Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2013

Day 489 | Life is a Gift – So what is Living? On ForGiving & Creation

If Life is a Gift, wouldn’t that mean that Living is Giving?

But have a look at the world system (and within that the money system) that we’ve manifested: we are Living a definition of life as ‘getting’ – “what do I get out of it?” is the question everybody asks within themselves.
How do I survive, how do I get ‘more’, how do I ‘increase in value’ – whatever the value(s) may be that one has determined for oneself throughout one’s life in the current system. 
But do we really GIVE to ourselves and each other?
Do we really LIVE the value of LIFE?

How come it is not seen, not lived, not applied, that the value of life is life; that life cannot increase in value by systems of winning and losing, power games of superiority and inferiority, authority and control conflicts, the conflict of interests in essence. 
How can LIFE have a conflict of interests? Are we not all life? Do we not all breathe the same air and share the same requirements for survival? Or are we perhaps not life as such? Are we perhaps just systems within a system, organic robots set to survival mode?
But then – who is winning? Obviously the ‘best’ systems within the system and therefore: the System itself.
Has the system then hijacked life? And who are WE within it all?

So here we are, in a world where life is defined within Getting, Achieving, Gaining, Attaining, Winning – we fly to the moon and we investigate Mars, but what about Earth, this One Planet that sustains us all, this One reality we all share.
And what is there to ‘get’ in this current system? Sure, there is the ‘life security’ money gets you, there is the chances education gets you, there is the benefits that friends in high places get you. So there’s interest to get, there’s influence, there’s status, but not for all.
So is there real power in this world? Or is it just the power to abuse and exploit? And are we not playing the same superiority-inferiority game throughout all levels and aspects of our existence? Are we not letting the same polarity constructs of ‘power’ and ‘value’ rule our internal reality as they rule our external world? What forms your nature, your personalities, your reactions? Did you, yourself, to the minutest detail and timing and in absolute understanding and seeing, make the decision to be who and how you are? And does everyone have the same freedom of choice?

Is our ‘free will’ then merely the freedom to abuse, to exploit, to manipulate – matters in which we become more and more meticulous, in the name of survival? Is this the grand evolution of consciousness? If so, then our consciousness is not equal to life, it is equal to self-interest and separation, it is equal to survival and thus also fear, regardless how we try and veil the truth with shiny colors and mental definitions of benevolence, of love, of charity, as we project alternate realities within which we hide with the motto ‘ignorance is bliss’.
And yet despite all our projections and lovey dovey delusions, the evolution of this consciousness that currently drives our existence has been progressing towards/as evil – in spite of all our ideas of dignity, freedom, and peace.

What have we missed as humanity, when the very defining foundation of our identity – HUMANITY – has been robbed of all content, all meaning, and all value.
The current space time allocation of humanity is certainly a road that leads to an end. Consciousness is peaking, our reality is becoming more and more unpredictable, the system is more and more being exposed and revealed, the illusion that holds everything and everyone ‘in place’ is breaking down and we are facing the manifested consequences, internally and externally, individually and collectively.

The question is – what is it that is going to end? And who is it that decides?
The way I see it is that we are either going to let ‘fate’ and the entire preprogramming ‘take its course’, individually and collectively, which is obviously leading us to self-destruction in which case life will go on without humanity; or we are going to give ourselves the reality as is, with all its systems and all its flaws, get to know it, understand it, and take responsibility – be the ones that make the decision to ‘take course’ and lead ourselves and each other into a reformed existence that is truly worthy of being here as HUMANITY, and one that is no longer a threat to itself.

It’s interesting we do not see the obvious common sense that –
You literally Get what you Give
And thus since none of us is truly giving life, in the name of life, with life as the value; since we have all in one way or another abused, manipulated, deceived ourselves and each-other –
Is it a wonder that our world and existence is the fallacy and atrocity that it is?
And is it not common sense that it is only through forgiveness that we’d ever be able to make a new start, reform our existence, transform our reality;
Have a look at how we always look for someone or something to blame...

ART by Kelly Posey

But what IS forgiveness? What is forgiveness but the absolute insight and understanding, within which one can truly ‘learn a lesson’ and thus then ‘let go’ of that ‘past’, let go of blame, and truly change.
By such application, one would in a similar context in the future be able to live the ‘correction’, the solution, the new direction for creation of the particular point/aspect/relationship/situation.
It’s time we human beings, and our existence as humanity, start to learn from the past = which would imply start to change, practically, physically, for real, in the interest of LIFE – the only way to set the future free and manifest HUMANITY, enabling for ALL a Living world, a real opportunity for ALL to live, express, expand. Then we will be seeing real progress, then we will be seeing the evolution of life and not of the system, the birthing of life into the physical. We’ve got to GIVE it to ourselves, and GIVE it to each-other, we’ve got to GIVE life to BE life. We’ve got to LEARN how to LIVE. We’ve got to self-for-give and let go of our delusions, our fears and hopes, and get real.

I am an Earthling. We are all Earthlings here, on this one planet, breathing the same air. Solutions for our existence are simplistic. All it takes is getting to common sense and GIVING it – LIVING it.
This world is a result of our existence. We are the building blocks of the system. We are what makes up Humanity. We reap what we saw. It is pointless to point fingers. We are all equally responsible. What we CAN do is educate ourselves, remove the veils of the system, and saw a seed of LIFE.
Do you CARE for real?
Join us:

Check out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation - a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All.

Check out the Living Income Guaranteed with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

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ART by Matti Freeman

Donnerstag, 26. Dezember 2013

Day 488 | What was first, the System or the Human

I agree.
And remember, Profit and Fear are no justifications. In fact, there is no justification for the current state of affairs in our world except perhaps one: the human being cannot be trusted.

Because we exist in tunnel visioned self-interest. Because no self-trust exists, no self-honesty, no integrity, no life awareness - only system awareness, in fear of survival. Because we place value in things other than life which we hold dear as if they were 'more than' life. We seem unable to place ourselves in the shoes of another for real.


The courage to face ourselves and our creation and find practical solutions. The courage to let go of fear and separation. The courage to stand for life and realize common sense. The courage to take responsibility and work together until life is free and the value of life is in fact honored in all ways and all systems.

Let us not give the current system what it's looking for. Let us no longer hold on to fear and separation. Let us also not judge or fight it, but rather understand it as our creation, as the externalization of our nature, our participation, our relationships.
Let us grow beyond our self-interest and expand ourselves as life in common sense. After all, we all breathe the same air and it's the same physical substance that sustains us all. Let's create a world that is like the sun: shining for all equally. 

We are creating the world in every moment with every breath already. See where it got us. So unless we change ourselves and the nature of HUMANITY to be worth its definition, we won't be seeing the change we all wanna see in our world.

We find ourselves as humanity in a peculiar situation - if we look at history we'll see that the system creates the human in such a way that the human recreates the System. 
That means we are born and 'educated' to become systems that keep the System running regardless our 'status' or participation within it.
Which also means that unless we change ourselves, and change the system so that the system create sensible human beings that can be trusted with life - the world will not change.
Obviously to do that we must first understand the system as ourselves, human beings.

We must ask ourselves - where is the authority of the people? Where is the voice of life? Or are we just playing our part in the hierarchy game, caring for nothing but our self-interest as ego?

How stupid are we human beings? Look at our manifested definitions of power, look at our definitions of authority - where is the honor and respect for LIFE within that?

What was first, the System or the Human - This is in fact the question of: who or what creates this world?

What defines the System? Nothing else but the relationships of everything to everything - how we each individually and together live our lives and participate in this world, the invisible 'rules' we follow, the judgments we hold, the separations we submerge ourselves to, what we place value in.
As within, so without. As above, so below.
What are really the 'rules' we have subjected our existence to? 

Why is this question not being investigated in detail in this world?!
It's time to take responsibility as creators of this world / system /reality.

To stop the terrorism that has become our everyday definition of 'life' and 'living' through a world system that places profit before life, investigate and support the Equal Life Foundation and our proposal for a Living Income Guaranteed. Together as life we can transform the current life-exploitation system of profit into a win-win life-support system for Earth, for Mankind, for all of us as LIFE. 


Check out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation - a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All.

Check out the Living Income Guaranteed with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Blogs to Study:

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Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2013

(487) DAY W: Jesus vs Financial Terrorism

from: DAWN - Democracy Against War Now

Jesus Christ in the last year of his life uses physical force to throw the money changers out of the temple. This was the only time during the life of his ministry in which he used physical force against anyone.

I was about to call this day Day MX –

‘MX’ standing for “Merry Xmas” as well as for the Choice of Man(kind) (‘X’ for choice as in ‘crossroads’, ‘M’ for Mankind)

Given the illusion of ‘choice’ served to us by the System, fascinatingly enough Man is not realizing the only actual choice:
to stand for life / equality / oneness and live real self creation, OR to continue following the ways of the system / separation / polarity and live real self destruction.

Fascinatingly enough Man creates real destruction on Earth through a mind consciousness that is not necessarily real – it rather exists in alternate realities of imagination. serving self-interest.
Well, it is real from the perspective that it’s what we, Mankind, has become; it is real from the perspective of how we perceive ourselves, others, the world and the beliefs we hold dear; it is real in terms of our experience; Yet from the perspective of the Value-System on which it is based, a value-system of separation and polarity, it is not real, meaning: it is not in direct relation to our reality as an intelligent species of Earth; it is made-up, it is constructed, it is imposed to divide and conquer, to exploit LIFE in the name of PROFIT.
Why are we doing this to ourselves and each-other? Are we not life?

So I ended up calling this day Day W –

W being the symbol for Mankind ‘standing on their heads’, instead of standing on their own two feet, in self-honesty, in common sense.
Standing on their heads meaning: Placing value and following the rules of the mind (self-interest /ego), the rules of the system (profit /money), the rules of separation, the polarities of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ –
instead of seeing and realizing the VALUE of life and then actually asking the question: how do we create our world to in fact value life, to in fact honor life, to in fact support and enhance life, for ALL as One

W being also the Symbol of ‘ManKind’ in reverse – thus ManEvil. Man as DeManned, thus Man as Demon sucking the life out of life for his own ‘benefit’. Man as the destroyer of life, not the sustainer of life.
Everything is in reverse.
And out of Jesus we made that which he himself never stood for: a way to separation, to fear, to hate, to self-interest and destruction, to the degradation of life itself.

So on this “Christmas Day”, I say 
hey Jesus,
may you be born in every man and woman and child of this earth - so that we may love our neighbor and do unto another as we would have liked done unto ourselves - so that we may stand as life and walk as life and be life and give and receive life - so that ALL LIFE may LIVE in oneness and equality as LIFE – 

To stop the financial terrorism that has become our world system by placing profit before life, investigate and support the Equal Life Foundation and our proposal for a Living Income Guaranteed and a transformation of Capitalism into a win-win life support system for Earth, for Mankind, for all of us as LIFE.

Check out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation - a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All.

Check out the Living Income Guaranteed with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Blogs to Study:

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(486) Day Z | Zero-Point and the Diffusion of Polarity

ART by Matti Freeman

These days I looked at the ‘zero-point’ from an interesting perspective.

I looked at zero-point as the ‘blank-slate’ – the starting-point, the beginning.
But what does that mean?
The answer I found to this question was – I looked at the point of real-time, and saw that, if we human beings walk/apply self-honesty in every moment with every breath, and utilize the tools of self-forgiveness and self-corrective application in real-time, we are literally ‘purifying’ every moment with every breath in real-time, walking/living the actuality of REALITY as we see best;
No more holding on to judgments, to fear, to emotional and mental reactions, to energetic moods and belief-systems; no more making ourselves ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ in our minds, no more blame, no more projections;

Instead: Self-responsibility.

Self-forgiveness being the seeing, realizing, understanding and letting-go of a construct, a system, a belief, a polarity, any lack of common sense or misaligned equilibrium;
Letting-go of the separation, letting-go of the polarity*;
That is the DEATH of the ‘past’, the ‘system’, the ‘status quo’, the polarity world, the power games.

From here, from self-forgiveness of the ‘problem’ (which in this world- and consciousness-system is mostly a matter of a skewed value-system) will emerge the ‘solution’, which is then the re-alignment, the correction, the ‘Placing the Value back into Life’;
thus re-birthing ourselves in that one moment and being the one to give a common sense direction to What Is Here (even if it’s just about correcting/aligning ourselves and our own behavior and participation).
That is the BIRTH of SELF as the FREE WILL to do what’s BEST for LIFE – in self-awareness as life;

Thus in every moment the opportunity of self-determination as to the self-expression / self-movement to be self-willed and lived/shared in a here moment, in real-time.
To LIVE without regret, without limitation, without the ‘past’, the ‘system’, the conditioned consciousness determining the future, because SELF is HERE in awareness as LIFE in every moment with every breath.
Oneness and Equality begins with Self. Self is the origin, even of the current system, the world as we know it.

So, birth and death, death and birth in every moment – facing ourselves in every moment and seizing the moment to make a clear decision about ‘who we are’ to from here give the best possible direction – 

Would that perhaps be the key to ‘transcending death’?

How do we REAL-eyes ourselves as life? How do we make ourselves real beyond our preprogrammed projections, beyond the holographic illusions and skewed value systems of the accepted and conditioned consciousness/system within and without?

We have to literally, breath by breath, moment by moment, walk ourselves out of the patterns of fear and limitation, out of the polarity of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’; and into a living awareness as LIFE, with LIFE as the VALUE, as equality and oneness
To self-realize life, as a LIVING BEING in integrity, a LIVING BEING that is truly here, in consideration of What Is Here as ourselves and each-other and this physical universe that sustains us.

on *Polarity : Do a search on my blog site using the search button

by Anna Brix Thomsen

There is support in the process of self-honesty and self-awareness as life.

Check out the Desteni I Process Lite – FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Check out the Living Income Guaranteed with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation - a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All.

Blogs to Study:

You may be interested in the daily process blogs that people from around the world share, check it out:

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For support and participation see the desteniIprocess

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