Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Day 520 | "SCHOOLING THE WORLD" - To what end?

I was going to use the title "The purpose of education in the world system", but I chose to make use of the title of an excellent documentary I recently watched: SCHOOLING THE WORLD - a Must-Watch!!!
I particularly liked how 'education' is placed into context within the socio-economic structures of an entire world system. After all, that is what forms the 'education' of the human being. At least, it's what 'justifies' it. 

So I just wanted to share this documentary and share some considerations here.

I've been busy many years researching and investigating 'how things work', on individual and collective level, and in particular I am interested in how Learning works. This of course has me looking at the education system and how 'learning' is introduced and applied.

Our education system carries big responsibility, and that includes parenting, schooling, and nowadays of course the social media. I mean, from an ethics perspective - shouldn't education give us at least the ability to understand the world, to function intelligently and to be good at working with others, co-operating, finding solutions? Would you blame me if I said that the social media have done better at that than our schooling and parenting systems?

The purpose of our education system has been to create system servants to serve the system, 'individually' conditioned as self-interest. Our education systems perpetuates fear, competition, and greed, and it instills the belief that win-win scenarios are hardly possible, or rare, or why bother.

See - it's interesting:
A Win-Win approach brings exactly that: win-win outcomes.
We see, don't we, that our fear approach, our divide and conquer approach, has brought only that: fear, and a living application of 'divide and conquer'. Even in the 'smallest', the individual mind exists within and as fear, dividing and conquering, balancing out imaginary scales - Imagine!

Consider something- how can it be 'normal' that the basic human rights, which is supposed to be something each one is born with - the right to life - seem to be playing-out differently for the rich than for the poor. Ever wonder to what end? Ever considered that the consequences are affecting everyone?


 Watch also:


Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE online course that will assist humanity to change the human condition and end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness. 

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Make sure to check out the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal @ the Equal Life Foundation  a HOLISTIC and PRACTICAL-SOLUTION approach to the current socio-economic condition to end the disaster of a dysfunctional capitalism.

Samstag, 13. September 2014

Day 519 | 7 Steps to Stop Disempowering Yourself

Several weeks ago I had a very interesting experience. My team of people with whom I work together in mutual support were all coincidentally not getting back to me, not answering my emails in the usual time frame. The timing couldn't have been more perfect! Life was giving me a lesson, and an opportunity to step beyond my habitual response.

See - the trigger point being that everyone wasn't getting back to me, I went into a reaction/experience of ‘feeling left alone’, ‘feeling abandoned’ and like ‘nobody cares’.

Within accepting such energetic charges within myself and the corresponding thoughts, what was in fact happening is that I was shifting my focus and attention from ME HERE to ‘them’, and within this I was going into a mode of self-victimization along with shifting responsibility, thus blaming ‘them’ for how I was experiencing myself.

Now this didn’t happen immediately, I was in fact seeing how such thoughts and inner experiences were problematic, but instead of directing them/myself immediately, I would tell myself in my mind that “it’s okay” and “things are not like they seem” and “I'm sure they'll get back to me soon”, but at the same time I was suppressing my inner experience – until one day I woke up and burst right into tears, lol. That is when I realized and decided: Alright now, enough is enough, let me direct this point.

What I then found is quite simplistic, and yet through ‘trapping myself in my mind’ and trying to ‘overcome’ the experience by suppressing it I had created a time loop that made the ‘problem’ seem bigger than it is and kept me from getting to a solution that would empower me and allow me to move forward.

See – throughout that time, I was focusing more on what I CANNOT do due to not receiving the feedback, and forgot all about what I was ABLE to do in the meantime. Which (apart from the obvious work-related points) would be first of all to take self-responsibility for my emotional experience and stop my reaction of self-victimization, stop disempowering myself.

That point of disempowerment in itself is quite a bizarre manifestation as it in entails in fact a point of self-manipulation and self-sabotage. And why? Just because it's apparently easier for us to blame it on others than to take self-responsibility. That is part of the human condition. See, I was the one keeping myself in that state, I was the one deciding what to focus my attention on, I was the one differing responsibility – I was the one disempowering myself!

Once I had enough of the shit and decided to move myself to resolve this point and regain my power – the matter was quite simplistic.

So here are 7 steps to STOP disempowering yourself:

  1. Take a breath, and focus on breathing – this is your real space-time reality
  2. Shift your focus from ‘them’ to ME HERE
  3. Stop feeling sorry for yourself
  4. Stop any comparison that you may entertain within yourself
  5. Investigate how you create and/or perpetuate your negative experience – write it and right it!
  6. Focus on what you CAN do – and do it!
  7. Commit yourself to walking through your fears and limitations

Like any advice, it is what you make it. It's not about where it will take you, it's about where you will take yourself! You decide to what depth you take these simple instructions. I would suggest: Own them!

For example, you can write out in detail all thoughts and inner conversations, all excuses and justifications that come up in your mind – all those ‘voices in your head’ trying to ‘explain’ to you why you are right!

See – those are the very ego-mechanisms that ensure we remain limited and inferior, stuck in our own ‘knowledge box’ and inviting in our lives only those who are willing to pat us on the shoulder. Misery loves company. Like attracts like. So stop belittling yourself and rather commit yourself to exploring and expressing your utmost potential.

Furthermore, you can investigate your fears. Write them out and do a reality check – you will find that most of your fears are irrational. Seeing this is a cool wake-up call, and you can in one moment make a decision to let an irrational fear go. If you find pragmatic reasons for a certain fear within you – move yourself to pragmatic steps, eg. enhance your abilities and qualifications. Again: focus on what you can do and take a step-by-step approach to doing it!

You can further investigate where and how you keep holding on to a perception of lack within yourself and how you justify such limitations. Write it all out! See – if you keep things in your mind they tend to merely cycle and re-cycle, over and over again. If you write them out, you can give them direction and move yourself toward Change. The trick within this, is to write in self honesty. Dare to be ‘brutally honest’ with yourself and remember to always bring each point ‘back to self’ – by asking yourself How am I creating this, and how can I take self responsibility?

See – an interesting point within our social conditioning is that we hardly ever learn that responsibility equals power. Instead, we are taught and conditioned to fear responsibility, to avoid it at all cost, to define our freedom in separation from our own reality context. Personal freedom and power is not to be found out there somewhere or on some faraway island where we imagine ourselves sipping on our favorite cocktail. Honestly, even with the things you enjoy most – do the rational reality check: How long can you sit there sipping on your favorite cocktail before you’ve had enough of it?!

So – find the points of responsibility within your own life and your world/reality, embrace them, and stand up to regain your power – live your freedom within who you are and how you conduct yourself in every little moment. No longer am I accepting and allowing myself to disempower myself!

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE online course that will assist humanity to change the human condition and end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness. 

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Make sure to check out the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal @ the Equal Life Foundation  a HOLISTIC and PRACTICAL-SOLUTION approach to the current socio-economic condition to end the disaster of a dysfunctional capitalism.

Day 518 | Hierarchy Creates a Destructive Force Within the Psyche

How does Hierarchy create a destructive force within the psyche - be it the psyche of an animal, a human, or society as a whole?
This short documentary (9 minutes) says it all! When I watched this, I was astounded to see how it took Baboons a few months only to fundamentally CHANGE their CODE of conduct, and those that brought forth and established the change were not even the superior ones, they were not even the original ‘leaders’.

When looking at the human society, what we can see in relation to hierarchy is how it is both the beginning and the end (cause and effect) of exploitation, abuse, manipulation, and a ‘winner takes all’ mentality wherein self-interest prevails and is in essence the driving force behind all individual and collective movement.
The current human condition is based on hierarchical structures within as without; and we can all see the destructive nature this condition exists as. It is a disease, a cancer, a parasite.

Now - the Baboons group in this video were faced with ONE calamity, one catastrophic event which they in fact LEARNED from, directly, immediately, and made the decision for a CHANGE which they could see was ‘best for all’.

Looking at the human society, we are facing calamity after calamity, war after war, crisis after crisis, and yet the human condition indicates that we are not yet truly learning from history, or at least: that we allow our FEAR and conditioning to be stronger than our awareness of the necessity for change. How much more destruction do we need, before we realize that unless we want to head towards self destruction, we must abandon the path we have taken as humanity and find truly NEW WAYS to live and co-exist on this ONE PLANET.

I mean, what would have happened if this Baboons group succumbed to fear the moment a new group with large, bullying alpha-males arrived? You got it, their fate would've turned back to what it used to be, with all the oppression and stress that a hierarchic code brings along. But they didn't succumb to fear. They didn't just accept their fate. They LEARNED from their own history and decided to CREATE their own DESTINY.
Instead of submitting and succumbing to the new alpha-males that arrived, they patiently and consistently showed the newcomers that “we will not play this game any longer! Keep your hands to yourself, we don't do this anymore here, we respect everyone equally and this is our new way of living together, check it out!” It took the newcomer group 6 months (!) to adapt to this new code of conduct and integrate themselves as equals.

We are looking at a new form of leadership here. Leadership - because that's what it took for the Baboons to establish their preferred code of conduct and pass it on to a group of newcomers who would never have imagined such society is possible or even desirable. But they went beyond leadership in the conservative sense - they did not use violence, they did not use domination, they did not use that which they set to abolish from their society.

Now - looking again at the human society, it's interesting how the word Hierarchy sounds like ‘Higher Key’… And we all know/see: the higher you are on the hierarchy of ‘power and control’, the bigger your ‘key’ is with which you can unlock the ‘goods of the gods’ like money, status, security, etc.
So basically we could say that in the current system Hierarchy is the key to ‘divide and conquer’, the key to exploit and abuse, the key to manipulate and control.
We will find this trait not only in the bigger scale of the world system, but in the smallest of human relations. And this is exactly the point that’s vital for each of us to look into and investigate, to begin with, as that is where we each can start changing the code.

After all, you and me – we are the building blocks of society, we are the building blocks of the system, we are the image and likeness that we see reflected in the world ‘out there’. And surely, it is not far fetched to see and realize that a society with a code of conduct that is 'best for all' conduct is what is equally best for me and you, as we are equally part of the whole.

The Baboons (in itself quite an aggressive and selfish species, not unlike the human) are showing us in this short video that we can go beyond leadership as it is defined within a system of fear and control; that we can go beyond revolution as equal to violence; that we can go beyond evolution as equal to mutation without awareness; and that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.
But we have to WILL it, we have to move beyond our conditioned limitations, beyond our petty fears and selfishness, and find within ourselves that which is truly supportive of LIFE, as who we all really are.

The spark of life is in us all, but we have to nurture and cultivate it; birth it into existence for real – practically, visibly so. That is our responsibility as human beings, as HUMANITY. In the name of LIFE.

Relevant blog post to read:

If our Cells were like humans We’d All be Dead

If our Cells were like humans We’d All be Dead

Make sure to check out the Living Income Guaranteed Proposal @ the Equal Life Foundation  a HOLISTIC and PRACTICAL-SOLUTION approach to the current socio-economic condition to end the disaster of a dysfunctional capitalism.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE online course that will assist humanity to change the human condition and end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness. 

You may be interested in the daily process blogs that people from around the world share, check it out:

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