems and all its evil ways;
and that it is the entire ‘human nature’ as consciousness that we require to transcend – in order to transform the consciousness of our world into something that will truly be worthy of LIFE.

I commit myself to bring forth a new system of support for all life that will no longer accept or allow inequality, abuse, separation, exploitation and deception in any way whatsoever;

a system of equality where working together in mutual support for the benefit of all life as ONE is placed as the principle of actual evolution as life, as equals;

a system that will allow us to get to know ourselves and our world and live to our utmost expression individually, yet all together as one, as equals of life.

Relevant Read-Up:Humanity is ONE Body, One LIFE

Samstag, 28. Juli 2012

Day 102: FEAR of the MIND - How Parents recreate the System

ART by Cathy Krafft

This is a continuation - a point that opened up from my previous blog post The Self Imagery we Create in Self-Deception. For further context and more in-depth understanding study the blog Creation's Journey to Life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a child in this world inevitably has the experience of 'inferiority' as it is not being understood in its communication and instead the adults impose to the child their own perception, thus the child will see adults as 'superior' the moment it starts adopting to the world consciousness.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a child is inevitably exposed to and submitted to the judgments and polarities of its environment, thus in its process of adopting to the world consciousness, it will adopt the basic framework of the mind consciousness system with all its polarity constructs.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the child will notice, consciously or unconsciously, what the adults deem as 'inferior' and what as 'superior' - which will support the accepted inferiority of the child and result to the child creating ideas, concepts and images in the mind of 'superior' projections, at the same time existing in fear as accepted inferiority, yet not having the tools or the understanding in order to direct itself, set itself free and return to its equality and oneness as life.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that parenting and education in this world support the separation of the child from itself as life - seen in the fact that we have no access to our experience of our first one to three years, just like we don't have access to our experience before or after 'life' -

therefore it is clear that the consciousness system as it exists within and without is the trap within which we lose our awareness as life and become possessed in the mind through mental, ideas, concepts and judgments based in the polarity of 'superiority'/'inferiority' and end-up completely losing touch to our oneness and equality with life, evident in the way we exist and what we accept and allow in this world AT THE COST OF LIFE.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself and my world to exist in fear/inferior to the MIND, and yet create the idea/projection/illusion that one can reach 'superiority' through and as the MIND - when in fact the mind is the very limitation we are subjected to: the self-imprisonment of life that has given-up on oneness and equality and has accessed an IDEA like i-Deus, a concept of 'God' as 'MORE', within that implicitly accepting self as 'less'/'inferior' and giving-up on who self really is as LIFE as oneness and equality.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that both the ‘superior’ and the ‘inferior’, the ‘positive’ and the ‘negative’: are concepts and projections of a mind consciousness systems that exist in separation from life as equality and oneness – a system that is bipolar in nature and thus the actual trap, within which we abdicate our value as LIFE and submit ourselves to the artificial polarity of ‘superiority’/’inferiority’, manifesting a constant competition as survival mechanism called the HUMAN RACE – instead of existing as LIFE HERE in oneness and equality: ALL as One as Equals.

I commit myself to educating myself and my world, especially the parents, in realizing how consciousness works and functions and acknowledging what we have been accepting and allowing in the world by imposing the mental onto the physical, the mind over matter - in spite of the evidence that such application causes only harm and abuse to the matter that we are, both individually and collectively as a living planet.

I commit myself to applying and sharing the tools of how to stop and forgive and let go of consciousness as the system we have trapped ourselves both within and without - so that we may set life free and establish a new way of life that will in all ways honor and support LIFE - all life equally!

I commit myself to showing how an equal money system is the only common-sense first step to be taken on our road to life as equality and oneness -
as money is currently the dictatorship on earth that exploits LIFE in the name of Profit;
where everything has become consumerism and we end-up consuming ourselves, our children and the planet through our accepted fear / inferiority and the resulting self-interest.

I commit myself to reform and recreate myself, my world and the systems we manifest to manage our existence to be aligned in the interest of LIFE in all possible ways -
to not longer accept or allow child abuse and life abuse in the name of 'love', in the name of 'fear', in the name of a consciousness that has emancipated itself to such an extent that it has evolved a life on its own: where our decisions are not based in self-honesty, common sense and actual understanding of how this reality and ourselves function, but are instead driven by fear and self-interest as the autopilot of our consciousness that has no conscience and no regard for LIFE whatsoever.

I commit myself to supporting the actual evolution of the human into a self-willed being that stands in oneness and equality as life and interacts in self-responsibility and accountability in the realization that ALL LIFE is ONE and thus we as individual parts of LIFE are EQUAL in value: and this is the principle on which we must live and coexist, to make sure that no more harm, no more abuse, no more deception, no more exploitation of LIFE is accepted or allowed -

then we can truly manifest love, peace and freedom as actual living expression of WHO WE ARE, and from that starting-point we can truly manifest a world where all life is welcome and where it is certain that each new expression of life coming into this world is supported to live to its utmost potential.

Relevant Read-Up:
Humanity is ONE Body, One LIFE

Day 101: Character 101 - The Self Imagery we Create in Self-Deception

ART by Rozelle De Lange

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that characters are created in the formative years as the child starts to form ideas and pictures of and about itself in the MIND, based on how it sees adults characterize the world and each-other as images and ideas;

and that within that, the child will start THINKING about who it is supposed to be or who it desires to be based on the super-hero imagery presented to it, thus accessing comparison and creating judgments and opinions in relation to itself in the MIND, based on the feedback it gets from parents, environment, peers.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we create ourselves as characters in the MIND because we have no clue who we really are; and instead of the parents supporting the child in getting to know itself, they support the child in becoming "something"; and in this pursuit of BECOMING: what is completely ignored is what the child IS as an expression of life, as a living being.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that to 'become' "something" - implies the creation of a construct based on a mental concept that is conceived through value-judgment, comparison and other perceptual filters that are conditioned through the world consciousness system of survival.

I forgive myself that I haven't allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by placing 'value' on becoming SOMETHING conceptualized and perceived as 'valuable', we implicitly accept that who we are HERE is not valuable, is not worthy, and that only once we BECOME "something" will we be worthy and valuable = these are also the principles based on which the consumerism systems creates 'values' for us to buy into, in our quest for 'more', 'better', 'higher' - while we completely disregard our value as life, HERE.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world where a child comes into existence with no choice but to see and accept itself as ‘inferior’ to its parents and environment, and is exposed to the adult value-judgments; and that the child will start observing what is seen as ‘inferior’ and what is seen as ‘superior’ by the adult and will from there start creating in its MIND ideas, concepts, and ways to BECOME ‘superior’ so that it may accepted and integrated in this world where it is given no other opportunity to communicate and be accepted other than conforming to the ideas, concepts and ‘values’ of the system.

Within this I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that what we create is our own accepted ‘inferiority’ and thus inevitably the endless search for ‘MORE’ in the attempt to be/become ‘superior’ – and that within that we completely disregard and deny the VALUE of LIFE.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed an existence where we see ourselves and each-other as pictures in the mind and based on that we act out different characters according to situation/context -

which implies that we do not really interact with each-other as beings of LIFE, but only as organic robots defined through value-judgments and comparison based on 'values' of the MIND that are placed before life;

and that we are not sovereign beings that live in self-honesty and common sense the actuality of reality that is HERE, but are instead split within ourselves into multiple personalities creating only disorder in our world as we exist in separation within alternate realities of the mind where self is always the 'super-hero' attempting to create a 'happy end' in the Hollywood movie of one's mind, regardless the cost for everyone and everything else.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that any and all personalities/characters created in the process of 'fitting in' to this consciousness system once born into the world: are fake characters based on accepted ‘inferiority’ and striving for ‘superiority’, thus designed to SURVIVE through competition - and not real characters as life, as physical bodies LIVING in equality and oneness through common sense in harmony with all that is here.

I commit myself to exposing the insanity of the fact that even though the value of life is equal in all, we create fake characters to hide behind; characters which we then 'evaluate' as 'superior' or 'inferior' based on images, ideas, and 'values' presented to us by the profit-based consumerism system to keep us enslaved in the mind, distracted so that we never question the insanity of this reality we have accepted and allowed as if there was no other way to exist here.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that our individual characters and the patterns of our inner existence manifest the character of the world and the patterns of our systems -

and that in order to change the character of the world and transform our system to actually support life:

we require to investigate within ourselves where and how we betray and abuse life in the name of self-interest through mental 'values' other than LIFE.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that as long as we identify with the fake characters we have created as ourselves: we will exist in fear, desire, competition, self-righteousness and justification; thinking only of ourselves and disregarding the actuality of this physical reality we all share, where 2/3 of the world is left to suffer in the name of OUR love for OUR self-interest, OUR desires, OUR addictions, OUR dreams.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that to exist as a character through the mind is equal to dreaming, trapped within an alternate reality of the mind in separation from self as life.

I commit myself to showing that to stop self from existing as characters is going to take courage, because we exist in fear to such an extent that we want/need/desire to KNOW and to DEFINE who and what we are, as only then we get a sense of 'control' or 'safety' or 'value' -

and that in the process of letting go of the fake and removing the layers of delusion, we have to be willing to be NOTHING, to simply be here, because HERE is the only 'place' where we can truly 'meet' self and get to know who we really are -

whereas through and as the mind we are in fact always projecting ourselves trying to 'get somewhere', always seeking but never really finding because we are in fact attempting to escape self, to hide from our creation, to deny our responsibility, to suppress our actual experience, to get away from HERE because obviously: in the mind anyone can create an illusion of happiness, love, light, and all the 'shiny' things that make on 'feel better for a moment... In the mind, anyone can be king - but it's not real.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that we cannot escape who we are nor deny the consequences of our creation – and that we are either going to face ourselves through self-will in self-honesty; or life will confront us with events and situations where we’ll be forced to facing ourselves and the consequences of what we accept and allow.

I commit myself to stopping myself from accessing or acting out a character the moment I become aware of a character 'becoming alive' within and as me, as an energetic reaction, a self-definition, a judgment, a thought.

I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself and others as me through the desteni I process to integrate and apply the tools of self-honesty, self-forgiveness, common sense, self-corrective application - to train ourselves in recognizing the fake and to strengthen ourselves in stopping it, until nothing remains but life as who we really are.

I commit myself to investigating all the ideas, concepts, fears and desires I have created, accepted, adopted, allowed within myself about myself - so that I, step by step, remove each and every layer of self-delusion, stop the self-deception of a mentally characterized existence, and set myself free to live as life, as a physical being standing accountable for who I am and thus taking responsibility equally for my world –

so that we may leave behind a world that will support life in fact and will enable the new children born into this world to be and become LIFE - instead of becoming fake characters in a fake world system in the name of Profit called 'love' and based on 'fear'.

I commit myself to bringing forth a new equality system for our world based on the value of life, and put an end to the consumerism system of profit that is selling us desires and fears and ‘values’ other than life – so that we may once and for all put an end to the deception, abuse and exploitation of life, and manifest an existence where LIFE is honoured and supported as the only actual value that we ALL EQUALLY share.

Watch Changing the Character of the World

Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2012

Day 100: Give One Hundred Percent for Not One Hungry Person

ART by Kelly Posey

I am writing Day 100 of my Journey to Life blogs. This has been a fascinating experience and very supportive, especially as the daily writing assists in equalizing the mind process and the physical process and eliminating procrastination, justifications, time-loops to quite an extent. Because when you write everyday it becomes ‘difficult’ to ‘lie’ to yourself, you can’t keep writing a commitment and keep on living a different reality, it doesn’t work.

So this Journey to Life process through blogging and writing daily is a great way to assist and support self in getting to self-honesty, consistency, and the living application of self-commitment. I would suggest this to everyone, and if you haven’t yet, you can now start following the JTL blogs online, there’s many people that have stood up and joined in already, a group where all of The Journey to Life blog posts are share can be found on facebook.

An awesome contribution with daily entries that will assist in understanding the process we are facing as humanity collectively within and as our creation/the world, and individually as human beings within and as the mind/consciousness: is the Blog series Creation’s Journey to Life – an educational MUST READ for self-support and inspiration!

One point I’d like to share at the moment is the point of “one hundred percent”.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that anything less than 100% self-application is self-dishonesty, as it requires excuses, justifications and the creation of thinking/back-chatting in the mind to ‘explain’ to oneself why one is not giving it one’s all –

and within this I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed an existence, a world, where we allow the suffering of more than 2/3 of life while we create excuses, justifications and reasons as to why we do nothing about it but submit to the accepted fear and mind-control that this current world-system is based on, caring only for our OWN self-interest, reacting to the world news with ‘emotions’ and ‘feelings’ in spite of the evidence that our ‘emotions’ and ‘feelings’ have no effect whatsoever on the one reality we all share; we simply create/accept/allow them in order to ‘validate’ our self-image as the character/personality we think we are in this world, to ‘feel better’ for a moment or to make ourselves believe that we care or that we are a good person while all we do is hide from the actuality of reality and deceive ourselves and everyone else.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that we’re going to have to change 100% of the current world system, and we’re going to have to stop the system within and without 100% -

because nothing of this world is acceptable as is, as the way things currently exist is based in fear and self-interest and is aligned to profit through inequality, therefore no matter how ‘benevolent’ a path may seem (like for instance ‘charity’, ‘vegan’, ‘occupy’ etc. etc.), in self-honesty one will see that even such paths do nothing but perpetuate the status quo as they do not question the system in its entirety, they do not challenge the system with a new solution that considers all life, they simply act out trends and personalities through which they give the individual the illusion of self-importance, of value, of meaning: this is EGO.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that a solution that does not include and consider 100% of life as ALL that is here at all times: is merely a ‘solution’ that serves the interests of a group, an individual, an ideology, in some way or another, and can thus not be considered as an actual solution to LIFE that will ensure the benefit of all life equally in all possible ways.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that in a system where all life is equally supported, charity would not be required – and that to ‘feel good’ through charity and to support charity as if it were a solution: simply shows the ignorance and arrogance of the ego-consciousness the human has become.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that to support charity as a solution is equal to supporting the continuation of the current system of inequality, exploitation, abuse and deception.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that it’s gonna take 100% dedication and self-commitment as life to make sure that not one person in this world is left to suffer.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world where even though the earth provides us with more than enough resources for ALL to have a dignified life, we within our existence as ego/ personalities/ characters act as if life is a game;

and we attempt to get MORE at all costs and to GAIN the ‘values’ we set for ourselves as they are presented to us by the current system of consumerism and profit that trains us to compete and WIN at the cost of those that have to lose for the system to keep running as we ‘play the game’, while we completely disregard the value of LIFE – the only actual, real value, because when one breath is suddenly your last, all fake values and concepts and ideas and delusions of grandeur you entertained yourself with pretending to be someone or to be something: are suddenly NOTHING.

I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself and my world in returning to NOTHING, by recognizing and removing all concepts, beliefs, ideas, fears and desires from the mind, so that the matrix of enslavement is disengaged and let go of and the mind is directed to its rightful function which is to be a support tool for man to make practical considerations in common sense and self-honesty – not a tool through which to deceive oneself by allowing the mind to create its own consciousness in separation from life, called EGO, which is the actual evil in this world and the reason why the world is manifest as we know it.

I commit myself to giving my 100% in every moment, not accepting or allowing myself to make excuses or justifications or deceive myself as life.

I commit myself to showing that it’s gonna take 100% application from each and every one of us to change this existence – because we are the building blocks of this world, and the relationships we create and how we interact within that resonates into the collective and gives permission for the same deception, abuse and atrocity to exist in the world in the bigger picture;
therefore I commit myself to showing that we require to purify and dignify not only ourselves but also our relationships and how we co-exist with each-other.

I commit myself to challenging myself and my world to investigate any and all inequality and abuse we witness in our world – and to then take each point back to self to look at how the same pattern exists in some form within self and how self participate within such pattern and why; to then support self to stop and forgive the patterns that drive us automatically, to exorcise the habits that inhabit us, and become the self-directive power within and as self that will stand-up and accept nothing less than 100% life, 100% dignity, 100% freedom, 100% equality for our oneness as life, that means for 100% of life: for ALL as ONE, as equals.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that in order to BE HERE 100% as accountable and responsible beings, we have to ‘stop the mind’ as the entire conditioned matrix that we’ve allowed to determine, define and dictate who we are and what we can be or not be, how the world must function and what is possible or not; to stop the entire matrix of inequality, separation and abuse – and recreate ourselves and our world as LIFE, as Oneness, as Equals, for ALL life to be dignified and free in all possible ways.

Relevant Read-Up:
Humanity is ONE Body, One LIFE

Relevant Vlog:
Journey to Life Day 100: Giving it your All - 100% Life Commitment

Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012

Day 99: Ego-Logical | How we Manifest a Disaster Ecology on Earth

ART by Marlen Vargas

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world, a society, where instead of supporting the ecosystem that sustains us in a way that would support ALL life equally including the planet: we have manifested a system of abuse and inequality that reflects our EGO – the accepted ‘human nature’ in the image and likeness of which we create the world as we know it.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that it is the HUMAN being that has made an EGO-logy out of the planet’s ecology: an EGO-logy based on the fear by which we are possessed and which we use to ‘justify’ why we exist in constant comparison, competition and conflict with each-other in the name of self-interest which we call ‘love’.

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that all concepts of ‘love’, ‘light’ and ‘divinity’ that are promoted in this world are but veils to cover-up and hide from the actuality of our existence and the fact that we exist in FEAR and self-interest –

Within this I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to see, realize and understand that if our love was real, we would be manifesting a world of love where each and every single living being is loved in fact, evident in the actual care and support provided to all equally – and that only when love is equal to LIFE in fact, in thought, word and deed: love is REAL as a living expression of who we are.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world, a society, where our love is conditioned to our OWN ego and to those that support our EGO, and that despite our proclaimed ‘love’ we let 2/3 of the world population suffer and the planet deteriorate while we whine and blame those in power for driving the planet into destruction, refusing to see that we do nothing about it but consume the ‘goods’ the consumerism system presents us with to keep us wanting, waiting, hoping, comfortably numb.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that unless we wake up from the delusions of EGO that we’ve trapped ourselves in through fear and self-interest; unless we self-realize life as equality and oneness, interconnectedness and interdependence; and unless we stand-up to work together as equals of life to bring forth what is BEST FOR ALL:
We are abdicating ourselves and the future of our world into the hands of the current system of inequality, and we will be held accountable in the face of life for not standing-up but instead accepting and allowing the atrocity in the world just because it didn’t directly affect our OWN.

I commit myself to showing that the human EGO is the actual EVIL in existence and that no other life form is possessed by greed, jealousy, vengeance and all the nasty traits that characterize the accepted ‘human nature’;
and yet the human claims ‘superiority’ and dominion on earth, but does nothing to honor and support LIFE as each-other, the animals, nature and the planet that gives us life.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that as long our the mind consciousness is based in separation, polarity, self-interest and fear: we will keep manifesting a world consciousness of separation, polarity, self-interest and fear, just like the world as we know it today.

I commit myself to showing that the mind consciousness is a product of the world system and is programmable, and that this implies that consciousness can, in self-honesty and self-will, be changed and reprogrammed into an expression that acknowledges the value of LIFE, realizes that dignity and freedom must be given to ALL equally, and ends the separation of life into mental labels of fake ‘values’ by stopping the acceptance and allowance of fear and mind-control and standing-up in dignity, integrity and self-responsibility as LIFE.

I commit myself to bring forth an existence of no masters and no slaves, where we will no longer project our responsibility to gods and saviours or the system and governments, but we’ll take it upon ourselves to save ourselves and each-other and dignify our existence as BEST FOR ALL LIFE.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that equality is the only value-principle that acknowledges the value of life, and that all hierarchies in the world are based in fear and self-interest and thus result in abuse and inequality.

I commit myself to sharing the common sense that a self-honest, common sense re-education of the human consciousness is required: to remove the controls of the conditioned consciousness and expose the brainwashing of the consumerism system of profit – so that we may break free from the chains of the current EGO-logy and find within us the WILL and the COURAGE to stand-up as equals of life and dignify our existence within and without, to never again accept or allow such separation, abuse, exploitation and deception as it currently rules on earth.

I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself and my world to realize ourselves as Earthlings and our Earth as our common mother that allows us to sustain ourselves on this planet, just like the Sun shines equally for all;
and to acknowledge that we are Here to face ourselves and our creation, and thus realize the opportunity we have at this very moment in the history of mankind: to make of our dominion on earth the best for LIFE in all possible ways by becoming custodians of life on earth for ALL THAT IS HERE to live in freedom and dignity without fear, without abuse, without struggle for survival.

I commit myself to supporting a new equality system of our world so that we may establish equilibrium for all life in earth for real and restore our ecosystem by stopping the systems of ego and replacing them with systems of actual life-support that will no longer allow abuse, exploitation, deception, separation.
Investigate the equal money system and support this first step towards dignity and freedom for ALL LIFE – because life is oneness, and equality is the living-principle that must be applied to care for and support ALL parts of our Oneness as Equals.

Relevant Read-Up:
Humanity is ONE Body, One LIFE

Relevant Vlog:
Ego, Polarity & Power-Games in the Destiny of Mankind